
IMDb member since May 2013
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    11 years


2Go Mad in Norfolk

A very well-paced series
Andy Blithe and Nick Elliott, the odd couple, venture out into the wild English countryside and visit various characters in certain locations. This should be something that should be on Amazon Prime Video. These two are funny and I'm glad they've got their own show. My favourite episode has to be the medieval one, especially when they have to combat each other with the heavy armour. Very funny. I'm also quite impressed with the fact that it's also documented by Blithe and Elliott. Clever when you think about it. Aware they had the odd cameraman or camerawoman on episodes but regardless worth the watch!


For a low budget film this ain't bad
Enough with the negative reviews. Why can't people be positive about hard work that goes into low budget filmmaking with hardly any resources? Chris Bell does an amazing performance as serial killer Simon West, and the rest of the cast was good too. I guess the main female lead wasn't perfect but again, what can you do?

Brimstone Creek Rd

Loving every second of it
This was so well made. Michael looked amazing in his cameo and the shots were astounding.

Spider-Man 2: Another World

A well made Spider Man fanfilm
Well done to Joe Lever and his team. I'm a big spider-man fan and thought this was well put together. Terrific work. Hope there's another one!

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