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The Big Bang Theory: The Proposal Proposal
Episode 1, Season 11

A lovely episode
There are interesting developments in this episode, for which I have expected for quite a few months now. I love to see how the characters have evolved over time, and that the story line emphasises these changes clearly as to not leave us bewildered. Many viewers expect the characters to stay exactly the same as before, while the story line has to be always new, and surprising, and such. That's rather an impossible thing to achieve since the characters have to evolve with the story line in order for them to fit into the current time-line. Take Sheldon and Amy for example, if they had stayed super nerdy as before, we would have never seen her be madly in love with him and him proposing to her (which would be part of a perfect ending that I'd love to see this show come to). If Howard never grew up and became mature, it'd be catastrophic for him to have a second child. The story line is very well written and makes me feel like I'm part of this show, with the evolution of the characters feels like my own emotional growth. Love this show and I hope to see better developments later on!

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