
IMDb member since November 2013
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The Complex: Lockdown

Save 80 mins of your life!
This is a horrible movie. The lead actress is the worst actress I've ever seen. No range of emotion. Horrible on all accounts!

The Resort

Abandoned the Resort!
What a horrible movie from the acting to the everything!

You watch you're friend die and do nothing but stand. No screaming, nothing. Your other friend dies, and you're reaction is "She's dead isn't she?"

The response is "Nobody survives that kind of wreck."

And how can one flashlight light up and entire basement!?


Yawn Central!
This movie began with bad acting and it continues with bad acting. You can easily predict the killer and the plan from the get go! This is not scary and is not entertaining!

Horizon Line

What A Waste!
This movie is absolutely the most idiotic, technically wrong piece of Pooh!

The main actors overact to the extreme!!

Watch this if you want to sleep or if you have nothing else to do.

Max Reload and the Nether Blasters

Bad...Not Terrible..Just Bad
Let's see...the first 30 minutes is pure nonsense and served minimal purpose.

Acting is mediocre.

Execution all around is bad.

What Keeps You Alive

More Holes Than Swiss Cheese
This movie has a great first 30 minutes or so. But then it goes off rails in the sense of all the plot holes. Jules has so many opportunities to flee and be done, but the writer makes it so contrived that she wouldn't. Could have been so much better!


The Title Gives It Away
If you know what vivarium means then you will understand the premise of this movie.

The F**k-It List

White Privilege Extreme
Imagine that your ultra wealthy parents can provide anything and like a BRAT you rebel. You blow up a school with NO REPERCUSSIONS cause your parents pay off the school. In a fit, you steal their Mercedes and decide to go to the desert to have a pity party. Your video allows you to become an influencer and then you can chase your girl around the world and then travel the world.

This movie is pathetic, unrealistic, and quite absurd.

End of the World

B Movie at Its Best!
What a low-budget fun movie! Fun to make fun of! This movie is so cheesy, poorly acted, and full of laughs!!! The world is ending but only five people know and try to make it safely to some remote caves. And lava actually crept up a building onto a roof! Helicopter is air, windows and doors open, but hair stays perfect! The laughs just don't stop y'all!

47 Meters Down: Uncaged

This movie is ridiculous from the onset! Poor acting all around and significant plot hole and stupidity abound. The sharks are blind but are they also deaf? These girls scream throughout the entire movie and yet sharks do nothing. Then suddenly there's a vortex of swirling water out of nowhere!? Who approved this movie? Plus they were able to thrash around, scream, cry and their air pressure barely moved. Just a ridiculous movie.

Last Ferry

What Did I Just Watch!?
This was a horrible movie from beginning to end. There are tons of plot holes! Seriously...I would never tell anyone to watch this movie!


Horrible Movie!
I thought with this cast, this would be a great horror movie. Instead it's a literally wound to your life and time.

The storyline is so jumbled and a mess, not even Armie can save it. We honestly have no clue about the plot except there was some kind of ritual.

There was no explanation of why Rick was the portal for whatever came out of him at the end; we could barely see it because of the stupid CGI cockroaches covering the screen at the end.

No explanation why Armie's character was chose and no reason why Carrie was the only one affected by the internet tunnel of hell..I suppose?

And finally, what was the purpose of the college kids? To drop the phone and send messages with ZERO context?

When you do realize that the ritual was performed based on some books, you are never told what happened and why it happened.

This movie is garbage.


Great...Until the Ending
This movie is a slow starter which is great because character development is amazing. The feel and tone of the movie's cinematography is amazing. Direction is great too. The story had so much potential that was basically thrown away when you discover the "twist". It is not a scare you out of your pants movie. It's way more suspenseful than horror.

Pacific Rim Uprising

Bad...Not Horrible...Just Bad
This movie was bad on many levels. It is an extreme embarrassment to the original one. This is not a homage to Japanese Cinema, but rather a film with no heart and no relatable characters.

Wait for the DVD

The Last Days on Mars

Spoilers: New take on Zombies
A research crew of eight inhabiting the Tantalus Base outpost on Mars are 19 hours from the completion of a six month mission and a rendezvous with the lander Aurora, which will return them to their main orbiting craft.

Scientist Marko Petrovic (Goran Kostić) has found samples that may point to life on the planet. Without revealing his discovery he devises a ruse for one last sojourn on the surface. Crewmate Richard Harrington (Tom Cullen) drives Petrovic, in a solar powered rover, to the spot where he had found the sample. Having obtained soil with the biological agent present Petrovic is about to return to the rover when he is swallowed by a fissure. Captain Charles Brunel (Elias Koteas) and crewmate Lauren Dalby (Yusra Warsama) plan to explore the pit to retrieve Marko's body. Dalby remains at the pit but disappears before the team can return with equipment. Led by Brunel and Vincent Campbell (Liev Schrieber) the pit is eventually explored and some sort of life is found to be present and growing.

Dalby and Marko reappear at the main outpost having been mutated by the Martian biological agents: they are now fast, aggressive, and zombie-like with blackened skin and no trace of their original personalities. Harrington is killed with a power drill and the other crew members are attacked. The bulk of the movie's middle section is taken up with fights and escapes from the zombie beings through the habitat modules of the Martian base. Brunel is killed and reanimates with the infection. Scientist Kim Aldrich (Olivia Williams)— who had often infuriated her crewmates—is deliberately left to die by Robert Irwin (Johnny Harris) who emerges as the most self-serving of the crew. Rebecca Lane (Romola Garai) is also injured.

Eventually Campbell, Irwin, and Lane flee the base on a rover with zombies in pursuit. When the rover's power runs down the three must get to the other rover. Under the pretense of a scouting operation Irwin steals the second rover arguing that Lane is infected due to a wound. Waiting for the sun to rise and the solar powered batteries to recharge, Campbell falls asleep and Lane flees knowing that she is likely to turn into a zombie. When he wakes he goes after her, but is forced to kill her when she turns to a zombie. Campbell and Irwin separately converging on the Aurora lander, where the lander's crew are killed by zombies and a clearly infected Irwin initiates a launch, taking him and Campbell into orbit. Campbell kills Irwin and ejects the body and virulent blood droplets into the vacuum of space.

Campbell leaves a time delayed message for mission control saying he does not have enough fuel for a rendezvous but that supplies aboard can last for months if they want to launch a rescue. He argues that this may not be advisable as he may be infected himself, having found a tiny cut on his face. The movie ends before he gets a reply.

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