
IMDb member since December 2013
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When low-profile movies hit you hard
Wow. Wow This was all I could think of when I finished watching the movie. It starts all boring. You think it's some Spanish soap opera thingy that almost nobody watches today. Then it begins gradually throwing facts left and right, to build up tension. What I adored most about it was the simplicity. At it's finest. And the feelings. And the everything. Amazing

The Lake House

Well well well...a movie which, before seeing it, seemed awesome. After seeing it, it seems awesome but it lacks logic. Absolutely lacks logic. The plot is great, the characters are vivid and you are almost living their drama...but there are so many plot holes that you can get a nightmarish headache. If just someone had put a little more effort in writing the script, this movie would have turned a whole lot better. I mean, everybody knows that this can't really happen - but even if it can't, make it look like it could. Make the movie seem realistic. Make it look like you aren't only trying to tell a ''love story'' but also a story worth making you think. All in all, the only good reason to watch this is because your girlfriend/wife tells you to. Otherwise, go watch something better which doesn't cause you a headache because of the lack of logic.

Ballada o bombere

The ballad
This was one of the greatest movies I have ever watched. Absolutely amazing. It is definitely longer than your average eat-popcorn-drink- soda-sleep-on-the-couch movie. But it has everything you might expect from a movie so long: you have the story of a Soviet pilot during WW2 which finds himself in enemy's territory. Then, you have the guerrilla wars between the Nazis and the Soviets. Also, the friendships formed during war, the life of civilians during these times and of course, the best of them all, the main love story which is absolutely brilliant. Recommended for anyone who has some spare hours and wishes to see a masterpiece!

Grand Piano

The audience doesn't know what's happening
In the Trivia of this movie, it states that the last 13 minutes ( of the total of 90) are the credits. I could add that also the first 5 minutes or so of the movie are credits. So basically, what you are watching is a 70 minutes long film, placed in an opera, during a concert. The idea had bored at me at first. And really, the trailer seemed to be the only action that was going to happen in the movie. But it turns out quite well. It actually turns out quite amazing for a movie focused on a guy playing the piano for at least half an hour on the screen. One thing that really bothered me was the main actor. I mean, sorry, but Elijah? Elijah Wood? Frodo?? It was actually quite funny: Frodo with scene fright, puts on the RING, disappears in the middle of the show, crowd goes wild. Funny. Still, the movie was great, but focusing the entire plot inside of a building can be a bit of a yawn-maker.

The Hot Flashes

Predictable, simple plot but still enjoyable
''A group of middle aged women play basketball and prove a point.'' And that is, with not many other words, the entire movie. The entire 90 minutes you sit there, there are no other plots, no other events, no other nothing. Just that. 5 middle aged women playing basketball to raise some money for charity. The first half of the movie seems a bit interesting, as the actions happen in different places, the dialogs are varied, but then , in the second half of the movie, things become, let's say, static. It only focuses on the gym where the games are played and that's it. Quite boring for 45 minutes. And even worse, the ending is ridiculously predictable, it doesn't give any thrill. Important is that there are no useless scenes, everything that happens, matters. All in all, if you are just trying to waste the next hour and a half, I am quite sure that you can find something more thrilling than this.


Haven't seen the original but wasn't impressed
I haven't seen the original movie, and that's probably why it got such a high rating from me.

The plot is brilliant , but it has some points where it doesn't make any sense at all. I mean REALLY no sense at all.

The action in the movie was sort of good, it has the usual ''lemme kick those bad guys'' parts, but, if you watch them closely, you can see how the bad guys don't hit the main character, they are only hitting the air.

If you really want to, I guess you can watch this movie. But if you're only looking for a way to spend some hours, then find something else.

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