
IMDb member since January 2005
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Intrigo: Dear Agnes

Who are these people?
The current rating for this movie is around 5 stars. Now, admittedly the plot is not very original - but these days what plot is? Who are all those people who gave this such middling marks, when I can only see two people who written reviews and they were much more positive. I loved how the story developed, if a little slow in the beginning. The characters were all well played right down to the children. They certainly got me involved and interested what was going to happen next

What's more, there were even a couple of surprises for me (plot twists). Oh well you can't please everybody. A pleasant story with hardly any swearing and no melodramatic scenes - just a will they, won't they question of murder.

Save Yourselves!

Use Your Imagination
What an unusual and refreshing story - part sci fi, part horror thriller but plenty of comic relief too. So many people who saw this say they were disappointed at the ending. To me it was wonderful - my imagination (as an eternal optimist) could think of nothing but good things, at the end - which was a revelation.

Why do so many people like things wrapped up with a bow or a conclusion that has been written for them, instead of thinking for themselves?

Watch this and, if you have a half decent brain and a pleasant disposition you will enjoy it and it will appeal to your good nature about people and life in general. The two main characters held their own and worked so well together - with such a good script, not to mention the beautiful photography and scenery. Oh - and that baby (and/or its handlers) should win an award too.

Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railways: The Lunatic Express
Episode 5, Season 6

Mombasa to Lake Victoria - Kenya
Chris Tarrant, who I have loved from early adulthood when he first did the show Tiswas on ITV, is a great talker. No hesitation, umming or aahhing just full of facts and interesting knowledge - which he presumably has picked up on his journey (or from researchers). This particular train journey is familiar to me, as we did the overnight trip from Mombasa to Nairobi in 1980. He didn't do it overnight because that train no longer runs, and part of the journey was a on new Chinese railway. But there were plenty of familiar scenes from our trip in 1980 on the British line and some of it was quite harrowing - seeing how people still live in (what we would consider) some terrible conditions. It was so nice to see him meet the people - and the wildlife. Still a real eye-opener, like it was for us 40 plus years ago - but he didn't come across leprosy which we did in 1980. Nice to see some improvement there

At least his journey seemed smoother than our because overnight I was was sure the train was de-railed at least 3 times or we had hit a giraffe - of which we saw many. They were still there on this journey too

Billions: Chucky Rhoades's Greatest Game
Episode 1, Season 4

Becoming the Dallas of Millenium
Just 15 minutes in I managed to hang in there past the raucous Ace of Spades, gratuitous swearing and coke snorting scenes to get the gist of the new scenarios being set up for this series. Somebody else said it too - it has now become a parody of itself. I absolutely loved Billions, up until now, before this over acted drama fest - you can almost see the actors are struggling to take their lines seriously as they speak them. I haven't taken the time to see who wrote this first episode of the new season joke fest. Avoid this if, like me, you have it being recorded on your DVR/PVR. You won't then be sorely disappointed to see what it has become, trying to be hip and cutting edge - failing miserably and losing it's charm, intricacy and suspense. Such a shame

All Governments Lie: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone

Sush a shame more people haven't seen this
I came to this movie today (just missed the first few minutes) and was held transfixed for the rest of the movie. The sad fact is that - hardly anybody will have seen this and hardly anybody will care. The standards of journalism (the whole of modern media, unfortunately) have diminished to such an extent that the current President of America has managed to become acceptable to nearly half of America and yet he is a known misogynist and racist. The film spends most of its time showing how Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama cannot be trusted either - to represent the people. It is scary how much that un-elected people in power are in control and they do not represent the people either ie you and I can do nothing to stop them


Groundbreaking, unique, informative ...and funny
To quote Wikipedia (although it was so, so much more than this) "Rapido is a BBC2 television show which ran from 1988 to 1992, and was presented by Antoine de Caunes. It ran in over 14 countries worldwide.The show which would usually go out in an early evening slot, such as 7.30pm on a Wednesday night, featured reports from up and coming new bands linked together with footage of Antoine standing in front of a large Rapido sign on a white background.

The show developed from shows De Caunes presented in France, and gave the name to the production company Rapido TV (later Planet Rapido) which is famed for creating the late night Channel 4 television show Eurotrash.

Rapido was notable for De Caunes' idiosyncratic delivery. His English is completely fluent, but he (deliberately) spoke it with French intonations and speech rhythms on the programme."

I am amazed to see nobody has commented on this show yet. I loved it for his idiosyncrasies. To me it stands right up there with Max Headroom as a show that indentifies, to me, so much of a happy time in my life - with the disadvantage that nobody else loved it as much as me. If you ever get a chance to see it - do

Around the World in 80 Gardens

A Wonderful World Tour AND Gardens too
Who would have thought that you could make a television series about gardens - to be so informative, interesting and enjoyable? As an ex-Englishman (now living in Canada) I am obviously biased - because we English love our Gardens. I have, however, noticed that here in North America (and probably the rest of the world) they are merely considered as 'back yards' and somewhere, if they are big enough, you put a swimming pool and that's about it.

This show panders to those of us who want to do more, know more, and find out more about the nature of gardening and the various styles, plants, habitats, climates, etc in which they can exist.

This show was more than just a show about Gardens though. It was a guide to those enthusiasts who celebrate our closeness to nature - and to show how others around the world celebrate it in own their 'back yard'. A tribute to the individuals who have created a place to walk or to sit and enjoy nature and also show the many ways it is possible to create pleasure for others to see and appreciate.

Pushing Daisies: Dim Sum Lose Some
Episode 5, Season 2

Guy Ritchie tribute?
The new series (2008) started slowly as far as I was concerned. I found it difficult to get back in the swim (or should that be swing?) of things.

BUT ANYWAY - I stuck with it and after viewing a few episodes (and possibly missing one) it started to come good again. I found the ones where lots of secrets were being revealed and Olive ended up in a Nunnery (shouldn't that be Convent?) to be quite confusing and hard to follow. The Bzzzz bee opening episode was quite good and the Frescorts episode last week was good. However, today's episode was just fantastic!! SPOILER POTENTIAL - There were a lot of quick/short-edited shots during character description scenes, which reminded me so much of a Guy Ritchie movie (eg Snatch or Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) that it has made me determined to see if he guest wrote, or took part in, this episode somehow. And then there was the lady with the English accent who I thought was bound to be a 'baddy' (aren't they always?) - but NO not this time. I sat back and laughed so much - at the thought of food items representing poker hands! And what's more, surprise, surprise - Emerson getting a snog in a love scene with aforementioned English lady - WOW - didn't he look genuinely pleased with himself.

Fantastic episode!

Mrs Thursday

One of the Great Example of British 60's Comedy
What memories this brings back. I remember, with my two older sisters (I was around 10 years old and they were 14 and 16 years old respectively) how we looked forward to the start of this series. It must have been a good trailer that foretold of this upcoming show on TV that I remember, at such a young age, we were so eager in our anticipation.

The title role of Mrs Thursday was played by that wonderful character actress Kathleen Harrison (famous for her many maid-servant roles and appearances as 'Charles Dickens' type characters throughout the four or five decades of her career).

The premise for the series, that a working class lady comes into a fortune, was good. So was the acting. My main memory is of her kindliness and the ability to portray someone that you would just love to have as an Aunt, Mother or Grandmother. In fact, she did remind me of a favourite Aunt (Ada) of mine. Perhaps that is why I enjoyed it so much, but I think the reason it probably struck home was that she was (or seemed) to remain so genuine and nice, despite the money and all it could do to change a person's character (not always for the best).

I can't really remember why it affected me so much, all those years ago. All I remember, apart from her cockney accent (eg, Mr 'Unter), was a warm feeling that came over me before, during and after the broadcast, when my sisters and I stopped whatever arguments and disagreements we may have been having to sit down and be enthralled by this wonderful show.

The Uniform Motion of Folly

When will we see this?
I am concerned that this movie (or TV special) has not been widely released.

Has it been broadcast in Canada? If not, when will it be broadcast? The writer and Director has taken the trouble to write a plot summary for us on IMDb - which has sparked my interest and desire to see it.

My original route to this finding this movie was via looking at Ben Murphy's biography/profile and seeing that he had a role to play in it (Vincent). I haven't caught anything Ben has been in since his days in Alias Smith and Jones and would love to see him in something again. He, in my opinion, was a quality actor and I was always disappointed we did not see more of him after the Smith and Jones series finished. I notice he has appeared in a number of 'CSI type' shows - none of which I have seen. I hope to get the opportunity to watch The Uniform Motion of Folly soon, as the plot and subject matter are of great interest to me.

Tutti Frutti

A Wonderful BBC TV Series with great actors
I am astonished that this is not yet out on DVD. It was simply wonderful comedy and featured actors and actresses who went on to become famous individually after this show.

Basically the BBC description of this show sums it up: "This was a corking comedy-drama featuring dazzling Decalogue and all-round knock-out performances. Robbie Coltrane was particularly outstanding as the rotund but sexy Danny, and Emma Thompson was appealing as the sharp, strong and independent Suzi. Their romance was played out against a background of funny, dramatic and touching scenes depicting a band, well past its best-by date, suddenly finding a new lease of life. Adding to the heady brew was Richard Wilson as the Majestics' hilariously dour manager Eddie (almost a prototype Victor Meldrew), and Katy Murphy as his lippy secretary Janis Toner. A joy." What I don't understand about the (new?) IMDb system is why the most known and regular cast members don't appear on the main page cast list for "Tutti Frutti" - only later under individual episodes.


Great Actors, Great Drama - and Humour too!
Just been checking this site to see if Rome (the second series) is still on schedule and was amazed to see that a popularity score for it had not been registered on IMDb (still awaiting 5 votes). So I gave it my score of 10. Come on everyone who saw it (the original series last year) - get on and vote what you think.

The actors and acting quality were just phenomenal and the way they put the stories together was just so clever. Maybe it is not real (true life events which happened) but it was really entertaining and gave a flavour of how things probably were.

I just can't wait for the next series - and hope they continue with as many of the original cast as they can, hopefully with writing just as good as the first series.

Late Lunch

I loved this show with these two girls playing off of each other to a great degree. Their humour, with such naturalness, was what I think I liked the most. They were so at ease with each other and their guests that it felt like you were just watching a natural chat with people who genuinely liked each other. No nastiness or one-up-manship (did I spell that right?). Just good, clean, happy fun chat and jokes together. I think Light Lunch was where I first saw these two together when I came home from work at lunchtime and would sit down for my lunchtime TV entertainment (something I had never done before, during the daytime, was watch much TV). These two were always entertaining and became an obsession with me - to make me feel lighthearted before I returned to work! Great memories of great times.

The Comic Strip

Another Example of English Unirversity/Universal Comedy
In England BBC2 was a TV Channel that didn't ever get big audiences for its shows - possibly due to the fact that when it first started broadcasting in the 1960s people had to buy a new arial (antenna for our US readers) to receive it on their TV. However, it was a channel famous for Friday and Monday night comedy shows/series which appealed to a younger audience - who were willing to laugh at the more unconventional (eg 'Monty Python' types).

These shows (like the Comic Strip, Not the Nine o'Clock News, The Goodies and a few more) generally involved actors and writers with a University education, who were now considered talented enough, by the BBC and later Channel 4, to present their comedic skills to a wider audience. We have to be thankful that they all were given their chance. Some incredibly talented shows were made and careers were formed, by those people involved, who then went on to join and influence the mainstream Film and TV world.

They were ground-breakingly funny at their time. I hope the tradition continues - to boldly go where no comedy has gone before and break new ground.

When the Boat Comes In

Will I Ever See This Again?
One of my favourite TV shows of all time. Not many shows on TV have I set aside time for to make sure the show is never missed. This is one of them - along with Auf Wiedersein Pet, The Good Life, Bouquet of Barbed Wire, The Lovers (with Geoffrey Bubbles Bon Bon!), Not the Nine o'Clock News, The Fast Show, Shine on Harvey Moon and recently, now I live in Canada, the new HBO series Rome.

It was put your feet up time and settle down to a good old epic story of life, with fun, tears, laughter, trauma, love, lost love and love regained. Real.

Tell me its out on DVD please!

James Bolam came into his own as a mature actor, more than ably supported by his then wife Susan Jamieson. They, in turn, were supported by a fine cast of actors playing in roles that were gritty and not so gritty, full of pathos and ranging in ages that enabled all the viewers to identify with the characters and their situations.


Underrated Movie
I have just finished watching my DVD of this movie, with my kids, who sat enthralled and quiet (mostly) all the way through it! I don't know why but I enjoy it more the more I watch it - which is unusual for most movies don't bear up to repeated viewings.

The fact that there were distinguished actors and a good script (not to mention a bit of humour now and again along with brilliant special effects) means it earns a 10 in my book. I look forward with anticipation to X Man 3 which, I was pleased to see in my search on IMDb, is planned for release in the future. I hope it does as good, if not better, business at the box office as the first two. I also hope it manages to keep its high quality of acting and scripting - along with the special effects.

The Princess Bride

Makes Tough Men Cry
Years ago I watched a tough British Footballer (Soccer Player) being interviewed. He was a soccer pundit at that time but still had a reputation as a bit of a tough guy. But he said his favourite movie was The Princess Bride. So Rodney Marsh - all is forgiven and may all your beautiful daughters love you like I now do (although I am a guy by the way). Memories Eh?

I think that this Movie should be the first Movie ever to be awarded a new Award - something like 'Best Loved' or 'Most Charming to all Ages'

Perhaps a new IMDb category or search device should show ratings for movies that get the most consistent and regular (good) feedback from users over the long term. This movie is 28 years old and still generates so much post every month - as new people discover its charm.

The Girl in the Café

Wow - I just hope some important people see this
Wow - I just hope some important people see this. If sometimes a little slow and ponderous this is still a great piece of filming. Of course it has the advantage of Bill Nighy (you all must see more of his work to appreciate him - especially in comic roles) and his co-star, who I will be looking up on IMDb to see more about her and where I have seen her before.

I do hope that, at the next G8 in July 2005, there is someone attending who has seen this movie - to be able to make its premise come true. But maybe I am just living a fantasy. Even if only half the statistics were half true about world poverty and suffering you would hope that somebody with influence (or great wealth - Bill Gates - have you seen this movie?) would watch and do something about it.

What a great little love (?) story too. An excellent movie - but hard to watch if you have a conscience, are not a cynic and have seen Bill Nighy in other, more entertaining, fare.

Father Dear Father

Not Deep - Just Good Fun
Patrick Cargill and his co-stars were in their element and Donald Sinden played a good role too. My memories of this as a teenager obviously related much more to the two young daughters - particularly Natasha Pyne. I haven't looked at the IMDb details before entering this comment so may have some wrong name spellings. The show was just good clean innocent fun (TV Farce) that fit those times so well, but now would just look sooooo dated! I got married in 1975 and can still laugh at my enormous sideburns and platform shoes in the wedding photos. I thought I looked cool at the time, obviously! The humour was simple and the subject was interesting because it dealt with a father, on his own apart from a Nanny, coping with two teenage daughters.

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