
IMDb member since January 2005
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Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn

Starlights and Galaxia saved this season
I became a fan of Sailormoon by watching the unforgettable first season.However,I left my moonie condition when season 2 was aired.Horrible script,annoying characters (Chibi-Usa is a pain in the ass),and the start of that very boring conversation about eternal love and candy.The other senshi were too much overshadowed by Usagi (who turned a very nuisance character,I used to like her,but she is too weak,too dumb,too cry-baby and too gaga over Mamoru--who is also an idiot). Even worse than Usagi is Makoto,a completely fool.I dislike her very much now. The Stars season was awesome,but just because of Sailor Galaxia and the starlights.Even the outer senshi turned unsupportable to me.Usagi's weakness and sadness attacks are the most irritating things.I never felt sorry for her loosing Mamoru,or being alone in the final battle.It's ridiculous how overrated she is by fans. To me,Sailor Galaxia rules,and is way better. I think Sailormoon really took the wrong way.I would find more interesting to admire a strong and complex heroine than Usagi.

Masûru hîto

Good action movie,good soundtrack...this jap film surprised me!
Even the final credits of the movie are good,just because of that great song ("Ready or not?We're gonna be on top!").From the start to the last scene is cool (slow in some parts,but yet,good). Now,for the actors,I found Kane Kosagi very weird.To tell the truth,I don't if It's his acting or just the character,but It can be the first one. That actress who played Akane Katsuragi,Jesus Christ,WHAT A F****** UGLY GIRL,GUYS!Her acting is decent,but even the make-up failed in make her face a bit cute,at least!I really don't understand Asian standards of beauty.Looks like every Asian crap can show its face on media!!! That girl who was always following the baddies around is very beautiful,but got one or two lines. And Masaya Kato...!Oh,my god,this man drives me crazy!!!He is so handsome and talented!People say "OH,Kane Kosugi is back,he is the son of that guy who..." but I say "So good too see Masaya again!".He is thinner than usual in this one,but I believe that this was the only way to keep Kane Kosugi from being overshadowed by him!No matter what you say,that is what I think! Sho Aikawa is ridiculous.The infamous exaggerated Japanese acting;However the guy who played the leader of the "rats" was very cool.

Bridge of Dragons

The only good discovery to be made is Valerie Chow.
This movie can be classified as a comedy too, because the acting of the nanny and that justice look on Dolph's eyes are funny to death. Wanna see Dolph in a better film,watch Showdown in Little Tokyo. Speaking of this one,It would be better if instead of Tia Carerre was Valerie Chow in the female lead role,because she is talented and truly gorgeous as few of Chinese actresses are(Kelly Chen and Chingmy Yau,for example,are beautiful,but Ruby Lin???Pinky Cheung???ARGH!). She is so pretty that only for her this crap is worth seeing. I think this is one of the few movies in which she has the lead role.I don't really know why such absurd happens,but I believe It's because of her obvious beauty! But Yet,I don't understand It!

Chung Hing sam lam

It was the most amazing express I ever got in.
I never thought a Chinese movie could be that great.It really has that mark of Tarantino in It,but yet,has it own charm and beauty.The Hong Kong actors are simply marvelous (unlike some Japanese actors who look like super sentai heroes when acting). Brigitte Lin,Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung specially conquered my heart of Asian culture fan,even more than Faye Wong,who simply played good the right character.The other high point in this master piece was Valerie Chow,who is even more beautiful and seductive than I thought previously(I have aways admired her,but after seeing CE,I think she is a goddess).It's a shame such beauty and good acting is ignored by HK cinema. Some the parts I loved the most were the funny conversation between Tony Leung and his stuffed pets,Takeshi Kaneshiro eating all those expired pineapple,and the end,where Tony and Faye's characters meet and the message that their destiny is unknown is left.


I have to say this movie really touched me.My love for this piece of wonderful movie has a lot of reasons:the awesome music,the charismatic characters,even that ones who doesn't have much appeal on screen like Sugimoto and Ishihara.I simply adored Kato and Aniki's friendship,Ken's dubious behavior (pride and fear),the black team,and specially Shirase's part.The gorgeous actor Masaya Kato did really a great job playing this cold and vicious yakuza boy.I think It's a shame he had only a few minutes on screen,after the revolution he caused with Kato's death (Kato killed himself in order to earn his respect after all)I think he should have had more scenes. "I'm a Yakuza from the old school...If I have to be It."

Love you,Masaya!!!

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