
IMDb member since December 2004
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    19 years


Stargåte Infinity

To infinty and far beyond?
While I have younger siblings who find the SG-1 and atlantis shows intriguing, they are way below the age of the targeted demographic and therefore scared by many of the shows' occurrences. As such I thought to test the story lines of these animated versions for their consumption. I was grossly disappointed with the loss of integrity in the show's mythos as well as moral. Stargate has always been a good v evil battle, but the moral of the story was relatable to human emotions. This animated stuff is purely poorly written ani-crap that seems to have been produced for no other reason than to attempt to capitalize off the younger markets. My dear SG-I producers, you missed the point. The kids who were watching Sg-1 and A are smart kids. There's no need to dumb down a program due to general American demographic statistics. Keep the programs smart and you'll keep the people interested. The length of the Sg-1's seasons run should indicate that.

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