
IMDb member since December 2004
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    19 years


The Benchwarmers

I expected less.
I attended The Benchwarmers yesterday just fresh out of a hot box expecting a movie full of baseballs to the face and lots of "DERP" humour. For those of you that aren't familiar with "DERP" humour, it's when in a movie a character gets hit in the head over and over again with something just to get cheap laughs. It can also be associated with Rob Schneider and David Spade movies when they just play some half-assed character for 90 minutes every year. But no, this movie was different.

Rob Schneider didn't play the bumbling idiot that we have all grown to hate, instead he played a strong, tough, short guy that has an extremely hot wife that wants to have kids right away. David Spade plays the nerd that thinks he's got a way with the ladies, and the guy from Napoleon Dynamite plays....Napoleon Dynamite, with a helmet on, during the whole freaking movie. Movie had some great long running gags and pranks that made the car ride home an enjoyable one. Of course the movie had kids getting farted on, David Spade getting hit in the head with the ball, Napoleon Dynamite throwing a bat at stuff and the usual elements that make Happy Madison productions pretty useless, but all-in-all it was a decent flick.

On the Wal-mart bargain bin scale of $1.99-19.99, I'd pay $6.88 for it, on VHS.

The Parent 'Hood

Robert Townsend think's he's god.
Robert Townsend, the star, director, Writer, producer and creator of The Parent 'Hood tries to make himself seem like he's a saint.

I've only seen a few episodes of this show, but I can already put together this review: The show isn't laugh out loud funny, but its harmless. It's on very very late (at about 530 am) on TBS. If I'm up or can't sleep I put on this show. From what I've seen it seems to be about the Peterson family taking in TK (Tyrone Burton) and their day to day life of having an ex-gang-banger living in the house. Sounds funny, doesn't it? The jokes are usually pretty generic and usually pretty lame. One episode I saw was when the young boy (I don't know his name) tried out for the hockey team. He was the best there but the white coach didn't let him on the team. He did some snooping around the coach told him to try out for basketball because its more suited to his "people". The kid flipped out and told the coach that wasn't right. I saw it coming and wasn't very impressed in the ending.

Overall the show isn't as good as Seinfeld, but it's better than Everybody Loves Raymond.


That's Funny

That's Not Funny
This has got to be one of the worst shows ever. The clips look like they were shot in the 70's, the voice overs all sound the same, the host isn't charming, the crowd looks like they were forced into being there.

The clips sometimes take place in a mall, where they (I think) have people come and try to do "hilarious stunts". These stunts are usually just people burping or popping there eyes out. Just horrible... The host tells the same old jokes over and over again, but seems to think they're insanely funny. I don't know the guy who does the voice overs is, but he should get another job, all the voices sound the same!


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