
IMDb member since December 2013
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Captain Phillips

nothing but a triller
This is the movie based on the real incident which has happened in 2009 at the Somalian coast. This movie is to save a captain life from the captive of Somalian Pirates. I was reading many things regarding the hijacking of ships while ship passing through near the coast of Somalia, but this particular movie gives me the clear picture of what is happening actually at the time of hijacking of a ship. One of the interesting things here that, the way captain attitude towards the pirates. Tom honks makes this movie really thriller one and I think no actor can perform like him as he makes it better one. The ship started from the of unknown port, I think it is from the Shalala Oman, with full of container loaded in the ship. Then it starts a smooth journey till them rectifying the pirates coming towards them. In between director didn't forget to shows us what is happening among the pirates. They are simply recruiting the young and minor boys from the crowd and whoever knows how to handle the gun they can go with them for hijacking a ship. All hijackers are majority from the fisherman and they will not have any proper education and majority of them are wrongly motivated by someone with a particular interest. Each group of pirates will be having a boss and they have to cover the quota in each week. One of the noticing things here that they are all are from the Muslim background. Then ship started journey, pirates people are started journey from the coast in a mother boat with all facilities including gun. They will be starting in a boat till they find out the ship, and if they find out any lonely ship they are starting in a small speed boat to reach to ship as fast as possible. When the captain of container ship noticed it, he will be very hurry to get assistance from the outside including the marine coast guard. At the first attempt, pirates could not make it up because of lack fuel, but they went and came second time. When they tried to approach to the ship, Capitan and crews were tried to resist them, but everything went on veil and they entered in to the ship. At the initial moment itself they tried to threaten the captain. Before the pirates come in to the ship, captain gives the direction that all crews should be gone to engine room and whichever places where they cannot easily identify them. Then they started to search for the crews in order to make them as captive so that they can bargain for the money by using them. But pirates could not find them, while the captain of the pirates where searching in the engine room, the crews makes down him with their physic, that went on well and they tried to barging by using him, but the highly experienced pirates can easily detect any moves and finally managed to escape from the ship by a life boat with captain Philippe. So they makes him captive and then started to move to Somalian coast. Then the ship started to follow the lifeboat. Till then the information of hijacking of US ship might have reached in the land they started to make operation to free the captain from the captive of the pirates. The captain behavior towards the pirates would be the friendly one, but the return like hostile attitude. Finally by the intention of discussion with older relatives of pirates, the marines will take the leader of the pirates in to the US force ship, but it was mere intention, nobody will be there. In between the force started to make a operation, and they will execute the operation, from the three pirates killed they will freed the captain. At that time Captain mind will be completely out of order and it has taken little time to calm down. Then they will inform the pirates leader they had killed 3 of his colleagues and I u will have to face a trial in US. Now still he is facing 33 years of rigorous imprisonment in the US jail. This movie is completely thrilled one and director makes his role very well.


It is the movie based on a true story that once happened in the Egypt, that three women raised their voice against the heinous and poignant situation of sexual harassment against the ladies in the Egypt. I have surprised that how this much sexual harassment happening in the Egypt!! The director has given a clear picture of how much depth is in the amount of sexual harassment in this particular country and their women. Here there are four couple's stories narrated by the director, from this all three couples relation is not going in a well off manner, in all three women getting some king of problems created by their husbands, and all three were suffering due to their husband problems. Another interesting noted things here is the when women raised their voice against any kind of harassment, nobody is supporting on this and they are asking that if anything lost from them, if anything from them then only chance for the attention of others will try to help the victims, such interesting situation. In the police department also they are looking on the mens side rather than the victims. I think based on the attempt of three women one law passed in Egypt against the sexual harassment as crime, in Egypt.

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