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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Very impressive - non spoiler!
Have not finished the game but omg it's not only fantastic and absolutely worth it, it's a serious improvement over it's predesor. The story is relatively simple and intriguing but crucially it feels like a Star Wars story unlike anything Disney has pumped out via it's various TV shows. There is a significant improvement of the motion capture tech, fighting play and gameplay in general but the most impressive aspect is the world's. They are absolutely huge, intrinsically designed and challenging. It was not long a wait till it was reduced on Xbox store, well worth adding to your library, just fantastic!


The question not asked...
An exceptional and touching documentary. I was surprised the question was not put to Leon if he never wanted to make a film of his own. He learned from an absolute master and came from a theatre and film background. Quite a life he had.

AVPR: Aliens vs Predator - Requiem

Unwatchable and cheap
Pro's: the Aliens and Predators and hybrids look good, some ok fight scenes and nostalgic sound bites such as the motion tracker sound from Aliens feature but that is it. The film is mostly shot at night and in a rain storm and as a result its difficult to tell what is going on or see anything in many scenes. In a attempt to create controversy and up audience interest in view of its R rating after the lackluster AVP, this film goes all out in its grossness and features homeless people bring ripped apart as well as pregnant women being inseminated as well as babies being killed, it is for the lack of a better word, cheap. Of all the Predator and Aliens films combined this is by far the weakest and in light of Covenant and Resurrection that really is saying something.

House of Gucci

Style and substance, very enjoyable
Ridley can do spectacle with ease but as his recent Alien films as well as Robin Hood and Exodus notably fell flat on substance. With a good script and actors he delivers on both counts. Adam Driver who is fast becoming one of my favorite actors and a solid intense performance by Lady Gaga made this rather long film worth the watch.

Hannibal Rising

More cons than pros, ultimately weak!
First the pros, the production design, cinematography is solid but if starting with that as your opening pro and not with the actors or performances it's a good indication that something went wrong. The book is possibly the weakest entry in the series with a feeling that Harris was acutely aware of how ridiculous the ending of Hannibal was, tries to being a sense of thrill to the story. Following rather loosely from the book the film's cast try with what they have but the most notable issue is Gaspard's performance. He comes across as more of a creep than sinister with his interactions with Lady Murasaki, and I feel he overacts scenes as a caricature of what Hopkins achieved in Lambs. Another reviewer I read on here points out that at no point do you feel that this is what Hannibal evolved from despite it being an original story. With a better script, tighter direction and lead actor this would have been a good addition but it misses its mark too wide. There is a period between the ending of this film and the beginning of red dragon that Harris has not covered, of around thirty years, wonder if he will ever cover it...A good question would be who else could have played Lector in this film, thoughts?

Max Payne

Plus points vs fails
As a homage to the fantastic game this movie generally succeeds especially in terms of production design, action, tone and story but Walberg is miscast, but I can't imagine who could have played Payne. It's OK.

The Abyss

Amazing achievment but mixed story...
For all the stories of this film, how hard it was to make it does make for an astonishing visual experience that does, however, fail to distract from a rather mixed bag of a story that splits the films into two arcs, one about aliens making contact and the other far more entertaining notion of the stresses of life at such depth and what would happen if a trained killer went nuts. I appreciate most will not see two seperate stories but it's like the film is trying to be ET with a blatant anti-nuclear message. It would have worked as just a thriller better like hunt for red October but recovering the sub under the Russian navy's nose whilst a navy seal goes crazy would have been great. The scenes where Bheins character fights Harris and the mini-sub battle are fantastic and they could have done more of that, it did not need aliens. Love it though. Thoughts?

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Hits the right tone, perfect follow up...
Like many, seeing another ghostbusters project after the cartoon that was the 2016 version I was apprehensive about watching this. Apprehensive may be a strong word but I absolutely love the first film from my childhood. But I watched it and loved it and also would highly recommend, its like a perfect homage to the original and best. Great story, great cast and direction few reboots / followups are as well crafted as this film. Would say though that it is advisable to rewatch the original before hand.

Pups Alone

1/8th cast of The Expendables
My god you can practically see their souls trying to escape their bodies in their scenes... My young girls liked it but I was half expecting those two to pull out an MG42 each and have a flashback to that terrible Stallone film.

The Lost Symbol

So far so good but BUT...
Three episodes in and this show is better than I was expecting. Not read the novel but it's engaging. Mildly distracted by the way Langdon love interest keeps calling him by his surname, who does that???

Jacob's Ladder

Unforgettable and truly haunting
For all the clichéd shock scare or gore fest horror films out there this film does what a really good psychological horror should and genuinely get under your skin and leaves you thinking about it.

All the praise heaped on this film is well deserved, well worth seeing.


Ripley lives again...
Your increasingly familiar Netflix army-of-one action flick but this time they have channeled Mary-Elizabeth Winsted's uncanny-ness to Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, even so far as dressing her the same with almost matching haircut to help this movie try to match that awesomeness, but falls shy.

Ghost Ship

Decent horror flick and...
Thirteen ghosts and the decidedly better ghost ship were the only two film by Steve Beck and they are good efforts. Wish he did more.

True Detective

A masterclass in production
Not been this impressed by a series since Deadwood. From the story itself, written dialogue and acting to the cinematography its just brilliant. The haunting desolate landscapes almost becaome a character themselves. Highly recommended.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The best of the three...
Controversial comment maybe but while all three are good and the first was groundbreaking, for overall story and gameplay for me the second game takes the prize.


Underrated, at least the first half...
So where could the franchise go? In the direction of The Predator was clearly a horrendous mistake but this was prior to that train wreck. The producers wisely went with this story and, the characters have a degree of character to them and have to use their wits as well as their weapons. The second half it seems to lose its way but still a good addition to the franchise.

Halo 5: Guardians

The only thing missing...
Is from halo 2, the ability to duel wield certain weapons, especially the needle, that thing is awesome! Also would be good to determine what weapons your team has on campaign.

The Seventh Day

Training Day, with priests...
That's the notion that struck me twenty minutes into this film, that and feeling really really bad for Guy Pearce.

Call it...


Netflix rule: 1 good to 5 p**s poor
Visually impressive, decent performances and so so story but ultimately boring.

See what you guys think the ratio is, I have been impressed by 6 underground, Hotel Mumbia, and The Irishman.


Lacks subtlety, a shadow of Hannibal
Of course this series will be compared to the excellent Hannibal TV series that itself went a little sideways into its third season but only three episodes in and Clarice succeeds and fails in equal measure. In terms of succeeding, Rebecca Breeds is a solid choice as Clarice and her performance is closer to Julian Moore than Foster which is fine, and apart from utilising the same fonts as Silence of the lambs the comparisons practically ends there. Like Hannibal the show seems bent on hammering home without any degree of subtlety just how damaged the protagonist is and makes the idea of them functioning in their proffesions unrealistic and steals from the enjoyment of the show itself.

Perhaps the comparison to Hannibal is unfair but it's what people do and in this respect the show falls considerably shy of its greatness. Hopefully it will improve...


So I heard...
That they put a bunch of hidden cameras in Russell's car as an experiment, filmed an average day and made a film around the footage...

Call it...

Contract J.A.C.K.

A poor addition to the canon
NOLF remains after 21 years one of the best and most fun FPS shooters for the PC with the emphasis on fun through it humour. Nolf was the same just slower with more complex levels and annoying loading screens but still good. Contact Jack is just a boring and lazy follow up that feels rushed. It lacks the fun finds of the first two in the form of notes and hilarious conversations you overhear as well as some challenging stealth levels instead it just non-stop shooting wave after wave of poor AI enemies. Disappointing.

Godzilla vs. Kong

Queue Ryan's Pitch Meeting...
I cannot wait to see Ryan's Pitch meeting for this movie, omfg 🤣🤣🤣

For those unfamiliar check out screen rant on YouTube and search pitch meeting, probably over a hundred by now of popular movies, utterly hilarious!


Your favorite/least favourite character?
Archer himself is hilarious but I love Krieger, kills me. Pam is just annoying.

Love the show...

Dark City

Why I am torn between the theatrical and directors cut
Firstly I do love this film, the story, the characters, look and effects. The theatrical cut does give away too much at the beginning but, the DC lacks any degree of subtilty and its spoken exposition often repeats itself. It is possibly Proyas's second best film after The Crow, almost everything else has been ok to utter rubbish. It seems like the DC does not imply anything but rather tells you exactly what is going on and albeit eventually. I can't help but think that in the hands of another director the film would have been better suited as more of a mystery or psychological sci-fi thriller and am sure many already think that this film is. It just could have been so much more. Like Inception or Lost highway and left unanswered questions as to who the strangers are, where they came from and what they were really doing and really hit cult status, by being more ambiguous. Instead in as many ways as possible the characters explain away what is going on like the audience are children. A hybrid cut between the TC and DC may be a solution. A cracking film though and Richard O'Brien was a fantastic casting choice.

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