
IMDb member since February 2005
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    IMDb Member
    19 years


The Guilty

Great performance by Jake Gyllenhaal
A very captivating remake where Jake Gyllenhaal and voice actors create tension and compassion with the characters. Very good achievement considering we only see Jake and sometimes a colleague. I did get annoyed by the consistent gloom and doom coming from Emily, but I guess that's also a sign of good voice acting as she drew me into her despair.

Into the Badlands

The right balance between mystery, spectacular fights, humor and beauty
I'm currently watching season 3 on Prime and this series keeps on being captivating and highly entertaining. Nick Frost brings lightheartedness to an otherwise dark and bloody piece of art. There is no clear good or bad, but instead every character evolves, changes and fights with their own demons. Clearly great attention was given to the look & feel with beautiful fights that are like bloody dances with colourful and mesmerising backgrounds and beautiful people. Of course it's over the top, but that is what creates a world on its own, a world like in a fairy tale as gruesome as they were before Disney took the edge out of them. I love this series and am sad it was not continued.

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