
IMDb member since January 2005
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    19 years


The Perfect Score

Better than Expected
I rented this film after seeing Chris Evans in CELLULAR and Scarlett Johannson in LOST IN TRANSLATION. I heard that the movie was held back from release a while until Scarlett hit the big time with a few awards she received. i watched the movie with a slight cynical POV, but i was actually quite surprised that an MTV movie would actually become enjoyable. OK, so the premise is corny and stupid, even more so seeing as i live in the UK and SAT'S are nothing to me, and i never really understood how High school students, who can't get a high SAT score can pull of a mission impossible style heist. But hey, this the MTV generation and if people like Ben Affleck can save the world then i can believe Dumbass kids pulling of a heist. The acting is above par, but the characters aren't exactly detailed enough. Matthew Lillard shines as usual in the small part of Kyle ( Chris Evans ) older dumb brother. Scarlett goes through this film almost with the knowledge that she is destined for better things and just goes along with. With a lot of flaws, i still sat and watched this no-brainer film and weren't disappointed. if you like films that are no brainers or easy on the mind then watch it and it doesn't matter. Could have been A lot worse. thankfully it wasn't

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

Strange and Unique....not in a good way
I watched this after seeing Lindsey Lohan in the better than average "Freaky Friday" and the brilliant "Mean Girls". my expectations were fairly high as i see Lindsey Lohan as the next big thing. But i was disappointed at this film OK, so it's a Disney film, so i couldn't expect a Mean Girls style of humour, or a Solid easy storyline, like that of Freaky Friday. but i at least expected a little more passion in the movie. The storyline was drab and very slim. there wasn't much to go apart from the Lola (Lindsey Lohan) characters dream of being a starlet. The plot was so weak, that absolutely anything could of happen, which isn't really a good thing. The acting, especially from Lindsey, was very amateurish. Linsey's character was so OTT that it looked as though she had ignored the director and decided to improvise her role. Alison Pill's role (Ella) was boring and lifeless, and i could see that she was upstaged by an over excited Lindsey. the sub characters were poorly written, especially the love interest Sam (Eli Marienthal), who is brilliant in "Tucker" and "American Pie", who is wasted and underused and also completely pointless to help push the story forwards. the only saving grace in characters was Adam Garcia as the drunken Rocker Stu. is utterly superb playing a drunken White stripes meets Keith Richards character. he lifts the film at one point. But He can't save this Turkey of a film. I would recommend this film to Lindsey Lohan fan's who like her music more than her acting and 10 year old girls.

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