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From any perpective, it is bad
It might have been wrong from me to expect a similar approach to a tv show i used to like. But this retelling as they call it just picked up the worst parts of the original and made a terrible show.

If we compare this to the original this is terrible, it is not as fun, actors are not as good and original, and characters are terribly designed. They took modern-day propagandas and originals main characteristics of the main characters, and just blasted them to extreme which is terrible and unfitting.

If we look at it as a new separate project. It is bad since characters are unreal, actors are inadequate for the roles they play, and story has bunch of flaws. Especially the characters being created so unreal and unfair to extent that it is unwatchable. This seems like a cartoon design. It can not be expected to believe this actors, the way they play their roles would possibly exist in real world.

Even fantasy and sci fi characters are more real than these. I more believe in existance of Rambo than Will.


Best DC stuff lately
Love it! Couldnt have imagined John Cena could play a character so good, he is just perfect for this!

Such a refreshment coming from dc, since most of their late works were new age woke type of garbage collection shows. Finally a proper superhero show that adult can have a joy and laugh watching.


Not for me
Storyline, events, acting, dialogs, expressions are very childish and unrealistic, very "cringy" in terms of their language used.

I dont see how this can appeal to people over 16 years old. And as I am one of those I can not rate it any higher.

Such a poor DC tv series, unfortunatelly they got us used to it.

This remainds me of High school musical and similar movies that half of the teenagers already think they outgrew.

If you are into that Nickeleodeon-esque type of shows. Go for it! If you consider yourself both an adult and fantasy lover then dont.

The Matrix Resurrections

Bad and boring,... and pointless
I haven't seen the first trilogy, but i have seen scenes and read about it and was familiar with the most famouse events from the original trilogy.

I would definitely suggest to first watch the older 3 movies. This way it is too abstract and you cant really get into it all so it makes it a bit boring.

Movie throughout is bad, there are some quite badly done fighting scenes, the fantasy in the movie does not really no the limits, at least they are not understandable for the person watching it the first time. Characters visual and behavioural patterns are childish and too "modern" in my opinion.

From what I know of original Matrix trilogy, and from what i saw in this movie. This movie seems like a storyless remake, the idea of the producers seems like they only wanted to awake the nostalgia in prior fans by giving them a new movie with the most popular scenes and events from earlier movies. So it is just lets introduce this and that back, and make fans think oh yeah the red pill blue pill, oh yeaeh dodging bullets, ... it is even emphasized by older scenes apearing often. With that in mind making this movie is pointless, i should have better watched this originals.

Pourris gâtés

Lovely movie
This movie is what you would expect to see, in a positive way. It is something new, not the most usual storyline you can find.

Downs to this movie are some weird parts of plot. They are really unrealistic. Also personally, the length of certain events in the movies are badly divided. I would have like some parts and events to be more details and with more stories to reflect the current state.

It seems to me as big part of the story, maybe the key part lasted quite short.

It has its ups and downs of course, but in the end it is a good movie to check, it will probably be worth the time.

Venom: Let There Be Carnage

Not much to go for, but keeps you focused
I will keep it short.

There is no much of story there, IMO, but still for 1h37min, it kept me focused on the movie.

Basically if you have nothing else to do it is a great option to watch, otherwise do the other thing.

This movie is in no way memorable, it is so average and usual and "already seen".


I still prefer story over CGI
Missing stars are due to lack of story, given stars are due to great CGI, good acting, very enjoyable view throught the movie.

I can not give more stars when this story plot should actually been comprised to a 1h movie top. There is just so few quality events. This is supposed to be an action at the end of the day.

CGI, sound effects, acting supposedly was quite good if from the actors that i dont find of quality usually.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Just another Marvel movie
In no way, this marvel movie differs from what they are creating lately. Great CGI, little of any story, some randomly placed jokes that are mostly not at all funny, bunch of random action and fantasy with no limitations to its imagination.

Jokes by Awkwafina are terrible, I find her extremely unpleasent to watch, like kevin hart i find it so forced and unnatural, jokes are terrible and not at all suited for the moment. Unnecesearily taking the focus of the plot.

Story plot is so basic, when you look back at what happened in the movie, yeah, nothing much happens really, it is like 3 proper events and rest is just to prolong the movie for no reason.

Things that happen action wise in the movie, arent quite connected and I often got a feeling something happens out of nowhere, it can be predicted always, but still it is not logical for it to happen actually, it is just that to plot is so obvious that you know such illogical action will happen.

And personal touch to it, I prefer when fantasy has its limitations as well, when you know what characters are capable of in that fantasy world, I really dont like when all of sudden some character pulls of superpower move or some other capability that was never earlier mentioned or done, and that move just changes everything makes him beat everyone.


Classic modern hollywood
There are two ways modern Hollywood movies and shows can be produced to earn more. Either to succeed in Chinese market or to put modern neo-liberal movements. So they decided, as do most superhero film makers, go for a female superhero story. However since that is nothing special nowadays, they made her homosexual, that is 2 for 1. Next step will be making the hero black female homosexual.

Basically that is everything this show offers to its audience. The plot, characters, acting, directing it is all terrible! Positive reviews, I've read, on the internet, focus only on how it helps the LGBTQ superheroes spread. If it keeps on, to quality superhero characters, based on their sexual preference and gender, I will be giving up on my favourite genre. I wouldn't suggest anyone to watch it, not even to see why it is so bad. Hopefully. this will be the rock-bottom, and film makers will once again start producing shows for their story plot and quality production, not for the marketing tricks.


Not a single positive side!
As I haven't read anywhere that reboot is being made, it was quite a delight once I've stumbled upon it. However, seeing the ratings, I knew something was off with this reboot, yet I gave it a chance. What a terrible decision it was! After watching the first two episodes, I came to check the reviews on this show. When I figured out I might write one as well, I tried to search for any positive detail I can. Just to conclude that isn't any. Nothing about this reboot is worthy of the time spent watching it. Acting is terrible, AV effects are even worse. Dialogues are weird, bad and boring. The "subtle" political agenda to a reboot is cringe-worthy. I am definitely not going to watch this show further, but rather I am going to check some original episodes, just to wash this out off my memory.

Cobra Kai

This is subjective review.
I want to start this review straight forward, no circumlocution. I didn't like this TV show - at all. And I think it is quite overrated. Reading other reviews makes me wonder even more as to how come I disagree with others so much. So let me begin with the reasons: Firstly I've read that acting is good - It is not at all good, in my opinion it is below average. It is youtube-red's first project, so they had to put good money behind it as the idea's success largely depends on it, but if this acting is what they got then I think they should feel cheated. Emotions and fights are poorly acted, except for rare shines by some of the cast members. Secondly, I've found it way to similar to the original movie it was based on. For me, only good part of the movie was the way they twisted the original movie plot, as to change the rolls of good and bad guy, or at least to show that there are two sides to every story. But otherwise, movie's plot was simple, copied and predictable. I mean come on, who wouldn't expect such ending. Nothing new was added, no plot was improved, nothing, nothing, nothing... Then, the way that they tried to complicate the plot is terrible, They have basically only tried to change everyone's personality. If you seem good you will become bad. If you seem bad then you will become good. That is all. Oh and that cheap cliffhanger at the end... Not necessary to comment. I don't know, this just doesn't do it for me. It can't satisfy me to make such a fast, cheap tv-show. I could never give it rating higher than 5 stars, and even that is generous.


Basic and predictable
I will keep it as simple as this movie is. It is a classic, basic teen high school comedy. If it can be called comedy since it has no humor throughout the whole movie. It has all the classics: bitchy queen of school, superstar athlete, nerdy girl turning out to be prettiest girl and her nerdier friend that is in love with her. Only thing that I didn't predict was the gay moment, but it was my mistake, it is 2017, and well, you need something pro-LGBTQ to get better critics. So to conclude, I have no idea as why I've watched this movie other than the extreme boredom. I got what I expected, a very, very bad movie.

The Little Hours

What was the point of this movie?
I started watching this movie without even checking out who the actors, directors or even what the plot is.And this is very personal review I am writing due to my dissatisfaction. I haven't laughed throughout this movie once, it is not at all funny. But hey, it isn't even the worst part about it. I just don't see the point of this movie, the reason to film it! Plot is terrible, to be exact, there is no meaningful plot. Acting is well as good as it can be with this cast. To me this movie is only made to mock religion and religious people. I would definitely skip this one, personally would advise against watching it. I don't understand how are its rating higher then lets say 5 stars maximum.

Dirty Grandpa

Whom was their targeted audience?
This movie is terrible from the beginning to the end. It fails in direction, script, it is not at all funny. They went for a somewhat of sexual and black humor, which neither really succeeded. It felt like I heard all the jokes and I've seen all of the scenes already, even thou it was the first time watching it. As I've summarized, I don't understand whom they targeted to watch their movie? It can't be the under 16 population due to the type of humor, it can't be serious adults, and I highly doubt any teenager, student or anyone with basic intelligence could like this bunch of scenes. But it doesn't surprise me, modern cinematography created much worse things than this, pop culture is ruining more than just the movies. What surprises me is that Robert De Niro actually starred in this movie. I really admired his work especially as The Godfather is my ultimate #1. But lately his movie choices are quite questionable.

To conclude, you probably already know if it is worth watching it. I would definitely suggest not to waste your time, but there always is someone that like the movie no matter how bad it might be. I knew what I was up for before I've started watched it, and I knew what my review will look like. But still, I gave it a shot, part of being bored and part of having lack of good movies to watch, however if you are in the similar situation, don't do as I did, try to catch some other movie or whatever else you can think of.

Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates

Classic pop comedy
This seems to be a standard for modern comedy: good-looking cast, forced jokes and terrible acting. This seems to have been written and scripted in 2 hours at best. I haven't laughed once. Jokes are classic, modern, everything but funny jokes. They attempt a joke every single scene. Jokes are being forced into the dialog. Continuous usage of similar jokes in the same scenes are failure as well. Acting is pretty terrible, I mean comedies have never been known for a top notch acting, but still this is just rubbish. It seems like modern comedy actors are chosen only by their looks. To conclude, I would never suggest someone to check this movie, it is the worst thing ever. Classic piece of commercial society.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales

It made me nostalgic
Six years have passed away since the last time I've seen a new Pirates of Caribbean movie, one of my favorite fantasy series, and I was so excited to watch it. I came with high expectations, not about its quality, but with hope of it bringing me back to younger ages, giving me the same excitation as it used to. However, I left the cinema disappointed. Maybe I have outgrown the movie in these six years and now I am looking for more realistic and thoughtful movies, who knows? But this movies brought me no thrills at all. They've tried to put in comedy in almost every single scene, I remember the old films to have few funny scenes and dialogues, but that was just some scenes and it was well placed throughout the movie. In this case it was just a bunch of jokes one after another, and I felt satiation even boredom. Also, I think they gave too much time to some of the unimportant scenes, while those that are crucial to plot were finished in matter of seconds. Movie seemed much more fantasized than it used to be as well. It feels like they could've invented anything they want and put it in no matter how does it fit into the movie. I do understand it is a fantasy, but still even a fantasy needs to have some limits.

American Gods

First season - no more than an intro
As I've finished watching to first season, it seems like I've watched only the first half of the show. As I've learned in elementary school, you can divide a story roughly on four parts: introduction, rising action, climax and conclusion. This season was 6 episodes of introduction and 1 episode of rising action finished with a weird episode that started as introduction just to finish as a climax. I've seen many shows that continued through many seasons, but still every season offered some event that, even though is leading to final event, can stand alone as a introduction, climax and conclusion. Besides the faulty plot, what I didn't like are the graphic and sound effects, but that goes into a individual opinion. I find realistic graphics to be better, also the amount of slow motion scene and huge amounts of blood just blocking the screen completely is not my thing. I think some of the scenes also were too much, it seems like they were trying to put something new, something intriguing and provocative. You can see sex scenes in almost every show today, so it is boring, close-up sex scenes with lots of details, still seen. So they put on gay sex with more than a fair share of details, just so they could end up in papers.

What I liked about the show were dialogues, explanations, characters, actors and the general storytelling. I can't remember a bad dialog, that might be offensive or out of place, or even not to match to the character. By explanations, I am thinking on introductions of a certain God, which are detailed and interesting. Characters are greatly combined, nicely filtered among many religions and actors they have chosen really do fit their characters.

The Legend of Hercules

Just terrible
So, first of all I would like to say that I usually like fantasy movies and I can accept them being too much fantasized and similar things.

This movie, however, I completely disliked. It is terrible in every single aspect I can remember, I saw literally nothing good about this movie. Plot is faulty and bad, for action movies it is boring as well. Twists are terrible if they can be called twists. Acting and special effects are even worse, I really don't like it when you pick actors by their modeling skills instead of their acting skills.

I am not even going to waste any more of my time on this movie, so here it goes, I, with all my heart, suggest you to skip this movie. I'd prefer any cheer-leading movie to this one.

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