
IMDb member since September 2013
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Back story is way better...
The Chimp that kills eveybody in the set should have been the main story. Way way better than the weird UFO monster... Hope someone will take it as a project. I'll definetly will pay to watch this one.

With that said i did like the acting, and some parts of the storyline. Loved to hear the people screaming from the ufo stomach. Sure a pure horror, but this was it for a real horror. Also, the weirdness in this movie was something different. Something you won't see in our days mainstream horror films. Director seems to be an outsider, different, tarantino style. Peety he didn't take it to the edge with more scary stuff instead of wining horses.

Jessica Jones

Best villain ever
And i didn't even knew this character. A great refreshing surprise!

Game of Thrones: The Long Night
Episode 3, Season 8

Best in the show!
An epic battle with an epic end. My heart was in a heart attack situation from the beginning. This guys sure knows how to create horror...

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Great effects, great story, too long...
The bad critical are doing injustice with this film. We've got a movie with great effects as we use to from DC + A great story that actually sums the the DC best story lines together. Only this two issues putts this film in a much higher place than it achieve so fur.It seems like some of the bad responds arrives straight from the Marvel fans brains. It was also said that the movie is too dark and not funny as a Marvel movie. Well that's the exact way i like it, and the exact way it suppose to be if we want to see it as adults. Why oh why is it that long? Seems like zack snyder didn't know how to start and finish the movie when its on its best. I admit that there were too many parts that i didn't pay attention. Next time Zack, 2 hours are just fine!

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