
IMDb member since March 2005
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    19 years


House Arrest

Ask yourself a few questions during watching?
The Calibre of the actors is not in question but what they did with the material was nothing short of a miracle. As Actors you have to make a living so please don't blame them, although I would say that the one that didn't fit was kevin pollack. He gave no reason for us to either empathise or sympathise with his character. Jennifer Tilly stole the show in this instance but I will have to admit Her daughter played by Jennifer Love Hewitt showed signs that her acting ability in comedic roles suits her better than he more serious roles she has been given. Admittedly she doesn't have a gutsy enough part for the film. In fact the characters were all too shallow to be taken seriously in any respect although the storyline was entertaining there is no real depth to it. The film needed more background to each of the families involved to succeed. As it happened the only redemption was Jenifer Tilly whom not seen until almost all the parents were kidnapped, made the best of a bad situation and became a catalyst for the the other characters to play off of. Verdict: Most of the actors made the best of a bad script. But not a bad film I felt the Director could have done better.

Cold Case

The Captivation of a moment on film
The most attractive part to Cold Case is the fact that the Filmography is a great indicator of what moment of the story you are living in. The full present day during the Episode uses a low saturation method which makes the actual scene look Cold. The flashback scenes are usually tinted or in black and white depending on time and circumstance. Kathryn Morris plays her part with no concession and use of the skin-tones created by the filmography her Lilly white skin suites her character name. Her Character name inherits the Cold of the White Lilly. So you have stand back and look at each episode as a character in itself.

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