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Man with a Van

Dumb But Interesting
This was an interesting premise but it didn't come off right. The host wasn't particularly funny and the guests and locations weren't very interesting either. A good idea that didn't quite come together right.


Ill Conceived
This show was ill conceived and very poorly done. It just seemed like nothing about this show was done even close to correctly. The cast just shambles through delivering poorly written jokes in bad, predictable stories on a cheap looking set with such bad "Canadian TV" lighting and production.


Pretty Bad
This was a pretty bad show. Not the worst I've seen on Canadian TV or even just on the Comedy Network but it was pretty useless, just a few guys with a camera goofing around on the street. Most of the jokes were pretty bad and also much too raunchy as a crutch.


Comedy Specials
This was a really funny series of stand up comedy specials. Some of the comedians were not as good as others but there were a lot of really funny ones to watch!


Leslie Nielsen
This was not the best comedy ever but it was an interesting idea (a mocking of the popular A&E Biography series) and the host was Leslie Nielsen who is always funny and one of the most likable (and beloved even) Canadian entertainers of all time. RIP, Mr. Nielsen!

Odd Squad

Fun but Bizarre
This is a fun show that kids are able to watch and pay attention to but it often doesn't make any sense and is just bizarre. I like the educational aspects of the show (they often have problems that require mathematical solutions and illustrate how to do them well).

Rock, Paper, Scissors: The Way of the Tosser

Kinda Boring
This movie was kinda boring. The acting was OK but the story got real old real fast. How long is a story about a guy who does competitive professional rock-paper-scissors gonna be funny to watch? A predictable outcome and some bad jokes along the way.

Cock'd Gunns

So So Comedy
This show wasn't so bad it was like a fake documentary (or mocumentary) about this band who think they're the bomb and the people around them. It wasn't great but wasn't bad either.

Wok with Yan

Very Nice Man
I actually met this guy and he was a very nice guy just like you would expect from watching this show! It was a very simple cooking show and I think his skills were too high and his communication too fast to actually be a great tool for learning to cook the food he made (which always looked amazing and his audience always loved). But this show is worth watching for him alone. He's very funny and likable.

The Debaters

Kind of Boring
I know this is a radio show but when it is on TV why just have two dudes just standing there and talking like they are on the radio? This was pretty boring. Couldn't watch more than one episode.

The Ron James Show

I'm pretty underwhelmed by this show. I think that his stand up comedy routines are fine but the sketches are really, really bad, and it's all him all the time, he just gets a bit old, more characters and guests (and less sketches maybe) would have been a better idea.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Meat Balls!
I love it! It is cloudy but there is a chance of meat balls! What kind of stuff is going on here?

Penny Gold

Very Interesting
This is an overlooked film from the UK about a detective looking into a heist involving rare, valuable stamps. It's a pretty simple story but the acting and amazing cinematography make this film stand out.


My Expectations Were Too High
I thought this show was good but not as brilliant as some people here seem to think. Definitely worth watching, a story that kept my interest with actors I like doing a good job with their characters. But I never felt very engaged or on the edge of my seat or anything, and the drama wasn't as impressive as I expected it to be... maybe my expectations were just too high based on word of mouth.

Cutthroat Island

Not Such a Flop.....
I mean, yes of course it was a flop at the box office because it cost a lot of money to make and was released around the world and only made a fraction of that money back. So by the technical definition of flop this movie was a flop.

But most flops are really bad movies. Like really bad. Like REALLY bad. And this movie isn't bad at all! Not even half bad. I think this movie is even slightly better than the average movie especially when you consider putting it up against just other movies of the same era. It's a decent movie.

I don't know if it was maybe bad marketing, or bad word of mouth, or just a sexist attitude that didn't want to see a movie with a female ship commander, but this movie deserved better!

The Repairman

Great Short By Hilarious Director!
Brad Sauer is a very good filmmaker especially when it comes to comedy and his comedy shorts in particular. We took film together at university and his shorts were always eagerly anticipated when we screened each project in class, because his short films were always great. Usually he did a comedy like this short film "The Repairman". It is a really simple premise, just about a repairman showing up at a woman's apartment to fix something, but it is so funny and awkward that you can't help but laugh just watching it. The performers are pretty good and Brad did a great job getting the best comedy out of them you could hope for. Not sure what else to say other than I wish you were still directing and writing films Brad ha ha!


B.A.D. Bad
Ugh I saw this show looking at an actor's profile on IMDb and had to comment, I remember this show now and wish I didn't! It was such a bad show. The acting sticks out to me as the worst part, there are some actually good actors in this but in this they are awful. I suspect it must be the director telling them to act a certain way that just didn't work. Not sure what else to say, I can see what they were going for with this but it just didn't work, the stories were predictable and just not interesting. The jokes weren't even very funny. The acting was terrible and the directing I suspect was even worse. It was just all around a really bad show, I can't believe it is rated 5/10 on IMDb, it's more like 2/10, I think maybe cast or crew or friends and family bumped it up when they were trying to get it renewed.

This Hour Has 22 Minutes

This show is so awful now. I give it a 2 out of 10 because of what it used to be. This used to be a very funny and also scathing and cutting look at what was going on in Canada. Now it's a series of awful, immature, poorly written and performed skits focusing on "funny" impressions and accents and stupid characters. It's like they just don't care any more. But seriously after 25 years or however long it's been why should they? They are probably even more bored with this crap than we are. The CBC needs to figure out that what they think is funny isn't what the rest of the country wants to see. The CBC executives are probably super old and into knock knock jokes or something. Who actually watches this crap if they have any choice of watching something else on TV at all? Why is our money being flushed into awful shows like this? Makes something new and good please, CBC!

What's Eating Gilbert Grape

Not as Great as I Hoped it Would Be
What's Eating Gilbert Grape? is a good movie but it's not great. Since two of my all time favourite actors are in it (the amazing Johnny Depp and Leonardo Di Caprio who I didn't even know was nominated for an Oscar in this) I thought it was going to be an amazing movie. Maybe I set my expectations too high and set myself up for disappointment. Depp is really good, not as awesome as usual but he's younger and did a very good job. Di Caprio does very well and I would say awesome for his age as a mentally challenged boy. The movie is basically about Depp dealing with his family (brother Di Caprio and an extremely overweight mother who is so big Depp literally has to put support beams up in the basement and can not fit through her house's doors. I don't want to wreck the ending, it's very good, the mother is a good actress. It's one of those things where the parts are better than the movie they add up to be if that makes sense. Direction/writing I suspect could have been better. But the ending is emotional and a good way to leave off the movie.

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