
IMDb member since March 2005
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Miles from Home

This was truly one of the best films I have ever seen, and I am not saying this out of any type of bias. The film explores the issues surrounding a lost teen like no other film I have seen. The gritty images, outstanding performances by everyone, especially by Ty and Meagan really makes the film unforgettable. It contains strong language but it is justified. That is the real world being portrayed in this film, and it is not being glorified. It is so real. The director mentioned breaking a lot of rules with the film, but I don't think any rules were broken, new ones were made. Like I said before, the message in this film is unforgettable, it truly has the potential to change lives. The youth, adults, and churchgoers (like the guy said before) need to see this film. You will be affected.

Brokeback Mountain

LIKED IT, but not for the intended purpose
I am a strong Christian and I go to a strong Christian University. Needless to say most people at my school would not go see this movie. But I am a filmmaker, and in order to be able to talk about this movie effectively I had to see it. So it did, and I was quite impressed. I liked the movie a lot. The cinematography was pretty amazing, the acting was some of the best acting I have ever seen. Jake and Heath both need to share that best actor golden globe and Oscar, Michelle Williams was great as well and I was VERY impressed with Anne Hathaway's role. Boy, she sure has changed from Disney. The story was very well told, I liked how they didn't say a lot, but still said a lot. For the "Gay thing" I think the purpose of the film was to show how two men were in love and needed to be together and in the end we were supposed to feel like they were meant to be together. I didn't get that. Frist of all, I don't think that they ever loved each other. I think that it was just lust. Think about it, they never once said I love you to each other and when they got together it was basically for the sex and they smoked, played around and argued. This lustful relationship ruined their families and their lives. Yeah, in the end Enis did keep a memory of Jack, but it was still lust. If they really LOVED each other Jack wouldn't have tried to fulfill himself with other men, his love for Enis would have been enough. And I think Enis would have moved to Texas, his kids weren't the problem anymore because his daughter wanted to move in with him. He could have found another job and Jack could have supported him some because he made a good amount of money in Texas. So in conclusion, for the awards coming up acting yes, picture and possibly screenplay, heck NO

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