
IMDb member since October 2013
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Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Adventure

Refreshing Blast From the Past
Fun animation depicting a time when most all people were experiencing the same look at a real time event in our early stages of technology. For better or worse, everyone was viewing from a shared lense. Quite a contrast from our splintered viewing from which we now interpret real time reality. The director has nailed the zeitgeist of 1969.

Being the Ricardos

Insightful And Astute Drama
This very easily could have been a vehicle for cheap laughs and a portrayal of the pablum that was so prevalent in the 1950's. Instead we get a nice dive into the social tenor of the times. There were actually strong and forcibly intelligent women that could cut through the rigid and uncompromising views of the men in power. Nicole Kidman is mesmerizing. By the end of the film she becomes a mirror image of Lucy's appearance. Definitely a movie for someone who has a good grasp of the actual facts and the societal mood of the times.

Phantom Thread

Texturally Layered
Phantom Thread is exquisitely textured. The director creates individual pieces of emotional fabric that are artistically woven into a movie that can be so palpable that it can almost be tasted. Daniel Day Lewis has some classic lines with sometimes humorous undertones. A real delight. Sorry public- no explosions or car chases.

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