
IMDb member since March 2005
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The rating is for the movie not for Snowden
"Snowden" had received a 7.5 rating (when I checked in December 2016) and this meant for me: this one you must see! I am from Holland and off course did hear about Edward Snowden, what he did and also why he did it. But I did not know all the details. So I was able to see a high rated movie containing true facts from which you can learn something.

When watching the movie I noticed, unexpectedly, multiple talented actors right away like Nicolas Cage, Zachary Quinto, Joseph Gordon- Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Rhys Ifans, etc. So my expectations got higher. But the movie progressed really slow and I was waiting for the promised pulse-pounding and politically-charged thriller to start... the movie just did not really get exciting and certainly not pulse-pounding. Without the good acting and the true facts I would probably have stopped the movie halfway.

So why the high ratings from reviewers? When I read other reviews I notice people are writing about Edward Snowden and the bravery of his acts. I read that this movie had to be made to create more awareness. If I had to review Mr. Snowden and what he did then yes, I would also give 8 or 9 stars. But we have to review this Oliver Stone movie and it is just not that good. I rated the movie with a 6 only because of the good acting.

All the Invisible Children

multiple movies about an important subject; children
The World is not always a beautiful place. This movie, that exist of multiple small movies, shows a few of the world's problems... especially in relation to children.

Because the subject is important and the stories are realistic, there is already enough reason to watch it. Not every sub-movie is as strong as the other. But they all tell their own story and overall I liked it very much.

Also don't forget that some big names have been involved in creating this movie, to name some: Spike Lee, Ridley Scott and John Woo.

It has almost no action, certainly no exploding special effects. But it does have drama, laughter and shocking moments... go see it.

Phone Booth

something must be wrong with me apparently
I must admit I had seen "Liberty Stands Still" before this movie. I don't know which movie was released first.... ? Anyway I saw PhoneBooth as 'second' movie and thought right away "O no, here we go again!". You must be a clever and brilliant movie maker to make something as boring as "a guy in a phonebooth standing there for more than one hour" really exiting! The movie maker isn't that brilliant. I couldn't care less what would happen to arrogant Colin Farrell. So the reasons behind it all "would be a sausage to me (dutch joke)".

Also the famous voice on the phone told me right away "that's mister Kiefer Sutherland". So no surprise for me that the wrong guy was shot, that guy did not look a tad bit like Kiefer.

Leave the suspense thrillers to the old master "Alfred Hitchcock".

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