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American Horror Story: Checking In
Episode 1, Season 5

Hum... Not a very good start.
My expectations were not that high, and still this first episode left me disappointed.

I don't mind gore, au contraire, but blood just for the sake of blood doesn't do it for me. I don't care so far for the plot, nor for any of the characters. Both Gaga and her lover were obviously "inspired" by the two main characters from The Hunger, although Gaga is no Catherine Deneuve, and Matt Bomer is no David Bowie.

The only good thing I can say is that the art direction is superb!

But this season is still young, and I'll wait until episode two or three before deciding if I want to stay or checking out... ;)

Continental, un film sans fusil

One of the best French Canadian film... ever!!
Just a few words to say of much I love this film!! I recently watched it for a second time and I liked it even more!! The acting is excellent, the writing is flawless (in a realistic kind of way) and the directing is very sober (the camera is very static with very minimal editing).

It's such a shame that this film did so little at the box office. I can easily understand why the average John Doe didn't bother but what about all those cinephiles out there ??

As far as I am concern, "Continental - Un Film Sans Fusil" ranks among some of the great French Canadian films such as "Les Ordres", "Mon Oncle Antoine", "Les Bons Débarras", etc...

Please do yourself a favor and go watch it right now!!

Dead Mary

Better than most recent horror films
I had to watch this film for professional reasons and, I had to say, I was happily surprised! I am not saying that it's a masterpiece but I though it was much better than most recent horror flicks, especially for a straight to video movie.

The directing is sober, the dialogs are good (not in a Tarantino way but in a realistic kind of way) and the performances are quite decent.

Some people might say that the plot is not really original. The influences of "The Evil dead" (mood wise) and John Carpenter's "The Thing" are kind of obvious but I didn't mind that at all. Especially considering the fact that so many recent horror films are remakes.

This film, along with "Wind Chill", is among the most satisfying horror film I have seen this year!

The Giant Claw

Oh Mon dieu!! It's La Castagne!!!
This is one awful movie!! Some people told me that it was not that bad actually but I sure disagree! The monster is amazingly cheap (and funny) looking but this is something we all knew I guess. In addition to that, the dialogs are awful and the writing is just plain terrible.

As bad as it is, this movie as the quality of being entertaining. Not always for the good reasons but it's a good "so bad that it's fun" flick.

By the way, there's no such thing as "La Castagne". According to a secondary character in the film named Pierre (described in the movie as a French Canadian), there's a legend among French Canadians about a giant bird know as "La Castagne". As a French Canadian myself, I can assure you that I never heard of such a legend. It sure made me laugh though... :))

Mulberry St

I really enjoyed it!!
I saw this film last night at the Fantasia film festival and I really enjoyed it!! It's well written, well directed and the relatively unknown actors are doing a fine job! In fact my only complaint, but it's a major one in my book, reside in the image quality of this film. As far as I understand, this film was shot on mini-DV and, unfortunately, it shows. There's a serious lack of definition and, most of the time, the image is very noisy! Hopefully it will look better whenever it comes out on DVD but, on a giant screen in a theater, it doesn't come out very good. Take in note that I work in the industry as a quality control technician, so my opinion on this matter could be a little strong compare to most people. As a matter of fact a friend of mine was present during this showing and told me that she didn't even notice that it was shot on mini-DV so... :) Beside that factor I really enjoyed this film and I strongly recommend it!

The Cutter

Ed Wood can rest in peace after all...
As far as I am concern this must be one of the worst film I ever saw. For instance the directing, editing and camera work really got on my nerve. I was constantly under the impression of watching a very annoying music video-clip. I wasn't impressed by the performances either, especially Chuck Norris who reminds us that he just can't act and when he tries, it's more laughable than anything else. Even Bernie Kopell's acting job is left to be desired. Some people might ask what was I expecting from a direct-to-video Chuck Norris flick. The answer to this is "not much" and even then I was seriously irritated by this movie. I mean come on… even Jean-Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagall are smart enough to stay away from delivering bad one liner anymore. And when they do, they are definitively more convincing than our friend Chuck.

The only good thing that I can say about this film is that it's entertaining. Never for the good reasons, but entertaining none-the-less. Especially if you are among friends and… drunk.


What a waste..
It's really a shame to see so many talented people involved in what's happen to be a very waste of talents. The plot is cliché. The directing is too self conscious and the characters are almost caricatures. One of the most disappointing aspect of this film is Gerard Depardieu's performance in the English version (this movie was shot in french and English at the same time). Although he is one of the best actor in the film, he gives the worst performance of them all. I must say that Bianca Gervais come very close though...

On a more positive note I must say that the newcomer Juliette Gosselin gives an amazing performance in both version. Unfortunately that the only good thing I remember about this film...

By the way I must apologize for my not very good English...

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