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Irritating characters, but good story!
I cannot give this movie more than a score of 5/10, as none of the characters were likable, not a one. It's rare I'll watch this kind of movie and not find at least one person in it I like, therefore root for. The 12 year old girls were shallow, pretentious and just generally awful people. I don't understand why any of them were even friends, they're horrible to each other. It was not a case of a group bullying just one of them, they all bullied one and other...and portrayed such spiteful behavior towards each other, that I have honestly never seen before! Positives are that for the most part, there was some good acting, the filming location and scene setting was awesome, very well done. Negatives are the girls themselves, I found them highly irritating and hard to watch, due to their behavior portrayal, in fact for this very reason, I almost turned it off....as it was just pure bitchiness. The Mother, while well acted...was a selfish human being and not likable in the slightest. The Father went from one extreme to another, first comes across as cold and distant, then goes psycho and actually seems to care about his Daughter being missing, but he is just as messed up as his child. What kind of a parent goes into a home and waves around and threatens a knife to a bunch of kids?? And says it's good advice that his Daughter told one of the chubby girls she should kill her herself...great parenting!! Then says a similar thing to the Mother of the house. There are basically a lot of screwed up characters portrayed in this movie...which I can usually tolerate (providing it's well acted) but not when they are irritating people. And, the Father is correct about one thing....why leave a bunch of (clearly messed up) 12 year olds home alone without any supervision at all. Spoiler alert: Something else, throughout the movie, it's insinuated that something happened among the girls 12 months ago, yet it's never explained...so even at the end, you're still left wondering.


A good watch, with a twist!
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie! For one thing, the Actors did a great job for the most part...Isla Fisher played her part very well and considering I'm used to her 'comedy' roles, it was a refreshing change to see her capabilities in a much more serious role and be able to pull it off believably. Especially as she generally plays the stereotypical ditzy type chic in most stuff I've seen her in. So, well done to her! Jim Parsons I've only seen in Big Bang Theory prior to this, so although his screen time is quite short-lived, it was also nice to see him play a serious role as well. As for the story, I myself watch a lot of movies so generally I can tell what may happen at the end, with this story, I could not see it till pretty much 10 minutes till it all came to light anyway...I spent the majority of the movie thinking the storyline was going to take us in a different direction to the one it took, so for that...kudos!! I like being surprised by movies. Don't get me wrong, this movie wasn't the best I've ever seen, there were a couple of scenes in it that irritated a little...but mostly because they were not what I would do, for e.g Isla Fisher is pregnant and seems to think she's safer riding a bicycle than driving her car...I myself am pregnant and would NEVER ride a bike as you're very unprotected and really do stand more of a chance of getting badly hurt/doing harm to the baby, than driving your car...it's just a fact...but they were obviously more trying to keep in with the storyline of her prior trauma with a car accident than with the common sense that should come with being pregnant, but it definitely deserves the 7/10 I've given it, as the things I didn't like, were just simple niggles that would come with daily realistic life! Still...would totally recommend people give it a watch :D

Christmas Under Wraps

A Christmassy heartwarming story
I really enjoyed this Holiday movie and it certainly puts you in a festive mood!! There are quite a few Hallmark ones, some watchable, some really enjoyable and some that really hit that festive spot! It actually reminded me of a movie version of Hart Of Dixie (Rachel Bilson stars in it) not necessarily due to it being holiday related, more due to the fact Rachel Bilson stars also as a Doctor who leaves the big city behind to go to a small town,struggles at first to feel comfortable, then finds romance and ultimately becomes well respected part of their community, it's extremely quaint and a lovable show, this movie has a ton of hints relating to it. The only thing different is the cast really and the fact that the show is not primarily about Christmas. This movie had me rooting for all characters to be honest, there's a ton of likable ones in it, this one and A Snow Globe Christmas are my top favorites for Hallmark so far! So, if you have a soft spot for quaint little towns, where they go all out for the holidays with a likable cast...I say go for it!

Holiday Engagement

An entertaining holiday movie!!
I enjoyed this movie, pretty much all Actors gave it their best! It didn't feel a full-on festive type Christmas movie though, felt more like it was about the main character and her road to figuring out what she wanted from life. Also, while both of the main cast, Bonnie Somerville and Jordan Bridges did really well in their roles (albeit Bonnie Somerville was a little wooden at times)I never felt a whole lot of chemistry between them...usually in movies like this you can pretty much predict that the two will fall in love throughout and get together in the end...and I don't mind those movies, most live for happy endings! I just didn't feel much chemistry between them at all and I've watched my fair share of chic flick/romcoms, even holiday romance ones, but this....felt more of a comedy type than romance. Was still enjoyable to watch though, so that's why it still gets a 6/10


More annoying than funny!!
I am not a fussy person when it comes to movies and I was irritated by this one within less than 20 minutes!! I found Amy Schumer's character pretty vulgar and crude...and not in a funny way. The first eight minutes of listening to her, really made me want to turn the movie off and it takes a lot for me to feel that way, kind of like nails down a chalkboard. She also portrays her character very superficially, which normally does not bother me too much, however when it's coupled with unnecessary cursing every 2 minutes, along with a vulgar tongue...it doesn't come across well. Vulgar is not funny, especially in women! It's trying too hard to try and be funny. Tilda Swinton's character was even worse, she was obnoxious and also vulgar, two very difficult qualities that make it hard to watch.

I did not laugh once (and I laugh at most comedies) and did not enjoy any part of it!!

First Response

Kept me gripped!!!
I really enjoyed this movie, was great to see Dania Ramirez play a confident and no nonsense character. I've watched her in Devious Maids and although that show is very entertaining and Dania Ramirez's acting is spot on, she plays a much more weak willed character in that and one who constantly struggles with her morals...whereas in this movie, we see a whole different side to her. It was refreshing. Though I guess that's a sign that she's a good Actress, one capable of playing varied roles as there are many Actors/Actresses who often play a similar role in most of their movies. This movie kept me gripped from the beginning and I would more class it as genre type Thriller/Drama, as opposed to just Drama. Drama's have very little action in them, whereas this had quite a bit. Kristopher Turner's character was well played as well, playing the other dutiful Paramedic but also battling with trying to do the right thing and avoid getting them both killed, knowing he has a family who depend on him at home and cannot afford any have anything to happen to him, but at the same time being concerned with his 'lack of edge' as man...which forced his partner to be the one to enforce the difficult choices and basically be the one to attempt defence attacks on the kidnappers. It was also nice that the movie had a bit of a twist at the end with Adam Butchers character, not a major one, but a twist none-the-less.

All in all, I'd say this movie is definitely worth a watch and an enjoyable one at that

Stockholm, Pennsylvania

Exchanges one prison for another!!
This movie is very well acted by all of the cast. It was interesting to see how people can cope in the aftermath of someone's child being abducted, then many years later having them return and how they deal with this. Saoirse Ronan and Cynthia Nixon both have very strong parts, one is dealing with having to leave the only 'home' that she has known, having being brought up with a man who has brainwashed her with lies from a very young age, therefore knows no other truth, but also shows a caring side to her-therefore she develops a strong connection to her kidnapper, so feels as though she has been torn away from the only life she has ever known, even if it was all lies given by someone unstable. She then is taken back to her parents, who she does not know and clearly feels uncomfortable around them, this understandably is very difficult for all three of them. However, I must object to how the Mother deals with the situation completely, rather than giving her time that she obviously needs to form a connection with her parents at her own pace, her Mother basically just does the same thing the kidnapper did and tries to force a connection on her. And all due to the fact that not only does she not have the patience to allow nature to take it's course, behave selfless and be capable of putting her Daughter's feelings first, be understanding to her feelings and needs...but she also teaches her that 'love' means to lock someone you care about in a room, giving food and water on a schedule, ordering them to do things without a choice, keeping her locked away from any other people, tying a rope around her arm so she does not try to run away, therefore establishing no trust whatsoever and ultimately forcing her to create her own little escape. As difficult a situation something like this would be, no Mother should do any of those things and certainly not one who knows that she has already had that done to them. I do recommend giving this movie a watch, as they all played very well in it

The Age of Adaline

A stunning storyline!
This movie was absolutely stunning in every way! Blake Lively does a fantastic job of portraying the main character with how she talks, her body language, her responses to things/situations while also having a slight essence of a modern woman as well. How it would feel if a person had to go through life, constantly lying to people she cared about, not getting too close to people, running away from relationships, seeing her own Daughter grow older. Basically never being able to fully enjoy her life, just existing! I've watched Blake Lively in other movies, TV shows and I have to say her performance in this role is by far her best. I was totally fascinated by this storyline, especially with the flashbacks (anyone who's a lover of history will enjoy that part) and although it has been criticized that it had narration, I actually thought that was a good idea-the narration part is what helped viewers understand her life, otherwise we'd be guessing and drawing our own conclusions or wondering. Most of us go through life, occasionally wishing for some years back...this movie does a great job at getting it across that it would not necessarily be better to go through life, never ageing. All the people you care about that would outlive you, it would be heartbreaking and is ultimately no life to live, if you can never get close to anyone. It is far better to live a life that can be fully enjoyed and appreciated, without ever having to hold back...and of course to grow old with the ones you love. Michiel Huisman also played his part very well too, the part where he just accepts the news near the end is as it should be from someone who truly loves a person, accept them for who they are. In all honesty, I cannot fault this movie in any way, brilliant storyline, amazing cast and a perfect ending! All in all, very touching and heartwarming 10/10

Chasing Liberty

An adventurous romcom!
I really enjoyed this movie. It has a bit of everything in it, a small amount of Presidential side, a ton of adventure (without going crazy) really captures her feeling of wanting freedom and taking risks to get it, also has comedy in a light way from all characters, romance that blossoms not just between the main cast, tons of quirky characters and the President does not treat his Daughter like a child when she goes awry, they just simply get on with life! I've also seen First Daughter and can honestly say, I enjoyed Chasing Liberty much more...some previous reviews were spot on, it appeals much more to the mature side and much less to the Presidential side. Chasing Liberty kept me captivated right till the end. Katie Holmes did a great job as presenting herself as the First Daughter, very poised and a little lady basically, however Mandy Moore's character more captured the feeling 'trapped' and in desperate need of freedom and was willing to go to extremes to get it (which made for a fun and adventurous watch) , whereas Katie Holmes character played it more safe and had very little adventure. So, I guess it really depends what the viewer would prefer, watching a movie that's more about the Presidential side of things and prefers a younger outlook...if so, you should like First Daughter more. Or a movie that is fun and ultimately more appealing to the adult eye. Neither movie is bad, just different and both enjoyable in their own ways, but I have to say I would rather watch this one again! Also, the ending was much better with Chasing Liberty 8/10

Lost Boy

Good movie, but silly outcome
This movie is a watchable storyline and it does leave you wondering the whole time if he is or is not their Son, the cast all play good parts. Matthew Fahey plays his part quite well, he's basically a very damaged young man, due to years of abuse at the hands of people who took/raised him...is desperate to fit in with a good family, which is exactly what you would expect from a boy who had been taken, had years of abuse thrown his way and then finally see's a family which could be his. The Mother pretty much reacts the way you'd expect (considering she never gave up hope) she's just extremely happy to finally have her Son back, which is what blind sights her, but again, understandable. The Father warms to his Son a little more easily than I expected (I thought he'd at least be sceptical) considering in previous scenes he shows disinterest in keeping up hope or with the search for him. Carly Pope's character shows a more sensible approach to the initial situation (but given that she's not a parent to the boy, it'll be easier for her to think more logically) by suggesting a DNA test and providing the boy with much needed therapy-which for some reason does not happen!! Why?? He shows signs early on of needing this and even if he didn't, it would still be a responsible thing to do. Abused children DO NOT just slip right in to a normal happy family situation as easily as they seemed to attempt it. Finally, the ending....is what kills it, why wouldn't you open that letter??! Yes, he showed many signs of abusive behavior and dangerous...but wouldn't you still WANT to know if he was your Son, any normal real parent would not be able to keep themselves from at least knowing for sure. Fair enough, if you see the result as not a match for DNA, walk away, but if he was their Son, after years of waiting for him to come back, you could not just walk away....you'd want to get him help/therapy! So, as watchable storyline as I found it, it only gets a 6/10 from me, purely because of that ending

5 Flights Up

Lots of quirky humor!
For me, this movie was not boring at all. Throughout the entire flick there is tons of quirky bits of humor that pretty much had me laughing almost to tears, especially from Morgan Freeman's character. It's not a flashy movie, it's just a very heartwarming story with lots of added humor. It also is not one that I could watch over and over again, but that being said, I will be keeping it for future watches. I would not say it's Morgan Freeman or Diane Keaton's best movie, as they have been in so many brilliant roles, but I will say this...you see more a more humorous side of Morgan Freeman in this than most of his other ones, which is genuinely nice to see!

I was pleasantly surprised by this, especially given that it has some quite negative reviews, I actually bypassed it a few times due to that...my mistake!

The Dirties

Could've made a decent storyline
I started watching this movie, thinking it was going to have a lot more depth and emotion than it did. Matthew Johnson just seemed to portray a very hyper-doesn't-stop-talking and can't be still teen. Owen Johnson at least showed a more realistic traumatized teen. You could actually see more emotion in his character, especially when the bullies were attacking him...he acted like any other bullied kid would, looked down to the floor (like he just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him so he wouldn't have to bare the embarrassment or humiliation of being bullied...pretty much like most kids would act), didn't wanna be touched/fussed over when he'd been hit by a rock. Honestly, if it wasn't for sheer curiosity and Owen Williams...I would not have watched this movie to the end, as it is slow and boring in a lot of the parts and considering what the movie is supposed to be about....they don't seem to talk to each other or anyone for that matter about their actual feelings toward themselves being the target of bullies. They might ask others what their opinions of bullying are, but they never actually talk about it themselves...their main goal is goofing around. And so you can never get deep into the subject. Which is a shame, as I think if hit from a different angle and showed way more emotion than it actually did...this could have really hit home


Much better than expected
Due to the first review of this movie...I very nearly passed on watching it....but boy am I glad that I went for it anyway...Jamie Kennedy knocks it out of the park with his role in this, playing the part of a creepy villain brilliantly, I haven't seen him in too much since the 'Scream' movies (which I also loved him in) but he aced his part in this flick. The lines were occasionally cheesy, but other than that I thought this storyline carried itself pretty well....kept me gripped anyway! I am familiar with Marlee Matlin from Switched at Birth, her acting skills are pretty solid and believable, however, I'm not so sure I can say the same about Christina DeRosa, some of the time her acting skills felt forced. James Denton's character was more believable. The storyline itself on a whole was good (though it confuses me how a post-mortem/autopsy on the murdered Neighbor, wouldn't show signs of foul play/being electrocuted?? And how the Police don't seem to make much of an effort in finding the Lawyer that goes missing...they ask a couple of questions and then that's it :/ but...I guess they can only fit so much into the scripts/storyline) and interesting (albeit a few cracks) enough to make you keep watching, but it was very obvious from the start that Jamie Kennedy's role was what carried this whole picture, he looked creepy, sounded creepy...gave a very creepy atmosphere whenever he was around, I am impressed that he can both play the part of an adorable goofy dork in Scream...and then go a whole opposite to playing some creepy psycho weirdo...who's very essence on the screen can make you cringe. Very well played!

I would give this movie a 7/10 however, I do think the quality of the movie...is pretty much made for TV, a good made for TV movie though.

Definitely worth a watch

Royal Pains

Amazing show **********
I absolutely adore this TV show and since I started watching it around three weeks ago....have not been able to put it down!! I love everything about it and wouldn't change a thing, it has comedy, drama, romance, thrilling parts, mystery when it comes to resolving illnesses etc. I think my favorite character, if I had to pick one, would be Paulo Costanzo's character Evan, he makes me laugh when I haven't even got the energy to, he's so sarcastically funny. The relationship between Mark Feuerstein and Paulo Costanzo's characters is pretty much what you would see in real life siblings, it's very real....they wind each other up, have tiny little spats constantly, one hates letting the other down, when they have a big fall out, find a way to get passed it....and when one needs the other, they're really there for each other. I also love that they accepted Reshma Shetty's character Divya into their lives not only as a colleague, but as part of their family. When we were first introduced to Brooke D'Orsay's character Paige, I wasn't sure I was going to like her, as she firstly came across as quite the Princess...but as episodes went along, I grew quite attached to her as well...she really is the yin to Paulo Costanzo's character Evan's yang, they definitely chose well there. Also, my second favorite character would have to be Henry Winkler as Eddie R. Lawson, as the Father of the two main character's, his character is just hilarious and as Brooke D'Orsay's character once quoted in the actual show 'lovable' he really is. He manages to get himself into little messes, but it's so much fun watching him try to get out of them, his heart always does seem to be in the right place. I even like the wooden character of Jeremiah Sacani, played very well by Ben Shenkman.

I honestly cannot say anything bad about this show....and I really am hooked!


Worth a watch...but not great
I did actually enjoy this movie, but it has to be said, the humorous parts felt very forced and the storyline itself was pretty clichéd and predictable....I'm honestly surprised that Jennifer Love Hewitt (Ghost Whisperer, plus many great other movies), Peter Stormare (Prison Break) & Joel David Moore (Bones, Avatar, Dodgeball) would agree to be in a movie like this....that is clearly made for TV. The reason I even watched it, was due to the casting, figured it had to be awesome having such a good cast in it. As I said, it is enjoyable to a point...but some of the Actors/Actresses in this movie...are just wasted talent. Have to say though, Jamie-Lynn Sigler played her part very well....as I was highly irritated by her whiny/high maintenance character...so bravo to her!!

White House Down

What a great ride!
I don't understand why this movie has so many negative reviews, the whole movie from start to finish is outstanding. It may be similar to Olympus Has Fallen, but how many horror movies are alike out there...many. It doesn't make this movie any less watchable or enjoyable. I was captivated within 5 minutes, it has a good storyline, amazing performances, just enough action to keep you gripped to your seat. This movie, brought tears to my eyes a few times, through touching performances from the cast. Channing Tatum was fabulous, as was Joey King, Jamie Foxx and Maggie Gyllenhaal. People who watch this, need to do so, with an open mind and not compare it to others which may be similar. Enjoy the movie for what it is, entertaining as hell and a great ride!

Please note: I have never actually reviewed a title before, I signed up as I was so surprised at the lack of positive reviews

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