
IMDb member since January 2005
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    19 years



He left his acting talent in Miami...
A movie starring Phillip Michael Thomas? Tubbs? For the love of all that is holy, you would think this movie would at the least, give you a sense of nostalgia.

Fate starts off with the slow, boring, and seemingly pointless death of a large, "retarded" man. From then on, it only seems to get worse. The plot seems to have more holes in it than the Holy Bartender from Dogma.

Besides the terrible plot, which has a surprise ending so easy to figure out, that a 13 year old who had just wandered into the room while the movie was playing, was able to watch it for three minutes and figure out, the movie has terrible production values. Twice in the movie does it go from being day out in one outside scene, to dark in another. The camera work is horrendous, and the overall feel of the movie is just...sad.

The acting is enough to make you cry. The young person inside of you who remembers Thomas as Tubbs...while also remember just how bad of an actor he really was. Pare and Majors fare worse than even Tubbs in this amazing waste of the fifteen dollars made to make this movie.

Overall, it is fun to pick up the case and see it has Tubbs in it, but that will be the only excitement you get from this movie.

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