
IMDb member since July 2013
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Avengers: Age of Ultron

A Must Watch for Movie Fans.

In a modern day society where super hero movies are running rampant, "Avengers: Age of Ultron" was among the top of the list for most anticipated movie of 2015.

Well, i'm here to tell you that it didn't disappoint.

Age of Ultron was not only the Action packed, witty comedy filled masterpiece that you'd expect...but rather padded up past mistakes by adding more to character development. That's right, where as the first Avengers left more to be desired (Mainly with Black Widow and Hawkeye), Age of Ultron would pick up the pieces and develop all characters. A hint of back story is provided as well as molding of personalities, and character Growth. Chemistry building amongst comrades was a huge part of this movie for me...especially in Action scenes.

Action Scene buffs will not be disappointed. This movie is filled to the brim with classic fight scenes...two standouts include the fighting chemistry between Captain America and Thor, whom truly become a tag team to be reckoned with in this movie as they use each other's attacks to pile on attacks of their own. Some of the stuff they came up with for these two is simply brilliant. Also, The Action Scene in which Ironman tries to subdue Hulk is among the greatest i've seen in recent Movie Memory.

On top off all the development and action are hidden multiple comic book easter eggs, that sort of nudge all the comic book fans and give them that extra excitement. Multiple stories within stories begin to form as well, constantly calculating and setting up for the future marvel movies to come.

And to capitalize on the final thing, but not too much. Ultron was simply brilliant. Trailers depicted him as an emotionless Robot, but Ultron's witty and sarcastic personality brought all of the elements in this movie together. His character growth and change throughout the movie kept you guessing as to just what he'd do next.

Definitely a Movie that is high on my recommendation. A must watch for any comic book fan and one that only adds more prestige to this already anticipated series.

The Last Stand

I liked this movie, even if it did get bad reviews.
The Spoilers for this review are mainly about characterization and plot settings and such, and i don't believe i'll reveal too much about the plot...but still, proceed with discretion.

First off, i would like to point out that this is a Unique movie for Arnold. Usually he plays a seemingly invincible soldier, killer, hero...or something of the sort where he uses his superiority to dismantle everything in sight. But for the first time while watching one of his movies, i saw him as Arnold Schwarzenegger the Human....opposed to "Arnold Schwaranegger...THE MOVIE STAR WHO Doesn't GET HURT!". It was a really unique feel going in and despite that, it had one of the most epic gunfight confrontations that i've seen in all of my years of watching movies.

Despite having a few plot holes, this is a movie that i fairly enjoyed. Its fun to watch just for fun, with friends, or if you're looking for a movie to pass the time.

Watch on!

Space Jam

The Movie of My Childhood, and Still Today.
Arguably my favorite movie of All Time, Space Jam was an instant classic from the first time i laid eyes on it as an Infant. Even though you may not entirely understand everything that is going on in the movie at a Young age, it is still pretty easy to get into the movie.

Not spoiling anything in this movie in this Review..but i will say that even today it is an entertaining Movie that i will pick up here and there and still have a fun time watching. Such a simple storyline, yet enjoyable down the years. Michael Jordan, Looney Tunes, and your classic cartoon villains trying to take over.

This is just one of the Movies that, me interested in movies. And that's why i gave it a 10. Not necessarily just because it was my had a lot of elements that i simply enjoy. And on top of everything, its a movie about Basketball, which is something i'm passionate about.

In all honesty, when it comes right down to it. I can only say one thing. If you haven't seen this movie yet, or even haven't watched it in a while. Go pick it up. You'll find yourself having a very entertaining time. Guaranteed.

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