
IMDb member since June 2013
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


Asphalt City

Realistic and depressing
If your looking for a movie that you feel a shower is necessary after, then this is your picture. It may be accurately depicting a NYFD Paramedic's life in the city, if it does, God Bless each and every one of them. I have to be honest, I could not get through this whole movie so I don't know if there was some redeeming value at the end. It takes you down such a dark path so early in the movie, I can't imagine it can bring you back up. It was surprising to see Mike Tyson in the movie who really was the voice of reason and disciple for the chaos the main characters experienced. How about that for surprise! He really did a good job in his role.

House of Cards

Season 6 Disaster
I cannot recall ever watching a series ending in such a horrible manner. The plot was confusing and the entire storyline was ridiculous. How they drew this nonsense on for eight shows was amazing. The annoying background music throughout the entire series may the watching of this disaster even worse. My advice, watch Seasons 1-5 and then walk away.

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