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One Of My favorite movie of all time
I love this film i've watched it like at least five times it is just so romantic the way they fall in love with each other and the chemistry these two have amazing and specially when they are together it's like the rest of the world dosen't exist

this film is a masterpiece once you've seen the film you would want to keep re watching it again and the more i watched it the more i realise that they are some of the thing's that I didn't really paid attention to or didn't understand it really well. the film is just excellent and it's well written I mean thank you to the director to have done this amazing film

love it

Fifty Shades of Grey

I love their love story (If you like romantic stories then this for you)
at first when i found out about the book i didn't know what is what about, specially the fact that one of my ant kept harrasing me to buy her the book then it was that bad that she even bought one to my mum and my mum only read like 50 or 100 pages that she stopped saying that it was too much porn for her and my boyfriend told me that it was a girls book that had just too many erotic story's in to me i didn't pay much attention to it and frequently i wasen't interested. Then when i saw the movie trailer and i really liked it since am a romantic person i love romantic film,story and the fact that i hate porn films and I kept hoping that the movie wouldn't be too porn before I went to watch the film in cinema's i read all three of the book I must say that to me the book is really porn and i had to keep it to down too many times but then i watched the movie,i was kind of glad that the sex scenes weren't so many in the movie.

So I kind of like liked the idea of their romance the fact that from the beginning it was really complicated between them and I love complicated love story

Jamie Dornan played his role really well and Dakota Johnson was amazing playing this sweet naive girl.

but the only thing that I didn't like in the book and in the movie is the sadomasochist thing really weird

So for me the fact the producers decided to focus more on the romance side of the story i must say that I really liked it I didn't get bored at all not one bit.

I was kind of like a bit disappointed the way he surprised her in the store the way he showed up just liked that it was a bit cheesy I would have preferred that the producers would have shown the way Paul was acting around her and how Jamie dornan was acting I would have loved to see that on screen so that was a little bit disappointed to me

I was kind like a bit surprised buy the review 4/10 and also that people were disappointed by the fact that they weren't too many sex scenes.

oh well too me is still a great film

Something Borrowed

A good love story
I really loved this movie I thought it was well written story and I definitely loved the ending this is the kind of movie that I would watch at least five or 10 times a day and the movie had funny moments as well and I love the love story between Dexter and Rachel but her best friend Darcy was so annoying she was the worst best friend ever telling Rachel what blah blah blah she just goes on and on.

I really can't see why it actually got low ratings well its true that I am very sentimental person and too romantic and I love happy endings and for me that was a nice happy ending and a good movie thank you so much

Shining Through

A love film in war
I have watched this film like 100 times I know every word and every part of the film.the story of the film is great the music the decoration and the fact the ending is a happy ending it just makes me love the film even more.Michael Douglas, Liam Neeson are great they did a wonderful job but boy Melanie Griffith not so great her acting job is just terrible oh my god and the sound of that voice its like a cat or a bird or something I can't stand it.

and every time when I have to watch this film I have to watch in French because I just can't stand the sound of her wonder why she was nominated for a grazzie award.

This is why I have reviewed it 7 out of 10

The Perfect Blue

The perfect blue (Vue d'ensemble)
I really love this film the fist time I saw this movie was back in 1998 in the French channels and then second time was two years later I was so happy when they re show it again but then it didn't cross my mind to recorded took me 12 years to find this film I have been looking for it every were the only thing I had was the actor's face their image and not the name or the title of the film.but am also disappointed to see that nobody has reviewed this film because it is really a good film you really wont be disappointed its the kind of movie were boy meets girl they fell in love then they break up then they meet up again they are both dating other people then the boy falls in love again with his ex its a romantic comedy I must say its a sad thing that they don't have it on DVD and also the fact that its an independent film so which of course will be really hard for me to find. and another thing that is sad is the actress Inday ba it sad to see that she died so young about five years ago I had no idea. she did a really great job in the film her acting was great rest in peace Inday ba

Meet My Mom

A wonderful love film
This film tells the story of a seven year old boy who lives with his mum and grand mother after the divorce of his parent.the boy who is in a need of a father figure stars a relationship with a soldier marine who's is very far away on a mission the boy writes to him about his mum dad his parents divorce and then one day the soldier comes to visit him the boy's mum and its love at first sight.this film was shown today in the French channels For me I thought the movie was really well acted by all the actors and the storyline is also original and what I love about the movie is the fact that it was based in a small town. I love' the way the film end a good film

Jersey Girl

Jersey girl meets the boy of her dream
First I don't see why people are being hard on this film me personally I loved it the first time when I saw it I was only 14 and today am 27 and I still can't get over this film.Dylan McDermott is hot as ever and he plays his character really well and Jami Gertz is perfect in this role and every time I see this film I get a lot of emotion. seriously this movie is great its a love story about two people from different world who meets and falls in love. so please give this movie a chance I recommender to those who are sensitive its a nice love story with a happy ending. so that is why I give it a 10 out of 10 I still get goosebumps when I watch it

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Confessions of my self
I love this move its well written the actors are amazing specially Isla fisher its like the movie was written for her she played the role so well. watching her on t.v its like I was watching my self buying and spending without calculating without realizing specially those clothes that she kept buying amazing I just loved it. I think some people who are obsess just like me when am feeling sad and depressed I just go inside of a Louis vuitton store then am all happy again amazing. so I really don't know why people are giving it a hard time since the storyline and the actors were amazing I've already watched the film 5 times I love it I just have to say thanks to actors who wrote the film and the director thanks what a great idea to have done this great movie

Antonia - Tränen im Paradies

Seen it 3 times in the french channels
I love this part of mini series so much part 1,2 and part 3 but part part 1 one was my favourite that till today i still regret that i didn't have the chance to tape it when it came on TV three times but i am still hoping that they will show the film on TV luckily i have french channels otherwise i would have never discovered the mini part series. the actors are portrayed wonderful Benjamin sadler is hot as ever and Alexander Kemp is also beautiful as ever this is the kind of movie that will make you believe that anything is possible for finding that one true love. i would really like to have this film either on DVD or VHS either way i don't mind but as long its in french and please contact me if you have any information if the film comes out on DVD or VHS and that its in french thank you

Lies and Deception

Great for .TV. Movie
The very first couple of times when I saw this film I was actually bored by it but then When I saw Andrew walker I was a bit surprised to see him there and also a bit disappointed with his acting but even tho the story line is a bit to predictable you still want to watch it till the end of the movie to find out what will happen. Madchen Amick still looks beautiful as ever and Andrew Walker is hotter so my guest is that maybe the acting is bad,the story line is a bit low with a little bit of a bad directing I think if you give this movie a chance I mean you will see that its not so bad they are worst films than this, more will come on later who knows.


seen it loved it sexy cool
I have seen this movie and I loved it. for me the chemistry between the actors were great.I also loved the duo of Shane{Monet Mazur}and Ford{Martin Henderson}. what attracted me about this film was the way the story was based and its very funny I have seen this film more than five time it is just so cool and sexy. I also loved the motor bike action it was really cool in the train. This movie is for all of those who loves romantic,comedy and some action scene with motor just have to give a chance to this film. the male actors in this movie are also very hot there's nothing wrong with this film its excellent. I also have to congratulate Joseph Kahn the director and Matt Johnson the writing credits I want to thank to have made a such great film its to bad it didn't made a lot of success but every one in this world don't have the same taste in movies so for me till now its my favourite movie of Monet Mazur and Martin Henderson


CSI New York
Every Saturday I just c'ant Imagine missing an episode of CSI New York I just love watching CSI New York I think its a great show just like the other two but CSI{crime scene investigation}is the best the first time when i heard that they were doing CSI Miami I told my self that i was never gonna watched the shaw. But now i am totally hooked on it and i just c'ant wait for season three to air on T.V.. I think the problem with CSI new york you just have to get use to it and specially you have to give the characters a chance because i think they really are doing a great job specially you can see the way they are really working really hard to please their fans for me in the show Gary Sinise's character is really good. For me there's nothing wrong with this show I love it.

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