
IMDb member since October 2013
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The Blacklist

Great Show
This show has started off pretty amazing, the first episode was pretty bland but still set up for a great season.

The second episode and so-forth are amazing with the plot becoming more and more unpredictable. The connection 'Red' has with the woman agent is still a mystery and how he knows so much about her.

Just when you think its over then another twist occurs (especially with the second episode).

The acting is fairly good but Jason Spader just steals the show with his perfect character.

The idea of the show is quite a bit like Homeland but hopefully it branches off into its own show so the critics can stop comparing the two shows.

Overall, great start to the season an hopefully the twists continue and sets up a great finale

Arrow: City of Heroes
Episode 1, Season 2

Perfect Start
The first season started off fairly slow before getting awesome. This season instead starts off great and, hopefully, will continue to be even greater.

The episode explains how the results of the "earthquake" and Tommy's death have on Oliver's esteem in becoming 'The Hood' again.

The laughs are still there but it seems that the show itself is going to be more darker. Oliver doesn't want to be a vigilante and the season is particularly going to focus on Oliver becoming a 'Hero' rather then being known as a murderer.

Perfect start to the season and it feels like a completely different show (which is a good thing). I love Arrow and hopefully it continues to amaze me each week

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