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Mars Attacks!

Underrated Sci-Fi/Comedy gem
I had the pleasure of recently watching this movie and let me tell you it did not disappoint. Considering my favorite actor of all time is Jack Nicholson i already had this on my to watch list and boy am I glad I did. Martians have surrounded the planet with multiple alien warships and, after a failed peace treaty with them involving a dove released by a hippie, are soon invading every continent and country on the globe. The Movie focuses on many different characters as they deal with the invasion and the humorously cartoonish aliens. The cast in this movie is wonderful and features a slough of big name actors. Jack Nicholson Glenn Close Martin Short Pierce Brosnan Pam Grier Rod Steiger Micheal J. Fox and that's only naming a few. Tom Jones also joins our protagonists as a hilarious version of himself also on the run from the aliens. Tim Burton is a great director and always will be, he's had several misses but luckily this one takes the cake for me. It's definitely not for everyone, but if your into over the top fun romps like I am, give this a watch.

Top Five

Chris Rock has done it once again. One of the planet's funniest comedians has made one of the funniest films of all time. This was funny,charming,well written and very we'll put together. Chris Rock plays Andre Allen a popular comedian who wants to reinvent himself and start making more serious movies. However nobody seems to want his serious stuff and only want him to make his popular Hammy the Bear movies and make less films like his new Haitian Revolution Epic, "Uprize". Throughout the movie he is interviewed by Chelsea Brown played by the lovely Rosario Dawson. The supporting cast is incredible, Tracy Morgan, JB Smoove, Gabrielle Union, Cedric the Entertainer, Leslie Jones, Sherri Sheppard and DMX. Yes even DMX makes a cameo in this! This was one of the funniest comedies I have ever witnessed and I would highly recommend it to those looking to laugh

Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Better and Better
Guillermo Del Toro once again delivers in this motion picture epic that is Hellboy 2:The Golden Army. I had high expectations for this and it did not disappoint. The sequel gives us more action, more monsters, more visuals and a much more nasty villain than the first. The weakness with the first was the villain and this one is truly an improvement. Luke Goss as the elven Prince Nuada is pretty damn cool. He wants all humanity dead and will kill anybody if its necessary, that is truly a nasty villain. Our main characters are all back and as fun as ever with the addition of Agent Johann Krauss. Seth McFarlane voices the robotic agent and I loved him every minute he was on screen. The monsters are all there as well and Del Toro once again has designed some great creations. The giant cave troll Mr. Wink, an elemental forest god, the androgynous looking Angel of Death, the cat eating Scottish troll Fragglewump, tiny insect like monsters that feast of teeth, you name it, this movie has got it. So if you love a good superhero flick, check this out ASAP.


One of my Favorite Comic Book Movies
Hellboy is most certainly not everyone's cup of tea. I mean with a title like that it could instantly turn many people off. But once you get past that, inside is a well thought out, well shot and well put together motion picture. Guillermo Del Toro has always been one of my heroes in the directing field and this film is no exception. Ron Perlman as the role of Hellboy is possibly the best casting for a superhero since Kelsey Grammar as Beast from X-Men. He is an incredible actor, even under 4 hours of make-up, he delivers. The film has wonderful side characters as well. Doug Jones as the man/fish hybrid Abe Sapien, John Hurt as Professor Broom and Selma Blair as the brooding Liz Sherman. The designs are what I love most about this movie. The look of the main monster, Sammeal is truly terrifying, proving once again when it comes to creating monsters, Del Toro is the best. The one weakness the movie has is the villains. The characters of Grigori and Ilsa are pretty bland. Their Henchman, Agent Kroenen, however, is truly fun to watch. The fight scenes with him are always intense. If you haven't ever seen this movie, and want to experience a decent comic book flick from the early 2000's, I would give this a watch.

Run All Night

Avoided most action clichés
I loved this movie. I'm a huge gangster film type of guy and this film was no exception. Liam Neeson gives one of the better performances of his career in this action epic. He plays Jimmy Conlon a depressed, fallen on hard times former hit-man who's only friend is his former boss Shawn Macguire played by the always great Ed Harris. His son Mike, played by Joel Kinnaman, works as a limo driver and wants nothing to do with his father due to the horrible past he has behind him. One night while driving a client home, he witnesses Macguire's son murder a couple Albanians and is then hunted down and his only choice is to have his estranged father help him survive the night. The action is executed very well and very R rated and gritty. This film is not for the faint of heart or those who don't wanna see any blood. There are also some very good supporting characters. Vincent D'onofrio plays a CIA agent who is hot on Conlon's tail. And my personal favorite is Common's character. He plays a assassin hired by Macguire to kill Neeson and Kinnaman and is such a badass at it. At one point he gets half of his face burned clean off and just acts like its nothing. Overall if you love dark, gritty action, go see this.


Excellent Sci-Fi picture, I don't get the harsh reviews
My expectations for Chappie were relatively high going in and the movie did not disappoint. As a huge science fiction fan, I loved this movie. The action was excellent, the characters were good, the setting was interesting and it was just an all around good film. The character of Chappie is in a way lovable. You don't want to see him die or hurt and you feel for him. He's just an all around lovable character. Dev Patel's Deon is a good character, he's sorta this mastermind who creates all the robots. Hugh Jackman as the villain works very well and he is such a bastard you just wanna see him get the hell kicked out of him which he does. Ninja and Yolandi were pretty much OK they were very hard to understand at times and i'm really not a fan of Die Antwoord but from what i saw from them they did OK. Overall if your a Sci-Fi fan, go see this


It's Good
Based on the trailers for this movie I did not know what to think of this. But after I saw it last night, this exceeded my expectations. This was a stylish, different and a very creative kind of movie. It takes us into the world of con artists and the creative ways they get away with crime. This was very entertaining the whole way through and has a cast of very colorful characters. The character of Farhad had me laughing at every scene he was in and the stunningly beautiful Margot Robbie gave an excellent performance as she usually does. And of course, the King of Cool, Will Smith is slick and charming as ever. This is an excellent comeback after the disasters that were After Earth and Winter's Tale. So in all this was a very good film and you should definitely check it out.

A Walk Among the Tombstones

Very Entertaining
Looking for stylish action-thriller a bit different from all the clichéd action stereotypes of today? Well look no further. A Walk Among The Tombstones is a very satisfying, entertaining and disturbing movie. Liam Neeson gives a much better performance here than he does in any of the abysmal Taken films. Matthew Scudder is a very interesting character. We are also given much support from Dan Stevens as drug lord, Kenny Kristo and the kid they got to play the character of TJ is actually a good actor. The villains are particularly nasty. The two kidnappers in the film are incredibly violent and sadistic and make the audience feel uncomfortable just watching them. The entire feel of this movie is dark and dismal which is perfect because that's exactly the kind of atmosphere the book. Particular scenes are very violent as well. Overall this is an excellent film and definitely worth your time.

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Batshit insane!!
I had such high expectation for this movie. I saw the trailers and I was so damn pumped to see this. Yesterday I finally went to the theater, purchased my ticket, sat down in the theater with my two friends and let me tell you this did not disappoint. This was exactly as good as I predicted. The film boasts an incredible cast. Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Michael Caine, Samuel L. Jackson, newcomer Taron Egerton, even Mark Hamill! Yes, Mark Hammill. It was very refreshing to see him return to the big screen and fans of him will not be disappointed. The action scenes are by far some of the best I've ever seen in my life. This is one of the most violent films i've ever seen. If you do not enjoy strong violence and lots of bloodshed this is definitely not for you. Limbs are cut off by a prosthetic legs- toting lady servant , people are stabbed, impaled, shot in the head, poisoned, you name it, this movie's got it! From the director of Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class comes yet another amazing title that you should definitely go see. Forget Fifty Shades of Grey. This is by far superior in every way. Bring on Kingsman 2!

The Imitation Game

I went into this feeling like I was going to be incredibly bored but little did i know i was about to be blown away. I didn't know to much about Alan Turing before this flick but boy did I after it. One of the most brilliant minds who ever existed acted out by one of the best stars working today. I hope Benedict Cumberbatch wins at least something for this performance because by God he deserves it. We also get other great performances from Keira Knightly, Matthew Goode, Mark Strong and Charles Dance as well. I won't give anything away here but the ending is beyond incredible. It had me stand up in my seat applauding. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to be entertained and think hard at the same time.

Jupiter Ascending

Do not believe these lies!
I honestly cannot believe the negative reception this movie has received. This was original, creative, full of incredible action and some very colorful characters. Jupiter Jones is a house keeper of Russian descent, makes her living scrubbing other peoples toilets and hates her life. Little does she know that her entire life is about to get better. Millions of light years away the Matriarch of the Abrasax, a group of wealthy aliens who own many planets unknown to those on earth, has died and her three children are competing for the rights to own earth. The oldest of the three, Balem finds out that Jupiter is the next heir, puts a bounty on her head and wants her dead. A bounty hunter, Caine Wise comes to her rescue and the adventure is on through the galaxy. Say what you will about the Wachowski Siblings, but to me they are two very creative geniuses. This Sci-Fi epic was probably one of the best i've ever seen. The fight scenes were well done, the spaceship designs were fantastic, and i haven't even got to the giant flying Dinosaur/Saurian Minions yet. Oh yeah this movie has those too. If you are a fan of Sci Fi i have 4 little words for you. GO SEE THIS MOVIE!

Edge of Tomorrow

Easily one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. Edge of Tomorrow is a definite must see. The movie stars Tom Cruise as Lieutenant William Cage who is falsely drafted into a war to fight the Mimics a horrifying alien race that is wiping out all humans. While in battle cage is killed after he kills an alpha mimic and it's acidic blood splashes on his face he somehow is caught in a time loop re fighting the same battle until he can kill the omega mimic and end the entire war. Emily Blunt co stars as "Full Metal Bitch" the best fighter in the war and does a great job. This movie is also helped by a hilariously southern Bill Paxton and Brendan Gleeson as a Prominent General. The Battle suits or "Jackets" used in the war are incredible to look at when they show what they can do with their weaponry. The action as a whole is incredible and if you get a chance see it in 3-D it makes use of it to the best of its visuals. Definitely go and see this film

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Better than I Anticipated
This was a major step up from the last film. The Amazing Spider Man 2 offers incredible action, drama and comedy all in one. Andrew Garfield has played Spider-Man much better than Tobey Macguire in my opinion. Garfield offers much more action and comedy and better web swinging than the old spider man ever did. I thought Jaime Fox would suck as electro once I saw the design but I was 100% wrong. Electro's new design is much more threatening than that of the comics and I thought it was a good update. Same with Paul Giamatti as the Rhino near the end and Dane Dehaan's new version of the green goblin. Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy was just as good here as she was in the first movie. There is also a major twist but I won't give anything away. Overall this is a definite must see.

Dallas Buyers Club

One of the best films I've ever seen.
So many people rip on McConaughey, saying he's a bad actor. I honestly do not see how anyone can think such a thing. He is incredible and Dallas Buyers Club definitely takes the cake. He plays Ron Woodroof a rodeo cowboy and electrician who is diagnosed with the HIV virus and only given 30 days to live. He is told about a new drug called AZT that hopefully will help slow down the virus. He illegally obatains the drug through shady deals with a janitor at the hospital he's at. Shortly afterward he's back in the hospital and finds the drug AZT to worsen the situation. Sharing the hospital room is Rayon, a transvestite played by Jared Leto in a brilliant performance. Though initially hostile toward Rayon the two obtain much better vitamins and minerals from Mexico and start the dallas buyers club for all the AIDS patients. The charge is $400 a membership and if your a member you get all the drugs you want. I don't wanna give anything else away so just let me say definitely go see this movie

The Wolf of Wall Street

Incredible! Best movie of the year!
When i saw the trailer for this i knew i just had to see The Wolf of Wallstreet. I'm already a huge Scoresese fan and this did not disappoint. Definitely not for everyone though due to the excess sex and drugs galore. But if you love that kinda stuff this will be your movie.

Leonardo Decaprio's performance as Jordan Belford is so damn well done. He is such an unlikeable but at the same time likable douche. Jonah Hill was Hilarious and i think this is his best performance to date. Like i said before the Sex and Drugs is overblown almost every second there is somebody either thrusting or moaning. The lead characters consistently take Qualuudes and are almost always stoned off their asses. In the office area their is so much going on naked marching bands, a chimpanzee and Jonah Hill swallowing a live goldfish. That was the highlight of the film for me.

If you are a Martin Scoresese fan, you must definitely go and see this. Its magnificent


This Was actually pretty damn good
As a fan of the book and the original 1976 film my expectations for this were mixed. But just yesterday I saw this with two friends and loved every minute of it. It is very faithful to the original source material with a few modern takes on the story. There was also a bit more blood . Chloe grace moretz is not my first choice to play carrie but from what I saw she did very well. You feel for her and feel the pain she's going Through and understand why she does what she does in the end. Julianne Moore did especially well as the crazy religious bitch mother. The original was a little silly and over the top but Moore plays it so well it feels like I'm watching it for the first time. The prom scene is straight up awesome and has some very intense death scenes . Overall the film is very good And I highly recommend it.

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