Reviews (2)

  • This show is a fantastic example of what is possible when talented people want to flex their creativity and try to create something unique and memorable. The production quality of this series is out of this world. The writing is excellent, and a majority of the performances are great. There are some wonderful, scene-stealing moments in each episode. And the comedic timing from the actors shows some real natural on-screen talent.

    The themed episodes make for a nice break in setting. They are done in such a way that does NOT give the show a hokey feel. They easily could have.

    The camera work, lighting, post-production work... It is all exemplary. Shows like this really should be considered the bar that all low-budget productions should measure themselves against.

    This is binge-worthy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love superhero movies and I don't mind reboots, so this movie should have been made specifically for ME. What I saw was a mind-boggling, 70 minute exposition followed by 5 minutes of controversy and 10 minutes of climax. Looking back over it, it reads like an hour long found footage mockumentary about superscientists that they decided to throw a villain into right at the end.

    If the idea was that everyone knows Doom, so why bother introducing him or making him menace anyone or anything throughout the whole movie... Then why take so freaking long to actually get to the fantastic four? The audience knew the whole time what direction they HAD to go in order to 'save the dimension' or whatever, but it was decided to take the longest possible (and most boring) way to get there.

    As for comedy relief, there was exactly one joke in the movie, ONE. And it was given out in the first trailer. Not that I require superheroes to engage in two-hour stand-up routines like three of them did in Age of Ultron, but SOMEthing that made the audience smile would have been nice.

    Since Doom wasn't in 90% of the movie, there was no antagonist, and therefore no conflict. As a result you have this makeshift, insane attempt to turn the audience again Reed, while trying to make them think he has some other kind of long term plan rather than just a year-long depression. Instead, they pick up a year later, everyone a little bit angrier, find Reed, fight for a minute, then go back to depression.

    I never much cared if comic book movies followed the comic canon faithfully. I've seen examples for either side of the argument that shows it only matters that you have a great story. What you had here was almost a bait-and-switch con. Getting people to buy tickets with a big budget, young actors, and trying to fly through on Marvel's decade of success. It's incredible to me that Antman and Guardians movies both knocked it out of the park, but I'd rather watch the LAST Fantastic Four movies than THIS Fantastic Four movie.

    I do need to say one thing about Doom. While the origin story might have been a good idea, his introduction was insane and completely without any kind of support that one of the top-tier villains deserves. And the way he wound up looking... So the story is that his hazmat suit fused with his skin after coming into contact with this radioactive energy substance. And what covers his mouth used to be the vent on his suit. But the effect winds up looking like a grey, shiny, Downs Syndrone looking head. And once you see the vent not as a vent, but as two enormous lips, you can't see it any other way. His head is FAR too large for his body and shoulders, and the overall look is more comical and pitiable than menacing or scary. In one of the final scenes, it is kind of disturbing to see a 6-foot, shiny, grey, down-syndrome patient with enormous lips that never move stalking through a compound and incinerating soldiers with eye contact. I'm sure it wasn't what they were going for when creating the Doom character, but for God's sake, I don't see how you can look at the film and see anything else!

    Only go see this movie if you have a curiosity about how they went about telling the story, as it is totally worthless as an entertainment experience.