
IMDb member since January 2005
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The Wheel of Time

first the cast, now the screenplay
I remember when they created that 10 mins promo for Game of Thrones and how excited everybody (books' funs) were once they saw it... Mind you, it was quite a gamble on HBO's part at that time: fantasy series, pretty anonymous cast that was leaving the ambitious project even before it started, with only a small number of quality actors on supporting roles. (Emilia Clark was not even the original cast for mother of dragons).

I don't know, maybe, living and breathing Martin did not let them to mess it up or stars on the sky aligned in the right way... Anyway, this time, it's not the case. It took me only 4 mins in the show to understand where the show is going. What a peice of Misandry crap it's going to be! The only consolation, Mrs. Jordan is that Robert never lived to see it.


I keep wonder
Why? Why? Why? Why did they do this. I don't deserve it, movie does not deserve, book is definitely does not deserve it. I did not even liked the trailer and it like the best part of that adaptation. This is wrong so wrong, its like they tried to make M.A.S.H adaptation to Catch 22. Well its way of


I stabled on this great show purely by chance. This is what I been missing for so long: high quality "hardcore" si-fy show. I was getting tired of endless "star-drek" franchises and different takes on time travel nonsense. And so there is was: pure gem of sci-fy drama - very well implemented plot and acting. Hope, Takeshi Kovach won't disappoint either.


Why its so bad?
I tried really hard to like this show, but I just can't. On the surface they got it all covered: 1. Syfy comedy that casts two very capable comedians in their own right, they even got Profiler in the supporting role! 2. Bearable special effects - not wow but OK. 3. trailer did look promising...

So why its so bad: they forgot to get writer for the show! Its not because the plot is complete rubbish and its not that main characters are bad stereotypes for black cool cop and white wienie - The show is just not funny! Actors do what ever they could to save it, but its hopeless: there is no chemistry between the characters nor the actors...

And don't sell me that hard to make science fiction comedy sh!t! Ash VS Evil Dead sounds familiar? or more recent People of Earth? Hack, even Orville has more potential!

The Last Ship

Just when you thought that it can't get any worth
Watching the Pilot of the Last Ship left me speechless. Mind you I managed to see full pilot of Believe! Just when I started to think that casting John Malkovich as Black Beard in really weird show hit the bottom - they served me that pile of manure! I can't think of one tiny thing I liked about that show, whenever it is plot, acting, directing or production value. Nothing about it makes sense... I thought networks have some sort of focus groups to filter garbage out before releasing anything to general public. Looks like they been cutting down on QA and we are the focus group... As for IMBDs suggestion list "People who liked this also liked... " you compare this to Person of Interest? seriously?


and I thought acting couldn't get any worse than From Dusk Till Dawn
Personally, I am not that fond of Alfonso Cuarón and been kinda surprised with all that hype around Gravity etc. But, its always nice to see sci-fi flick getting appreciated by some prestigious academy award etc... plus having Sandra Bullock repeatedly undressing brought back all those sweet memories of Sigourney Weaver showing some skin in Alien. Anyway, seeing the promo of the Believe by Cuarón I decided to give it a try, at least till the new season of The Game of the Thrones starts next month. Now being completely honest an objective: this is bad, bad as I want half an hour of my life back - I fall asleep at the end of the Pilot so I do not know if it got miraculously improved... Its like watching Touch all over again, but without any plot, acting or Kiefer Sutherland. I just can't understand all those positive reviews...

The Nines

My mind just been blown away. I know that many would disagree, but god bless eMule, cause I am pretty sure that this beautiful piece won't ever hit the big screen over here. I have grown to forget the storyline of the picture I saw day before, yet this one... You would never realize how bad you missed a quality staff, till you come around one. Besides the fact that every part was masterly seamed around the main character, and extraordinary performance of Ryan Reynolds (he is unbelievable) I was pleasantly surprised by the way the storyline had clashed with the real world. Can't elaborate on anything more, just go and see...anyway...

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