
IMDb member since October 2013
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Enough Said

A Realistic View of Dating for 40+
This was a relaxing and enjoyable movie to watch. It had likable characters and the dialogue was fun without being cheesy. I could relate to Eva and her struggles with finding companionship as a middle-aged woman. Despite it all, it gives one hope how the most likely romance can turn into something beautiful. Wonderful performance by the late James Gandolfini. He played such a sweet but strong man who wanted to find love again. The chemistry between Julia and James was believable and very touching. Overall, I would highly recommend this film for anyone who wants an easy going romantic comedy with wonderful acting.

The Moaning of Life

More Musings from Karl
I was a big fan of the Idiot Abroad series and was super thrilled to see that Karl is back. This time he is fumbling his way around the world learning about different cultural rites of passage like marriage. I enjoy how Karl views the world. He is unabashedly himself and is naturally hilarious. He questions why we do things like have a big marriage ceremony - is it really necessary? What is the point of pomp and circumstance for merely a moment in time? Karl is a philosopher of this generation. No doubt about it. I'm a huge fan and appreciate him in all his cranky glory. Ricky Gervais was a genius in discovering Karl and introducing him to the world. He truly is unique in today's very artificial culture of celebrity fandom. Karl cuts through the bs and says what a lot of us are thinking.

Hello Ladies

Awkward first start
There are so many clichés. In many ways, I felt that they are trying to rip off many of the character dynamics from Seinfeld but without success. To sum it up, this show is awkward, unfunny and it has been done before. Instead of laughing, I felt myself cringe. I did not find any of the actors to be likable and Stephen Merchant seems better suited as the straight man along side Ricky and Carl. I'd rather see them bring back the hilarious Rickey Gervais' Show than this mediocre comedy. In addition, why does Stephen Merchant and Co. always play upon a disabled person as comic relief? Not only is it unfunny but it is borderline perverse. The political incorrectness is so forced that it needs a laxative.

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