
IMDb member since February 2005
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Murder Is Easy

Really awful adaptation...
Agatha Christie must have been turning over in her grave when this horrible version of Murder is Easy was released. I'm surprised her estate put the go-ahead on it. They must not have known how awful it was going to be. Bill Bixby is totally out of his element as an American in the British countryside trying to solve a murder especially when it comes to courting Leslie Anne Warren. Trying to update the time period as well is awkward as social customs will have changed and it's especially cringe seeing the old school computer being used to try and solve a crime. There's no warmth, nothing at all endearing about this movie and it's just embarrassing for most of the main actors who must have all been in need of money when they agreed to sign on for this go-round.


Interesting but...
This documentary didn't have quite enough "bite" to it. The bottom 80% were never heard from and I would've liked to hear more of that side of the equation. But there was still enough to show what shady people the Stidhams really are. I nearly laughed my head off when Deanne said we should trust her son because he was so funny how could he ever scam someone. And how Kenny Brady suddenly lost his memory about stating Lularoe WAS a pyramid scheme. I was quite surprised to hear Lularoe is still in business. If you are thinking about signing up be sure you read the fine print in that contract before you sign on the dotted line.

Mom: Tiny Dancer and an Impromptu Picnic
Episode 12, Season 8

Show was basically over at this point...
But I have to say I absolutely loved Steve Valentine playing such a cad in three episodes of MOM. This particular episode clearly showed the series was at it's end.

Much is made about a twenty-year old advertisement on a billboard yet what could one possibly see on a weathered, faded, ripped up, discolored, pooped-on billboard after twenty years? And why was Adam driving down a lonely stretch of two-lane highway by himself to begin with? And it was sad to see a once happy, fun-loving guy like Adam reduced to a miserable pulp by the end of the show. He deserved so much more. It had a great run but it was time for the end.

Dr. Phil

A total disappointment
I began watching this show back when it first came out and it used to be a show about truly helping people. He let both sides present their story, then gave insight in to what the real problem was and how people could begin to move forward. Then after a couple of years the program became more about sensationalism and exploitation and it's been downhill ever since. After not watching for 16-17 years I watched an episode on YouTube recently and I was sickened by what I saw. Nothing but mud-slinging for about 45 minutes then 15 minutes of his cosmetically overdone wife hawking beauty products. They need to take this show off the air.

Border Security: Canada's Front Line

Not all that exciting
Not all that exciting and it's disappointing to see the confrontational, condescending and patronizing way the Border Patrol people harass travelers who don't speak English as a first langauge. Basically if you plan to go to Canada, don't wait until the last minute to purchase your ticket. You will be pulled aside immediately because apparently nobody in their right mind plans a trip to Canada without preparing months in advance. Don't make arrangements to fly in a day eariler or a day later than your spouse because this is apparently a big red flag. It's amazing the stupid stuff they will stop you for. If you like this kind of thing, you will like this show.

Hotel Portofino

Very Pretty but Totally Empty-Headed
I gave it three stars for the absolutely beautiful country which I will never get to see in person. Beyond that, there's nothing to recommend this series. It never really moves along and it seems to me if one wants to own a totally British hotel it would be much more easily done to actually own one in Britain.

A Summer Romance

Seen it before...
Rich city slicker shows up to buy poor girl's ranch. Girl puts boy through the mud, makes fun of him, he drools all over her and in the end, they both get the ranch. We all know the rest of the story. No need to say more. Hallmark no longer stands for quality or character and all three channels show basically the same story over and over again all day long.

Last Man Standing

Tool Time all over again only with girls this time
Three daughters instead of three sons this time and plenty of rude snarky "backtalk" for mom and dad. All of these girls need a bit of dressing down regarding their entitled attitudes, especially the one with the baby who does nothing but whine and complain all the time. The two eldest girls aged out of the show within a year or two and by the end of the third season, the youngest one was on her way out (to college) as well so the writers had to keep coming up with ridiculous reasons to keep them hanging around the house. Plus, all the girls were played by actresses much older than their character and it's pretty obvious, at least to me, that none of them are their supposed age. Personally I would love to be a Mandy with the petite build, beautiful makeup, hair, nails, and wardrobe but she went from being kind of a sweet, distracted middle child to a not so smart doofus fairly quickly. This show was mainly a comedy vehicle for Tim Allen so if you like his sense of humor, you will probably like it but for me, it just didn't have "it".

Her Pen Pal

Sympathy for Hallmark Workers
I feel bad for the people working at Hallmark who have to get up and go to work every day just to grind out junk like this. Hallmark used to be THE STANDARD in quality television, the best of the best in all aspects. Staying up to watch a Hallmark movie was a special event. After this "production", my girls and I won't even be watching Hallmark anymore. Not even to pretend we're in Paris.

Cut, Color, Murder

Thought this was about a kindergarten teacher!
Haha, when I saw the title (Cut, Color...) I thought this would be about a kindergarten teacher and the next word would be "paste". I was only partly wrong. This movie is for kindergartners at best. Others have outlined the plot so I won't get into it. I just wonder how much longer Hallmark thinks their viewers are going to put up with such mediocrity. Hallmark used to stand for QUALITY. Not so much anymore.

7th Heaven

Reminds me of Eight is Enough...
When you start with five kids and a mom and dad, then expand to 7 kids and a mom and add, then you have to start adding other "live ins" (cousins, fosters, strays, stragglers, assistant pastors and their girlfriends, etc.) in order to come up with some kind of a storyline every week, it's a good sign the show is a dud. Add in the worst acting EVER (especially those two self-conscious twins who were completely camera-shy), 7 siblings who look NOTHING alike and act like they hardly know each other and it just gets worse and worse. Yes, the show had a moral tone, it was supposed to be written that way, but it soon got way over the top and overly preachy. The episode where the blond kid and his girlfriend had a family meeting to let their parents know they were going to start having sex was especially awful, the show where Ruthie and her friend got lost and it was somehow connected to the Lost Boys of Sudan, and the ridiculous way the show ended with everyone literally riding off on a bus into the sunset - well, somebody should have been shot for approving that awful script. Good, wholesome television shows are really needed - too bad this one wasn't "it".

Darrow & Darrow: Witness to Murder: A Darrow mystery
Episode 4, Season 1

Makes me long for the gold old days
Hallmark used to stand for the highest of high quality programming. A Hallmark Special was something my parents always let me stay up for. However, after watching the "movie", it is a shame to see they have sunk to the lowest of lows. There's no mystery here, only bad writing, bad acting, bad storytelling, and the cheapest production values I've ever seen. I guess I'm just an old fuddie duddie but after watching this, it makes me long for the good old days of Hallmark.

The Bat

Nothing but a bunch of silly women....
If you spent a night holed up in your bedroom because you were scared to death by a murderer in your hallway, what's the first thing you would do as soon as he left and you dared leave your room? Pack your bags and get out fast? Or hang around, inviting friends over, to share the scare? Not too many sensible people that I know of. Others have shared more, but I will leave it at that. It's nothing but a bunch of silliness.

Holey Moley

Just a bunch of silly summer fun
Miniature golfing at it's finest. They should make it an Olympic sport!

Without Honor

Worst acting ever by top-notch talent....
And terribly miscast as well. Are we really supposed to believe that the overly tall, blond-ish good-looking Dane Clark, and the much shorter dark-haired Bruce Bennett are brothers? Or even related in any way? Agnes Moorehead as a timid mouse with barely a squeak? And the lovely talented Laraine Day as stiff and wooden as a tree? Due to her almost entire lack of dialogue in this movie we see her doing a lot of hand-wringing and not much more. It's almost as if she was doing an audition with the director saying, Okay, Laraine, show me fear, now show me anxiety, let me see some anger, then stringing it all together and calling it "acting". Very sad. I liked the storyline and thought it had potential but I'm afraid I'm going to have to call this one in as a dud.

Knives Out

Nothing but a disappointing bore...
This isn't even a "who dunnitt" murder mystery. An old man commits suicide in plain view of the audience so we know right away "who dunnit". The rest of the movie consists of watching a hispanic nurse vomit every fifteen minutes while the victim's family do nothing but spew vulgarity at each other. Should've stayed home and played with my dog instead of wasting my time at this one.

Private Benjamin

Army Recruiter Extraordinaire..
I'm telling you, Harry Dean Stanton was such a suave smooth Army Recruiter in this movie I almost went downtown and signed up for the Army myself. Promising Goldie she could go anywhere in the world she wanted to, could choose from 300 different jobs, that housing on base was like living in a condo on the beach, and that everything: meals, housing, wardrobe, etc. would be provided for her. Man oh man. He could have persuaded a Hawaiian an igloo was nice, warm and cozy. Great job of acting in this movie!

Emma Fielding Mysteries: Past Malice
Episode 2, Season 1

Not Worth the Money it Cost to Make It
Sadly this is Courtney Thorne-Smith at her worst. Both in acting and appearance. First, she has had so much face work done, she hardly looks like herself anymore and has taken on a bizarre Klingon appearance. Then the acting and level of writing of this series is awful. Extremely SLOW MOVING plot, poorly delivered lines that seem to have been written by a sixth-grader, and little to no action. Watched the first fifteen minutes and couldn't take it anymore.


One of the greatest movies ever made
But so distressing I have never been able to watch it again. It is so realistic and the acting so true....the whole story reaks of realness....I just haven't been able to watch it again.

Movin' On

Worst Show Ever Written and Acted?
It sure comes close to it, that's for sure. Caught this on late-night television and I couldn't stop laughing at how bad it is. Horrible acting, poorly written lines, bad story plots. Supposed to be a drama but almost comical in it's presentation.

The Wrong Neighbor

Bad even for a Lifetime Movie
Horrible horrible excuse of a movie. You can't even call this stuff "acting. They must have been desperate at Lifetime to fill in some space. If you think you have any intelligence at all, stay away from this movie.


You can call this a "A social satire in which a man realizes he would have a better life if he were to shrink himself " OR you an call it "2 1/2hours of the most bland, boring, beige movie ever". I vote for the latter option myself. Matt Damon's character bumbles around as the greatest bore ever so it's no surprise when his wife declines to accompany him to TinyTown. Even more amazing is that a political dissident from Viet Nam would fall in love with him by the end of the movie because they have absolutely nothing in common. And speaking of the dissident, I am not surprised Viet Nam was ready to dump her in TinyTown. She has a high-pitched, squealing voice that makes fingernails scratching on a blackboard sound like music. Go see it if you absolutely must, but remember, you were forewarned.

A Majority of One

Poorly Cast
I don't know, I just couldn't see Rosalind as a Jewish mother from Brooklyn. Her accent, makeup and clothes were never quite the right fit for her character. Her daughter is all American sophistication and propriety and is obviously not Rosalind's pretend daughter. And don't even get me started on Alec Guinness. I don't have a problem that he isn't Japanese, he just doesn't even begin to seem even the least bit Japanese. It was so bad I couldn't even pretend he was Japanese - it was very irritating trying to watch him pull it off. They all seem overly stiff and formal, and, well, just not very interesting. I'm glad so many of you seem to have enjoyed the movie but it just wasn't for me.

The Ambassador's Daughter

Lovely Fashion Show
This movie features a lovely fashion show presented in a high-class Paris restaurant. If you are an aficionado of '50's couture, you will love this part of the movie. Otherwise, I can think of no reason to watch it.

Olivia de Havilland is way out of her depth as an "ingenue" (to say nothing of being way too old for this part) and Forsythe pretty much phones it in. Myrna Loy is my absolute favorite actress ever but even she cannot bring much light or warmth to her part. She makes for a rather dull Senator's wife sad to say.

I stopped watching this movie about half-way through so I cannot comment further on it except to say it was very boring.

A Day for Thanks on Walton's Mountain

Possibly contains a lot of spoilers!
Unlike the other reviewer I find this movie to be unbelievably bad. Bad acting all around, bad writing, stilted dialog, and situations totally contrived so Pa Walton can go around saying "I think I have the answer to that" or "I think I know how to solve that". Then he'll point to a tool box or a tree or read a poem and suddenly the issue is completely resolved. Plus, supposedly, all the kids are adults now yet they're still wandering around wondering if they're really meant to be a writer or if they should be a musician or a basketball player or should they work at Ike's store forever. Erin's husband Paul is rather dull and slow-witted when he can't figure out how to resolve their privacy problems and she seems equally passive/aggressive about how to figure it out. Really just a very bad movie all around.

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