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Worse Than a Bad Blind Date
This movie is painstakingly slow. I learned nothing new. It was like a Realworld or Jersey Shore episode strung out over two hours. It can't be suspenseful when you know what's going to happen and how it's going to happen. It was agonizing. If people were actually interested in learning how identity theft works by watching this movie, they must have been stuck in a surfing closet the last two years.

How bad is this movie? If you had a blind date, and after seeing this person for the first time you found them so disgusting in appearance that you just turned and walked away. That person could have been me you were coming to meet. However, after seeing this movie, I can look in the mirror again.

Thank God I didn't watch this movie in a theater. I only wasted $ 1.20.

Jack Reacher

Better Than Advertised
I just read a review from a Tom Cruise hater. I got to admit, I think Mr. Cruise personally has an ideology, which is difficult to understand. Perhaps, that makes him misunderstood. However, as an actor, I find him first rate. In Jack Reacher, Mr. Cruise sells us early on on who he is in this movie and why the character Jack Reacher which was created is believable. Tom Cruise has been selling us on his athletic ability and hand to hand fighting skills for years now. This hater calls him a "munchkin" no doubt because of Cruise's height of 5' 7". But we know there's men in the world smaller than Mr. Cruise who could kick almost anyone's keister.

Like the MI series, this action movie has it's contrived moments. No doubt our hater probably laughed through Cruise's last fight scene, not because of the action, but a decision Jack Reacher makes right before the fight scene, which is unbelievable. Then again, we have to remember "suspend disbelief" some otherwise we don't go see a lot of these movies.

It was good to see Rosamund Pike on screen again. She has a good screen presence albeit a stiffness no doubt coming from her stoic English roots. I couldn't tell whether that stiffness was a result of her lines (screenwriting), the directing or her acting. She did seem to loosen a little at the end of the movie, and was part of a expertly written, directed and acted scene which will move you ... if you have a heart.

Another disturbing part of the haters message was the response from the IMDb audience. Over 70% responding to the review thought it was helpful. Good grief. What does that say about what is going on in our country. Do we really have so much hate? The movie is getting okay reviews 7.3 at this time. However, the movie is somewhat poor attendance, which is also indicated by the number of IMDb users who have rated the movie. I wonder if, from a marketing standpoint, using generic names like Jack Reacher and John Carter make it more difficult to sell to the public. Weren't we all asking, "Who is Jack Reacher," when we first heard the title? Don't listen to haters. If you like Cruise or action films, go see this one. You'll be glad you did.

The Hunger Games

Pretty, But No Punch
I was really looking forward to this movie. The idea and what I had seen from trailers appealed to me. However, once the movie got started it didn't. It didn't appeal to me and it took forever to get started. I know there's the development of plot and characters, but this was just beyond tedious. There were all the elements to evoke emotion from the audience. I tend to tear up at a lot of good movies, and at great movies, I just weep. This one didn't get a single tear. I thought the story was written well enough, but though they spent enough time on character development, perhaps they spent too much on the main characters. There were scenes where the elements of love, even sacrificial should have brought more emotion, but died in the scene. There was one good scene which was a salute to the fallen. That one gave me a little warmth. All the moments which could have produced more response from the audience were so singular in nature that there was no momentum. The audience was simply sent packing to the next scene. An okay movie to rent, but wouldn't add it to a collection.

Total Recall

Better Than Reported
I was hearing the reviews that it was a bomb. One perception was it was (still is as of this writing) going up against Dark Knight Rises at the box office. Dark Knight Rises is a splendid work, and though Recall is a sequel, it's much different from it's predecessor. Yeah, they thrown in the head change device (though most think the first Recall was even more elaborate), the wife's role, etc...to mirror the original, but I liked the storyline much better than the original. The whole Mars thing was just silly to me, which many liked in the original. I though it provided comedic relief in the first, and threw the film a little off balance. No such luck in this sequel. The "good" wife is like what the comedian Bill Burr describes a woman as a "psycho robot...relentless." Oh, yeah, Kate Beckinsale lived up to the relentless part just fine, and there was NO, let me repeat NO, comedic relief. Biel and Beckinsale were both excellent with Beckinsale, I think, having a slight edge in prowess and intensity. 40% of voters so far have given the film a 10, which is more than most movies averaging 7-8. This current weighted average is 6.3 due to 17% think it WAS a bomb and rated it a 1, the lowest rating. I liked the movie. I would buy the DVD when it is released.

John Carter

Better Than Box Office Receipts
I didn't really know what to expect, except that a friend saw John Carter at the Theater and liked it. Now after seeing the movie, I am sorry Disney didn't think their promotion of John Carter more thoroughly. Not that Disney didn't put enough money into their promotion, they did. However, if your title is a dog, well then, you know the axiom about betting on dogs. Again, John Carter was a adaption of a 1917 novel titled, Princess of Mars. The Princess, beautifully played by Lynn Collins (those eyes, contacts?)would have been better served in the title of this movie, as was a movie named after the title of the book released as a video in 2009. I really think the title of the book being in the title or replacing the title John Carter would have helped this movie at the box office.(perhaps, John Carter and the Princess of Mars) You know, hindsight is better than foresight.

The movie is visually appealing, well paced (especially for an action adventure) and nicely edited. Another first class movie from Disney. I think the movie is worthy of a DVD collection if you're thinking about buying it. Just gotta love the dog, OMG!


Easily Entertained
I have read some of the other reviews which charge the movie with being xenophobic. I wonder if these people even saw the movie, because there was no hint of racism, sexism. Someone claimed there was a Japanese hate thing going on, but what??? Some of these arm chair critic must live on anti-depressants, because their glass is always three quarters empty. It was a simple story of a guy meandering through life with no purpose. His brother gives him a purpose, and he force fits that role until tragedy strikes. Now, he's called to step up and grow a set. It's arguable that he ever does. Like Harry Potter, things just seem to go his way, but isn't that how it is in life? For sci-fi fans who LIKE "TRANSFORMERS" you've got to suspend disbelief and go a long for the ride. Iaylor Kitsch has a Chris Pine like quality to him. You just like him. What's not to like about Brooklyn Decker, but she played more of a role than I expected and quite frankly was pretty good, not showing a full range of emotions, but enough to satisfy the acting skills critics. I thought Rihanna did more than a "yeoman's" job, and she was on the screen a lot more than I expected. She has a natural screen presence, but I think we already knew that before she actually got on the big screen. Okay, it was corny, contrived and just a lot of fun. I really liked the message to amputees, "You can still not only have a life, but you can contribute."

Person of Interest

A Purpose Driven Life
Jim Caviezel plays a former CIA operative, who is wandering aimlessly through existence until Finch, played to the hilt by Michael Emerson, rescues him, and gives him a purpose for life. This is my favorite TV show now over Big Bang Theory. Producer Nolan and his writers get us interested early and keep us on the edge of our seats. Will the Elias character come back and when? Paige Turco playing Zoe is back again in this week's episode. Can't wait to see it. What about Reese's ex? Will we see her in an upcoming episode? When will the CIA take their next shot at Reese? Caviezel's character, Reese, has skills, but I like the fact that Nolan cast Reese with moral fiber, formidable, but not impregnable.

The show seems to bond to it's audience by picking victims and heroes indiscriminately. It keeps us guessing what Reese and Lynch are going to do next as they rely on experience instead of standard operating procedures.

I hope the show continues for a couple of seasons.


Where will you spend eternity?
First, I liked the movie. If you're a baby-boomer like me, or if you have caught any of the old Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In shows, you may remember or have seen Arte Johnson (Tyrone) and Ruth Buzzi (Gladys) doing their park bench skit. Tyrone asks, "Do you believe in the hereafter?" Gladys answers to the affirmative to which Tyrone responds, "Then you know what I'm here after." Classic. It does raise the question. In fact, we could put a question mark in the movie title and it wouldn't detract at all from most of the movies message, which raises more questions? Where do we go when we die? Is it true that we may feel this state of conscious weightlessness? I found it interesting that the movie took a shot at the "religious right." My own biblical beliefs I find not so strangely consistent with much that "Hereafter" had to say about our supposed state of being after death. (Though the movie did not say a lot-which I thought good, it lets the viewer raise their own questions)

Most Christians have heard of the rapture, which comes on Judgment Day, a day in which Jesus himself will supposedly come from Heaven with Angels in train. However, most Christians can't answer where people go NOW, when they die. Do they go to a "purgatory" as Catholics believe "some" will go to, or is there some kind of "intermediate Heaven" until Judgment Day? After Judgment Day the "saved" are supposed to "inherit" a "new earth." I thought the movie gave us a "possible" answer (or two) if not a plausible ones, perhaps even Biblical. My encouragement is to do your own research. There are some pretty important questions to be answered. The answers are there, all you have to do is look and ask.

I especially liked the casting. A lot of people with "imperfections." We used to see more of that in the forties and fifties, but nowadays it seems movies are dominated by a "beautiful" people formula, which I like. However, it's nice to see the contrast occasionally, and not just in comedies! (What does THAT tell you)


Only the acting
I was disappointed, not in the acting, but in just about everything else. I read some encouraging reviews, and as the movie started Meryl Streep took me back to my teacher, Sister J. . As Streep wandered the aisles of Church and school, I said to myself, "Yes, this is an accurate scene. This is just how it happened." However, what was the purpose of this movie, and what is it's message? This is where I am deflated, let down and discouraged. I thought perhaps that the writers don't really have the insight into the real world of the Catholic Church just the periphery. Sure, recent years have uncovered a plethora of pedophiles, and if more was said of the movie in this, perhaps maybe the better, but little was said, just inferred. It seems that the message of this movie is it's title, and as the not so good Father tells us in the opening sermon, we can all find unity in having the same flaw. WHAT!!!??? This is a secular pile of dung. If priests and nuns wrote this movie they would write and act of doubt's antithesis, the all important credo in unity, which is Faith. Now, writers and audience alike may criticize my viewpoint, saying it is I who don't understand, but that is what I think is all wrong...with the world viewpoint and with this movie. I hate to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the movie, but the end says it all. In the end, Streep becomes a bad person. The movie tells us Father Flynn's next residence is larger and therefore puts more boys at greater risk, not to mention that Streep.... Well, I don't have to tell you if you want to watch it.

I have another problem with the movie as to how it handled the Miller boy. The movie let's us believe one thing, but the boy never shows any signs of being of a certain orientation, only the word of his mother in close conversation. Was the movie's point that gay boys attract the pedophiles? That whole line was confusing, and arguably underdeveloped. Point is if you're going to divulge the conversation with the Mother than something more has to be done with the subject matter, even if it's closed off quickly.

I can't recommend this movie except for the individual performances of Adams, Seymour and Streep (order by alpha or ind. rating, take your pick). They were all fantastic. I just wish they had a better script with which to work.

The Reader

No cacaphony in cartharsis
I did not see this movie in the theaters, so the actors and sounds did not grab my attention immediately, but once they did, and they did, this movie became the most wonderful exhibit of studies in catharsis, which I have ever seen. Though I did not suspect duplicity in catharsis as I moved through each scene, by the end of the movie it was clear to me that the writer(s)intention was to culminate the movie with the strongest of the expiations, the opening to the closed doors of the psyche. I don't want to be specific for fear of spoiling it for others, but Kate deserved the Oscar, and I liked this film much better than Slumdog Millionaire, but I wouldn't go so far as to say the Reader should have won the Oscar. SM was a good film, one that deserved recognition, a film that could grab your attention in almost any setting. I suggest that if you find yourself in the mood to curl up with a good book, it is the perfect setting to watch the DVD. Kate as Hanna is amazing, strict to our perception of the more logically oriented women of the Deutschland. It is surprising to see what delights this woman in this role, and that is to KW's credit. There may be one disturbing scene with a stark reminder of Nazi atrocity so you are warned. If the mere hearing of any discussion of the Nazi prison camps bothers you, you are once again warned.

However, if there is some slumbering guilt deep beneath the surface of your heart, which sometimes emerges to knock at the door, this movie may motivate you to open that door. If we open that door, we may be better off for it.

Fast & Furious

Fitting For the Franchise
The only spoiler here is the underwhelming comments of movie critics. My spouse and I saw the other three installments, and although we were not a big fan of the first one (we liked 2 best), the pro and antagonists hit the mark. We have the same two back again and although the plot may be thin it's there, it's simple and it works (not to spoil for those who haven't seen the movie). Additionally, the action sequences and special effects are riveting at times. My business partners son is a computer geek, and he prides himself on his knowledge of good special effects, and he thought that while another current release action adventure movie with superheroes had terrible special effects, this film captured his attention as well. Again, I liked two and three better, and my spouse thought this installment was the second best behind 2 Fast, 2 Furious. Good looking cars, people, special effects and the music fits the feast. In fact, I couldn't get my spouse out of her seat while the credits were rolling. (She told me it was because she thought something may come up in the credits, a device similar to some recent movies, but I know she just liked the music!)

Give us fans a high five as an encore, maybe ... "way too fast for the furious." (Please bring back Vin, Paul and Jordana)

The Dark Knight

Expectations Realized
Dark Knight, the long awaited sequel to one of my favorite actions films (not just action hero or superhero film), Batman Begins, finally arrives with a build-up, which included a IMDb user rating the highest ever, that surely no movie could possibly live up to. I went to the movie with my spouse and my business partner, both very discerning people who had equally high expectations. We wanted to see the IMAX version, and we had to wait until Tuesday as the first weekend was sold out at our venue.

The cinematography at the beginning of the movie (without revealing details)has my buy in, taking full advantage of IMAX, as the action unfolds. The first several minutes doesn't disappoint, and then all of sudden, like a 70mm film was cut, and a unfinished raw project was spliced in, comes disappointment. That disappointment comes slow at first, and then building to a crescendo, which culminates in a hodgepodge of flawed cinematography, an underdeveloped protagonist and a lack of longing to see the completion of a possible trilogy (although #3 can't be as bad as this one). I too was blown away, but not in a good way.

I was wondering, as the movie, was everything was looking so small, as if I was Gulliver and I had travel to the island of bad film noir. Gotham General Hospital looked like a clinic, which couldn't have possibly had many rooms as there was hardly enough room for a lab. The movie should have had a title with "Joker" or "Two-Face" in it, because Christian Bale's role was relegated to a man or myth moving through scenes with mechanical ease, while occasionally satisfying the special effects crowd. Where was Wayne Enterprises, or was Fox's office really in that room with no furniture and more displays than all the TV stations in Chicago (where most of the movie was shot)? In my opinion Maggie Gyllenhall, did an adequate job of playing the role of Rachel Dawes, but I don't think she is very good looking and as a result the competition between Dent and Wayne wasn't even a consolation event. (Dresses from WHICH century?) The transitions from Deep Focus to Shallow Focus were, in my opinion flawed and extremely irritating. What made the cinematography worse was the sequence in editing where transition which were smooth and logical in Batman Begins were choppy and even looked amateurish in many of the scenes (always landing at the upper torso turned left, and yes I know the motion direction is left but enough...NOT EVERY TIME!!!) I was hoping to see a movie the likes of Shawshank. I should have known that it is very unlikely to see an action or adventure film, which would rise to the top.

Sex and the City

Ever Ours
Let me start by saying that I watched the TV show for years from the sidelines (spouse watching the show, while I was falling asleep). Eventually, I became a fan. I tried to look at this movie from two perspectives: 1. I am/was a fan of the TV series, and 2. I was never a fan of the TV series but was curious, dragged to the movie by partner who is a fan, etc.. I think the movie gave me just what I was looking for: the girls, the relationships, and poignant comments about love and life. It was a great looking movie, the fashion was spectacular. Even when I start to be a little critical about what I thought may be a contrived emotional outburst from Carrie (SJP),my spouse reminded me that Carrie had acted similarly on the TV show when confronted with furthering the relationship with Big. One of the challenges this movie has, is actually being a feature length film. I thought the time frame of reference helped (seasons and over a year), although it was a little "telegraphed" in it's approach.

Whether there is a sequel, or the TV series is revived or revisited, I for one am anxious to see the girls, their lives, their relationships especially...whatever will happen to dear Samantha. Perhaps that one film, if it were, could be titled, "Sex and the city, Beyond Menopause."

Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein

Karloff does NOT play the monster
I first saw this movie as a young man of 8, and this movie has left indelible, heart warming memories and chills. Though Frankie is hardly "as" frightening today, this was the first time I saw any of the Frankenstein monsters, and the first time I had an opportunity to see Bud Abbott and Lou Costello do their thing. I can still hear Lou trying to yell to Bud's character Chick Young, "Chi...Chi...Chi..." like he can't get "Chick" out because he's scared out of his wits (if he had any). Very funny stuff, and the duo's timing is impeccable.

This was NOT the first time I had seen Bela play Drac, but he is as good as ever, the original vamp. People still mimic the pulled cape over the front of his face, even people who may have not seen the movie.

This movie plays well all the way to the end and keeps you laughing after you get up from the movie. Who play the monster? Check it out. The irony is this actor was known for his boyish good looks.

Good Will Hunting

Worth Seeing
This is a screenplay, whose script was written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and sold for $ 600,000. (They split the proceeds)I love this movie. I have seen it several times, and I still want more at the end (Isn't that what good movies do to you?) The subplots make for mini-movies of their own, especially the interplay between Robin Williams' character and Stellan Skarsgard's character.

Damon's real life buddy Affleck plays that same buddy role in GWH, and provides the definition for true friendship.

Minnie Driver is compelling, and I just love a couple of scenes when she and Damon are in a novelty store, and another where she is telling a joke in a bar with Damon, Affleck and friends. The love story which develops with Driver is very convincing, and it's "under the surface" portrayal plus input from one of our favorite characters makes for one of the best definitions of intimacy I have ever seen on film.

When I see some of the movies in IDB's top 250, I am sad that this movie isn't in there, but that is my opinion. Torn between GWH and Rounders as Damon's best movie, though I think GWD plays to a wider audience.

Love Is a Ball

There's a surprise under this hood
What surprise(s)? Plenty. How about Telly Savalas playing an effeminate guardian? How about Ricardo Montalban playing a klutz! This movie has all that and then some. Hope Lange is perfect as the rebellious young girl who doesn't want to be stereotyped (this was pretty racy for the 50s mind you), and Glenn Ford totally disarmed by his circumstance and his company.

Great chemistry between the players especially between Charles Boyer and Montalban, who just doesn't seem like he's ever going to play up to his title...this is really funny.

A movie I can watch again and again.

Casino Royale

Maybe not the best, but a Better Bond
Here I was bemoaning the passing of Pierce Brosnan. I guess it was all about not liking change. Now, Daniel Craig has made me forget all about Pierce (sorry), and a few other miscasts. I believe no one can replace the original...Sean Connery just had it all, and made the athletic prowess and intellectual superiority seem believable. Now, Mr. Craig may not be all that, but I believe he's already better than Dalton and Brosnan. Additionally, I believe Craig fits the model for today's young audiences, who can't seem to get enough of hunks in action films. He's very fit, more so than any Bond before him, and not unpleasant to look at, albeit not owning up to the "je ne sais quoi" of a Connery and Moore. There was just something elegant about Connery and Moore, and "more" than enough man.

This movie got my attention. Plenty of good action with a few goofs (where's the airbag FORD? I guess Bond doesn't look good resting on an airbag OR his laurels, hmmmm?) The gambling scenes were a bit amateurish. After all with the world series of poker and Rounders almost a decade ago, don't you think we know this already? That whole sequence was too predictable. Otherwise, the writing and editing was good.

Before seeing this film, I may have predicted the demise of the Bond installments. However, Mr. Craig has given James new life. I hope we can come up with a good title for the next installment, even if it's original material.

"M...the defibrillator please!"

Out of Sight

Clooney's alter-ego?
I just love this movie. I know I may lose credibility by saying Jennifer Lopez is a better actress than what she gets credit for, but ... there it is. This movie is only slightly erotic as Clooney's character fantasizes about JLo's character. This is a crime-comedy, one which I haven't seen the likes of in some time. By the way, did I tell just about everyone in Hollywood stops by to play a bit role in this film? Albert Brooks plays more than a cameo and is stellar. Don Cheadle is in a familiar bad boy role, and gives a 10 performance. Don't you just love Dennis Farina when he plays at least 50% the cynic? There are some very funny lines (especially one with Farina and Michael Keaton...I did say EVERYONE, didn't I?), and some very frightening lines as well, as the movie meanders the dark comedy line. Even Samuel L. Jackson drops in, but you'll have to wait a while...

Ving Rhames is great as Clooney's sidekick, and the writers use a wonderful handicap device for Ving's character that just tickles you. Luis Guzman is hilarious.

Between Two Worlds

Is there such a place?
I saw this movie for the first time in the 70s. It was, up to that point in my life, one of the few film attempts to tell us what happens to us when we die. Is there a place between our life on planet earth and whatever lies beyond? The point the movie does deliver well is that there is accountability, and people get more than enough chances to do the right thing.

John Garfield, Sydney Greenstreet and Eleanor Parker and Edmund Gwynn are all excellent in their roles.

It's a little slow aboard ship. but the movie has to weave the subplots, which it does quite well, bringing everything into judgment, as it were. Stick through it, there's a well done ending waiting for you.


Best of the Vamps
When I tell people THAT was Frank Langella playing Dracula in this 1979 movie they don't believe me. Frank sold the role as the prince of darkness best of all. The love scene where he rakes his fingernail down his chest to upon a wound for his newest mistress to drink from is erotic and beautiful. We always see Lucifer or Satan portrayed as an ugly demon, but even Scripture tells of a beautiful angel in Ezekiel 28, where every gem was "his adornment." This is one of the first movies where Dracula is this good looking man, who could draw the look of a woman without spiritual powers.

What is interesting is this historical contrast with Olivier and Langella. The younger Olivier was dashing and young. In this movie he becomes a picture of what Langella would come to be later in life and films. Many may argue a young Olivier was the better looking of the two, but if you raised that question around the late 70s you would have many more to argue the point, especially after this movie.

The end is chilling, in fact, I am getting chills now thinking about it.

The Prestige

abrakaDRABra aka anticlimactic has a new ending
After reading a few reviews, I approached the watching of this film with much anticipation. For better than half the movie, that anticipation was heightened. I felt that as the energy on screen was building, that energy was leaving the audience,including me. To borrow a line from another movie Christian Bale starred in, "Sometines, things just go bad." And, they did.

I do want to spoil the implausible end. However, it wasn't that the characters couldn't have been such psychological misfits unless of course they all came from the movie next door, Saw 3, which grossed 34 mill last week, to this movie's 6 mill.

This movie left me with an uneasy feeling, but not enough to fire any excess emotion. Anticlimactic has a new ending.


Somewhere out there
My spoiler is not directed to the movie itself, but to so many of the comments I have read about his movie. I saw this movie at the movie theater when it was first released and have seen it many times since then. It seems that many of the comments about his movie are much like Siskel and Ebert's old arguments, Gene leaning more to the technical merits of movie making and Roger leaning towards entertainment value. The actors alone provide tremendous entertainments value in a place where life and death since to matter even less than it does on this planet now, if that is possible. How Dustin Hoffman, who plays the indomitable Captain Hook, ranges from whimsical to cold-hearted with the flick of his ruffled wrist, "Kill them...kill them all." The movie raises and answers questions about the power of the mind, the will of the spirit and the transforming loves which comes from the heart. Put yourself in the mind of Peter's children and ask yourself how you would react after finding out Peter Pan IS your father.

I highly recommend this movie for young and old, if only it reminds us to pay more attention to those who are most precious to us.

Finding Nemo

Finding Movie Making at its best
What a delightful film. It's difficult to crack a top ten list, which hasn't changed in seven years (since Dances with Wolves), but this movie gets in my top ten. Ellen Degeneres' Dory creates her own chemistry with the sea and all the characters with whom she interacts. Yes, there is a special spark between Dory and Nemo's protective father fish, voice by Albert Brooks. Degeneres character would test the most stodgy and stoic of audiences. Who could mot crack a smile under Dory's amazing repertoire of forgetfulness and forget-me-nots?

Who knew Nigel (Pelican from down under) was voiced by Geoffrey Rush? I think we are all still throwing in our own "mine, mine...", whenever we find the opportunity. All the way to the end and beyond (don't forget to watch the credits!)it's a story of adventure, heroism and love. Even if you think you a have an aversion to animated features, I double dog dare you to watch this movie, and try NOT to crack a smile. Nemo will wear you out with laughter, and make your heart grow fonder. Even if you thought you didn't have one (a heart that is).

Over the Hedge

Beware of Unfunny Animals
It's not usually my style to criticize animated feature films, especially one, which has received more than acceptable reviews. However, this movie is just NOT appealing. I am a middle-aged adult who enjoys animated films. Finding Nemo is one of the best films of any genre I have seen, and the first Shrek movie I thought was terrific. It wasn't the characters. I enjoyed the character development. There was little chemistry amongst the characters. Granted there was some between the squirrel and RJ (Willis voice), but the closest thing to funny was Daddy Possum playing up to his namesake. I started and stopped the DVD three times, because I really wanted to think I was wrong about this film. Animated films, I think rely more on the scriptwriters unless it's a comedy and Robin Williams is one your voices. This screenplay was boring, the lines died, and alas so does this movie. 4 is being generous.

The Devil Wears Prada

Don't let the title dissuade you
I was told by two confidants who had seen the movie that it was pretty good. It was better than "pretty good", I think. Meryl Streep looks great, and is perfect in her role (when is she not?). Anne Hataway grows up from previous roles of adolescent fairy tales, and plays both her parts (musn't give it away, but they really DO wear clothes like that at Northwestern!) perfectly. Nice range, young Lady.

The movie is shot well (cinematography especially the lighting), good editing, and that runway in Paris...how come we don't see those dresses THIS YEAR?! Stanley Tucci plays a nice supporting role, and looks better than I've seen him in years.

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