
IMDb member since December 2013
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Impact After the Crash

Parents please show this to your teens
This is a must see for all teens before they start driving. I feel that if people could see and hear the impact from victims of senseless drunk drivers, it could help save more lives. The filmmaker did an excellent job capturing the voices from the victims and their families who were involved in this accident.

I remember the big push for "don't drink and drive" in the 80's which fizzled out towards the 90's. I wish it hadn't. I think there should constantly be a push for not drinking and driving and for friends who won't let friends drink and drive (take away their keys!). If the drunk in this documentary didn't have his keys given back to him, this is one tragedy that could have been prevented.

One of the victims from this tragedy said it best when she wrote:

"I feel that destiny is a choice made by you. Destiny should not come by chance. If destiny comes by chance, you may not have a good life; you may not live the way that you want to. Your future should not be left to chance. You have the choice to improve your destiny. To meet your destiny, you must be careful to make the right choices because you may only have one chance." - Patti Nunnallee

Please choose not to drink and drive!

Plague City: SARS in Toronto

Please release this again ASAP!
I watched this documentary when it was first available on Amazon. It was an excellent documentary and from what I could remember, it was historically accurate. I'd love more than anything to see this again because I wanted to compare the timelines in the documentary to what's going on with CoVid19 now.

I also want to see how SARS was contained. I'm sure there are other documentaries about this that I, and others, can watch. However, I really liked this one because it was produced by Canada, which was at the front lines of the outbreak. Producers really should release this documentary now amid the CoVid 19 crisis. I'm sure people would pay to rent it.

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