
IMDb member since August 2013
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Nouveaux riches

Not what I was expecting
So I thought this was going to be a bit of a rom com with a scammer and he gets scammed, and the fall in love. I wasn't expecting the excessive but highly entertaining fight scenes. There was so much action in this movie that it could compare itself to the Kill Bill level of action. It gets pretty violent. It's fast-paced. It doesn't have your usual song over montage when the director is too lazy to put together a script showing the two falling in love. Yes you heard me, no montage! It was refreshing. The more I think about it, the more I want to see it again. The acting was brilliant and the character building was spot on. It's definitely worth a watch - for the action!

George of the Jungle 2

Very entertaining
We loved watching this movie together as a family. We've got a 4 year old and a 6 year old and they both thoroughly enjoyed it. It's hilarious! All of the tough reviews are a bit far-fetched. The new George is very good, as is the new Ursula. John Cleese as Ape is once again a genius. This is a light-hearted easy watch which a highly recommend. It's got some really funny references to some other movies like Lion King, Charlie's Angels, King Kong and also even had a funny reference to The Monkees! It's a really unique and clever movie, which breaks the third wall almost repeatedly! I love how they've owned what they were trying to do, and not been pretentious about it. Ignore the haters!

Keep Breathing

A quality series
I don't understand the negative reviews. This is a really engrossing series. The lead is a great actress and there is a strong supporting cast. I love the way it phases in and out of the present and the past.

The way it is done is really unique and makes this mini series different to your usual survival story, as it successfully compares her current situation with moments that have happened in her life. I loved it.

Please just ignore the negative reviews and gove this series a go. It is well worth it. The female protagonist is so likeable! She is such an authentic character that you can't help but want to succeed.

Purple Hearts

Give it a chance past the first ten minutes!
Ok the start was terrible, I mean who starts a movie with a montage? I've always felt that montages are lazy. We were ready to turn it off after the really bad first bar scene. The characters were annoying, the lines were forced, there seemed to be no chemistry. But stick it out. It gets better, is sweet, entertaining, heartfelt, real and has some awesome, well written songs. I loved it. It had great acting and the two leads build up a really believable and natural relationship. I laughed, I cried, and just thoroughly enjoyed it. The 2 hour long movie didn't seem to lag or anything. Get past the start and you won't regret it!

The Man from Toronto

Hilarious movie!
This movie is great fun. Honestly, if you need a good laugh and an easy watch, this is worth your time. I love Woody Harrelson and Kevin Hart, and they gel really well together. Yes, it's a ridiculous plot, but it is so funny and had me in tears is some of the scenes. So so good. I highly recommend.


Great fun for the kids
I watched this with my 3 and 5 year old at the movies and there is only the one scene which was pretty scary for them but overall it was funny, had a decent story line, and we all enjoyed it. I recommend this as a good family watch.

Late Night

Such a nice feeling watching this movie
After watching this movie, I felt good. I laughed, I cried. It had amazing actors - Emma Thompson and Mindy Kaling we're brilliant and had great chemistry. Such a funny and heartfelt movie. I just don't understand all the negative reviews - people need to lighten up! Definitely recommend watching this movie, you won't regret it.

The Drawing Show

Classic kiwi humour
This is such a good kids show. It has a different thing that they show you how to draw each episode, then the drawing magically comes to life! Voiced by a bunch of kiwi comedians, it is pretty funny. Recommend.

A Nice Girl Like You

Boring with too many cut scenes
There are so many copied scenes in this movie and the lead guy is so clichéd with absolutely no personality. It's so annoying how he always answers a question with a question! The lead actress is pretty good and quite believable. It's actually a pretty funny premise and some of the scenes had great potential to be hilarious, but none were. You will just be getting invested in a scene and CUT. Maybe just let it play out a bit. Boring movie but had enough in it to watch it all the way through, and did have a few laughs in it. I won't watch it a second time though.

Jingle All the Way

Way too violent to be a family movie
This movie just made me cringe. Sinbad's character is angry, aggressive and completely unlikeable. He literally chokes a women while waiting in line to get into a toy store. Nothing is funny in this movie. Arnold beats up Santa Clauses and steals presents from a kid. It is not a happy, Christmas movie. My kids were upset while we watched it. I'm a big Arnie fan, but this movie just left me feeling stressed. Way too violent and it has no laughs at all.

Sweet Girl

Enjoyable. The other reviews are too harsh!
I enjoyed this film. Sure it had some questionable areas, like surely they can track their cell phone and their car, but it makes it all that more enjoyable. It is an easy watch, with a solid enough motive, and a really good twist at the end that I certainly didn't see coming. Asked some good questions on the major pharmaceutical corporations and I feel it had a lot of truths in it.

Younger: Irish Goodbye
Episode 12, Season 4

Ridiculous storyline
I mean why would you fly to Ireland for your ex's wedding? This series has lost me. It's gone too far. Way too far fetched. Lucky Maggie continues to hold it up.


Very Entertaining
This movie was very enjoyable. I loved the storyline, the characters and the humour. It really was entertaining! Maybe a few scenes that were a bit scary for little kids, like the coyotes, but overall it was really fun and humorous. Don't listen to the bad reviews! They're all just negative Nancy's with no sense of humour!

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Use your blue eyes
These amateurs rating the episode 3's because Arya got through and killed the night king. She only spent an entire season training to be able to change faces, so it's totally plausible that she turned herself to look like a wight to get passed them all to get at the night king. Melisandre said to her she has changed to brown eyes, green eyes but not blue...totally hinting.

Such a good episode and just because heaps of main characters weren't killed off doesn't take away how good this was. I can't wait until the next episode.

The Guest

Starts well but spirals out of control
This movie actually started off well. An ex soldier turns up at his dead mates parents house as a tribute to his mate. He is welcomed and it appears that his mission is to look out for the family. He demonstrates this by beating up the sons bullies and framing the daughters abusive boyfriend of murder. He also helps stop the son for getting expelled and kills the Dad's boss so that the Dad immediately takes his spot. It all makes sense so far and this movie seems to have a clear direction. Then it all goes wrong. We discover that he is a wanted soldier and several cops go to the house to try and get him. He escapes, and in the process kills the Mum. Why? What is the point in that? Why didn't he just do it at the start of that was his aim? Then he drives off in the car and has a head on crash with the Dad. He then shoots him. Again, why? Why did he go through the trouble of getting the Dad promoted if he's just going to kill him anyway? It just doesn't make sense! Then he goes on a pursuit to kill the kids. Wasn't he helping them out before? Honestly, if he hadn't of killed any of the family this movie WOULD have worked. It would have got at least 7 stars. But the plot was just plain bad. It's like the writers gave up. This movie just ended up not having a purpose. Totally weird. I enjoyed the first 65% of the film but then it just became stupid. Have a watch and judge for yourself.

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