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The Scent of Rain & Lightning

better than i thought it would be
So..this film wraps up with "the killer" being somewhat exposed in the films final 10 minutes...but not to any of the characters within the film.

So...he gets away with it..essentially.

Its actually an unsatisfying shock..because the character who is the bad guy/ killer is kind of irrevelant.

To me,he kind of looks like the photo of the person whose fired for embezzelment..but its actually the newlywed/ uncle in law.

Nothing throughout the whole movie ever alludes to the scenario that just was.

And now that its over.the whole cast remains clueless and somewhat unsuspecting toward this killer. It also doesnt help that the newlyweds were never updated throughout the scenario of the timeline which i suppose progresses approximately ten years.between the before and after of the crime in question...that actually refreshes a couple of new crimes in the present tense of this movie.

Xi you: Xiang mo pian

best film in awhile
Did u ever see gods of egypt? that one with gerard butler as the evil brother? well this is just like it...probably a star or two better though. this films fantastic.well paced..a little gory..but the visual effects and adolescent like love story line is wonderful...i think anybody n everybody will enjoy this film..kinda like a modern day goonies.

The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part

emmett couldnt keep my attention
In part one Emmett is the star.He has a role from beginning to end...AND does a great job. here.theres a huge cast of other legos that he doesnt stand out. his situation is unique.but when you find yourself lookin for more green lantern or daydreaming whether or not that was a He-Man know youre not focused or into whats going on.And thats whats happening.Alot is going on.Theres songs...and glitter...and it winds up wrapping up...and im pretty upset.and then they made "not" awesome be a moody alert overtly.and i just didnt like it.

Assassination Nation

how could yall do this to someone?
So its early, I worked all week....Saturday.....and surprise! had a great week. saw Juliet ,Naked....rented Halloweed...and awesome stuff. in Halloweed theres innapropriate stuff, language etc...and its great. The only surprises I got here...starting from the theatrical previews are: gerard butler and matthew macconoughy. competition for shia lebouf somehow someway. then the film starts. SUKI WATER HOUSE? JUD apatows daughter? how can yall be apart of this film with parental guidance? this film is literally a disaster. im trying to cross reference some important influential nonsense during this review...and first person that comes to mind is doug benson. go oprah. one reaction. I saw another movie not too long was about a couple of dudes who moved furniture, were friends and one of them had just gotten a gun... it was better than this...kind of. this is not an annoying movie but its disturbing. remember that video by a perfect circle with those gangster bikini like bandits? or how about that one Justin Bieber video :what do you mean? there was a good long portion of this film that became that video for sure. I don't even like writing and typing anymore because when I want becomes a scrambled ADHD bipolar labeled mess. so, seriously. Bella Thorne.great job in midnight sun.effing beautiful.exploiting what imitation concerning what men want condensed to what some women do all day long brainstorming or just doing in general was perfect.which is probably why when looking up the filmography demography associated with the TRUE active scene happening from Florida to California....the worst part of the film was watching a mother die....a principal suffer.....and as it continued I noticed that there were so many Quentin Tarantino like snippets from a girl fighting back in a bathroom scene to almost KILL BIll like stuff wrapping the film up.without being mean...I leave this review to the opinion of a performer named ADORE DELANO.and he/she has a song called I adore you. how was that?

Book Club

three shades of grey books
I left after the girls had finished their second book in the series of the shades of grey books. These over 60 chicks were displaying displeasure over not being sought after sexpots.And even though one was married, even she seemed to be having issues with her husband noticing her dressing up and emitting pheromones? So, it goes on, and they giggle about dudes whom they ve known or met on a plane....Don Johnson & Andy Garcia. and thats about all i saw.


been scoping eric andrades show recently....
And was interested in hannibal burresses acting chops. the film tried to be interesting panning back to childhood how these guys grew up together. And ultimately this film was not awesome.Rashida Jones was not hot,the character played by isla fisher was kinda funny, but more annoying. and seeing everyone be apart of this film was a pretty big dissapointment.

Justice League

Went with reluctance
Okay.main street movies St.George go to for time killing and entertainment. Wow,justice league just came out! I've seen plenty of movies here for the past year.batman Lego movie and same kind of different as me being 2 of the worst to have seen regretablly. And here it is! But I'm not too excited.the last time I saw these guys superman was knocked out into outerspace in his superman outfit,so when aquaman goes to the graveyard to dig up Clark Kent's body,I'm thinking How Did He Get There? Aside from that the theater goers really really liked the flash.there was constant giggling and out loud cooing of esdra Miller....which didn't affect me much.I wasn't impressed by the movie,and I couldn't really catch a vibe of how all these mutants were together getting along. The introduction of steppenwolf was not that appeared that he was or is one of wonderwomans villains in the world of comicbooks,but I'm not too sure.which is exactly how I felt after the last few films involving superman.I'm not sure that this franchise is something I'm destined to participate toward as well as be honest,I do still wanna see a sequal to both RoboCop as well as the green lantern though.

Justice League

Went with reluctance
Okay.main street movies St.George go to for time killing and entertainment. Wow,justice league just came out! I've seen plenty of movies here for the past year.batman Lego movie and same kind of different as me being 2 of the worst to have seen regretablly. And here it is! But I'm not too excited.the last time I saw these guys superman was knocked out into outerspace in his superman outfit,so when aquaman goes to the graveyard to dig up Clark Kent's body,I'm thinking How Did He Get There? Aside from that the theater goers really really liked the flash.there was constant giggling and out loud cooing of esdra Miller....which didn't affect me much.I wasn't impressed by the movie,and I couldn't really catch a vibe of how all these mutants were together getting along. The introduction of steppenwolf was not that appeared that he was or is one of wonderwomans villains in the world of comicbooks,but I'm not too sure.which is exactly how I felt after the last few films involving superman.I'm not sure that this franchise is something I'm destined to participate toward as well as be honest,I do still wanna see a sequal to both RoboCop as well as the green lantern though.


No jokes.
Nothing to giggle about here.saw it in a basically almost empty theater with one other couple in the coincidence i noticed...later on in the day on the CPU at the library was outfits of actors and actresses that were being portrayed as where are they now...and a outfit James Norton wheres. Anyway.Ellen page is so pretty and small and a married lesbian i guess.the similarities of actress Nina dobrev and both Jennifer love Hewitt as well as a jersey shore cast member were as peculiar as Diego Luna's visible Matt Damon esque long hair from that ancient mid evil samurai movie made.James Norton looked like allamerican reject lead singer Tyson ritter and then there's the actress who kinda looks like will-smith or even mandymoore. So. What i thought was weird was that kifir Sutherland was in it and he didn't seem to reprise his former role.he was just a trained doctor quizzing med students.the most intriguing point of the movie that didn't go anywhere was between Diego luna and Nina dobrev.they were covering up situations and basically playing tug of war over ethics and conscientious incriminating and illegal activities. It was a pretty plain movie that wasn't too entertaining.the spoiler that shocked me was the early demise and suicide of Ellen pages character.its like the movie knew i took a cigarette break.she died,the cast acted like it was one of three scenarios...accident,suicid e e e or even murder.none of the actions by the cast seemed to lead to a murder probably died by accident? And the scenes of bohemian care free intimacy after the flatlining experiments which in turn led to craving from other med students entrusted to supervise just had me thinking that there were hallucinogenic like effects that affected the soon to be doctors other words are past tense the viewer would think unless somehow more sequels come to light showing us a junkie know what i mean? Anyways.i had a feeling it wasn't gonna be awesome,i just had no idea that it was going to be a blah of a movie that i wouldn't recommend to see...unless you just want to.

The end.

Alien: Covenant

Man i sure didn't like this one
Who was i rooting for? The cast looked like local narcotics anonymous volunteers. Its about an hour into the movie and the first alien finally shows up.before that, i was like,oh my god these mother F**** are lucky.i was even daydreaming like toward random strangers in the audience:there you go, you can get one, a real movie star.We see some of the crew stepping on those strange mushrooms and strange metallic sparkles infect their ears...Tennessee on another ship getting bossed around by an interracial couple...and voila...a David Cronenberg Dead Ringers like interaction between two cloned androids.The pace picks up after the first hour. All is mediocre and somewhat normal til David freaks out about communicating with an alien while Cpt. Billy Crudup has a laser n machine gun on the alien ready to kill.Quickly we get a walk through of collective embryos and petrified corpses that David has collected for tutorials sake's,which is supposed to cool the jets on an upset captain,and BAM, we see what the problem is,we even get a mini Groot-like alien for a second.Im pee this point i knew that the rest of the movie was gonna be lame as$ action with the rest of the crew,who i didn't even want to see. So i did leave.maybe Danny McBride did something to help the actors whose infamy isn't meant to be from this movie.Maybe Walter the android has a weird situation arise where the 200,000 colonists on the ship are saved and able to be in another sequel.i don't think i care.if i keep reading reviews i might find out but this movie sucked.

Liars, Fires and Bears

Wild.kind of like something wild, the film itself....this is a disturbing look at strangers and innapropriatte interactions.Are they real? More than likely. The depiction of the guy in the bar with an ass*88le of a bartender is reciprocated .The whole story goes beyond acceptance and approval by the two though.Like ,if you think about this scenario,arrests and comforts are taken into consideration due to this lousy hire and unhappy patron.But no,it gets into a more complex storyline that involves a pawnshop employee,a runaway girl wanting to check on her older brother.. and thats where it stops.i,m an untrusting however this guy from the bar ends up with a runaway and into what seems like a drugden once the child does get back face to face with her older brother.. the actions and mindset of the viewer have emotional me. .i was sad,worried and mystified by the two of and child..during most of the movie.What is mystified? I made it up,because it wasn't awe.

The Sasquatch Gang

better than office xmas party and Masterminds
here we go. a beautiful movie with so much ho hum plain activity relevant to other peoples hobbies.The biggest unrealistic character is obviously Carl Weathers'es. He plays a specialist that can identify the truth of suspected Sasquatch sightings and whereabouts, and is also told to the viewers that hes' world renowned...(nouned)? But the reality is that two buddies a little bit older than some of the other characters in the film, who drink beer and eat snacks in almost every scene. The other characters are too fun to watch and are as equally interesting. Gavin, Amy...and three weird bully like dudes, which are a universal clique that consists of a Hispanic guy that dresses up like MC Hammer but comes across as intimidating.So, there's a video store in town and Gavin and Amy have their time wasted and recommendations in common. There's only one scene that is really hard to bear and its the one where Gavin gets into a fight with the three guys in the woods and Amy gets knocked unconscious trying to disrupt the fight.Justin Long and Joey Kern play the slackers I first mentioned and I guess Justin has like a Camaro or firebird that might get repossessed if he doesn't pay a certain amount of money.There are other characters that hang out with Gavin, and the bigger dude, he goes through the same motions that Gavin does to have equal footing on possibly intimitately interacting with Amy, but he doesn't get the aura he was looking for and in turn, ends up resenting Amy's inclusion on day to day interaction and activities..which is especially funny while they play LASER TAG in some building that offers that event to the public.Again, I'm surprised that there are so few reviews to this film.

Office Christmas Party

hey, its that girl from Workaholics
this film was very mediocre. The situation happening between Brother and sister Jennifer Aniston and TJ miller could have been an interesting film with different focus, yet this one had a lot of things going on, from the old black guy partying in his 50s or however old he was to that girl from Workaholics being an escort service dispatch operator and simultaneous gangster. When all was said and done, it felt like a lot happened, but just like the past few films I've been watching recently, its more slow paced SITCOM -like dialogue that blows up into again a very mediocre film. Stars that end up being in this film too do not compliment the film too too much, but if Jason bateman wasn't in the film, I'm sure that again...the film would have had a lot less appeal.I guess im surprised that there are less than 100 reviews overall regarding this. Well Im off to compliment the sasquatch gang movie now.


Expected a lot more
Dang. I had gotten excited that an action film was coming out.i thought to myself,man this is that film that kids are gonna get intensely involved with almost like an evolution process for the psyche where the kids whove decided that That the character developed on screen hero with credibility and honesty cemented in a rival will smith eddie griffin sort of way WELL? Things that happen in this film just happen.The only thing that made sense was the woman cop trailing our detective Vincent Downs during the films crisis. just became hard to knew michelle monaghan was thinking a lot but was really an Obstacle.Her Partner ,one of those guys whose more reliable in straight to video redbox film lore..and the brief participation of fellow police officer TI and the opening scenes robbery vs. drug bust was more or less pretty questionable with motive of answering the viewer with the film.Overall i would put it out there with the Ben Affleck and Jon Bernthal movie that came out this year...but more exciting plus Happening faster.

Irrational Man

such a lame movie with seriously strange funny dialogue
after seeing one woody Allen movie a few years back, I was pretty sure that I would want to see more of his stuff. when café society came out, I thought naw, uh uh i'll skip this one...for some reason I even got this notion that ANDY DICK had taken over responsibility for woody Allen and all would be parody. but that's dumb huh. so when this film was released or leaked to the public, I was all like, wow! Joaquin phoenix and parker posey? this has got to be good. Turns out that this film stinks. Joaquin is a drunk professor that slowly starts hanging out with Emma stone more than she does with her own boyfriend. I don't know whats going on with Emma stone, but the last film I saw her in BIRdMAN, was exactly just like this one.. I walk out thinking what a bogus movie! but overnight and the next few days some kind of rewind and review of the film lifts my spirits with some stuff I'm pretty certain I didn't just see or hear in the movie. so here we go...parker posey...all plain and lame requiring apologies for another pretend situation amongst the Giselle bundchkin and tom Brady love seems there are phrases about mattresses and tampax the Armani exchange and Europe being a synonym for your up...that just had me in awe... but where the ploy sucks a bunch is how inspired the drunk professor becomes eavesdropping in a diner with his pupil or student or friend Emma stone...and then as the story unfolds in a hallway with an elevator? WTF! almost like some murder she wrote or Perry mason episode....

The Accountant

a place beyond the pines....
wow...who expected this to be the outcome of the movie? There were portions of this movie that I didn't understand....mostly the tragic death during the mothers funeral..where Ben Affleck and Jon Bernthals dad gets killed? and there you have it...finding out that Ben Affleck and Jon bernthal were brothers was the big weird revelation. how entertaining or exciting was this movie? not very...cuz why are all the corporations closing business people getting killed? The story is interesting for a fanbase looking for something really really unrealistic...which too just more or less dumbfounds an audience. GONE BABY GONE in my opinion was like 100 times more entertaining, as was too the Departed...but the film did its job, blinding my eyes from the outside world for a few hours while in a theater seat.

The Accidental Tourist

surprising adult film that was missed due to age
so I had seen this on television not too long ago over the Christmas season of 2016. When it had come out, I was only about 11 yrs. old I guess so it wouldn't have piqued my interest...I totally liked was very sad and kind of interesting. One of the first long films I remember watching by myself starred Ralph fiennes or his brother, and it was about a fighter pilot that crashed and slowly died along a cavern in like Afghanistan or something...and I think it starred cate blanchette... so here we see Gina davis be as annoying as ever on screen. And William hurt is a writer who has ed Begley junior as his brother and bill Pullman as his publishor or editor that is kind of flirting with the possibility of getting together with ed Begley juniors wife. ordinary brother interaction involving William hurt and ed Begley Jr. kind of make this film more sad as they endure life in their early fifties I suppose? so Gina davis ends up training a dog almost voluntarily for William hurt where you notice on occasion she asks for only five dollars for services.


not what i remember
so back in 2009 I had gone to the Leon Collins library and rented this film. My new friend who had a loft apartment off Virginia let me crash there for the weekend....(she still lives there). what I remember without the relevation of the scene with Jon Goodman and William forsyth in raising Arizona, Val Kilmer and Derek Luke are army people who go through a robbery...or even possibly recover missing money from other people who did it...and the plan was to meet back at the base...and Val Kilmer takes his time while Derek Luke waits at the base....BUT after watching this AGAIN the situation with ed o neill kind of sheds some light on what I might have seen...kinda like a Morgan freeman in the gone baby gone film with Casey Affleck...but for sure there had not been that woman whose married to Dax Shepard who again Once upon a time ago I coulda sworn it was Dax Daxter or something.

Mars Needs Moms

better than expected
weird. I don't know why i was expecting Seth Green to be evidently apart of this film...for some irresistible reason that led me to contemplate this film as well as ponder it for a few years now. Luckily for my Boost mobile Service I had the great opportunity to follaw through and watch it. Much likea Carl Hiasson book i had been reading HOOT, i got it, started it, took breaks from it and had suspiscions on how it would end. I'm not overly excited nor too disappointed thats for sure. Mainly the situation we have here is that a boy has his mom kidnapped, and he wanders onto a ship in which he saw that she was put on. It turns out that while being a stow away he runs into another Human. The important part about this other Human is that the same exact thing happened to him right around the same age as the littler boy. So it appears that the older kid had been on this ship for about a good decade longer and stuck apparently. So now the two boys are avoiding getting captured by the aliens as well as simultaneously trying release the mom that had been captured !

The Bronze

a bad Napolean Dynamite
I knew i wanted to see this film the minute i saw the previews. Like the title states, this is a pretty low budget film which is very similar to two Jon Heder films we've already seen, Napolean Dynamite and Blades of Glory. BUT this is very raunchy. I hadn't seen nor heard bad language like this since Hot tub Time Machine 2. But the film is fun to watch, and we see the dehabilitating effects drugs has on individuals.So as the story goes, there is a gymnast who had competed in the Olympics...not the 2002 Salt lake City ones, but 2004 if I remember correctly. This girl, the gymnast ends up winning a Bronze medal..hence what the title of this film is. Well, her coach dies and influences her in a letter to take the protégé that she had been training onto and into a compettitive level as good as she herself had once been.And thats where the film becomes even more interesting, not to mention that some of the stars are virtual of the top billings is an actor that stars in HBO's Silicon Valley.

Bad Is Bad

The first half is great
This movie really throws you around. Its got a good pace until jesse meets up with his sucks a bunch and goes overboard. I can see how pulp fiction and dusk til dawn have their part in this disturbing film. Im mostly disturbed because like i said it had a good pace to it but then the second half of the film was shot inside a house and for the director to find that necessary as if it were a cliffhanger ...well it didn't end up like i thought it would but it did end perfectly. Dang to compare a film like this to Break Point one with different stars but a similar budget makes me give it less stars...because lots of films are worth seeing.


Love seein the kitten
They did a great job. I thought the chubby makeup was cute n a little made me think about the boondock saints. The Micheal Jackson and George Michael innuendos were neat a lot like dead pool...but this was better.getting a different child for the day the earth stood still and givin us Luis Guzman cameos was great. The cat had different names while with different people. The jail scene was heartbreaking and the boa constrictor with will forte was hilarious especially when it turns out he lives with his mom. Shots of the strip club were funny...almost insinuating there's a Lusty Lady by the bridge in provo utah.

Aqua Teen Hunger Force

season one DVD
this show is better than average.i really enjoyed the season 1 DVD. Doctor Weird and his Laboratory in South Jersey kind of went away as the seasons renewed...and I was totally fine with that. I couldn't believe that this was the first season though. I totally remember when the boys, FryLock and Meatwad plus Shake would end up inside the show 24 hrs....and I totally thought that that was the first season and at that time I hated this show. It was nice to see that the pool behind the house and some of the character development albeit temporary were incorporated. I guess my favorite episodes were the one with the balding action figure that almost got blow torched by shake, like I could totally see that happening and his face turning into like melted wax, but instead they go onto a HIGHLANDER like fairy tale...and the other episode I really enjoyed was the one where Shake is renting a room, and the moonite microfilom chips take over Meatwads room plus get him hookt on cigarettes.

Criminal Activities

what was that?
okay. so it looks like tom hardy and Michael pitt look a lot alike. Tj Miller, danny McBride, they can be identified within this film.....but what was I watching? three hours later, six months later...stuff. buddies that hang out with each other and you can see whose numbest. I'm lookin at the black guy like hes memerized a role by Bernie mac or Eddie Griffith. I see a NY accent anger and frustration come out of Michael pitt like he knows hes going to live to be as old as anybody else. Jon Travolta, hes doin something like Michael Douglas in the Game...and the whole time I'm thinking: somebodys out there autistically re doing the script for deadpool...BUT IS HE? so...bring in our most reassuring and intimidating character..the guy from both Bad news Bears and the new updated Robocop... and this move ends up cleaning up after itself for the last ten minutes of the movie EXPLAINING which dick did what so that we could see that nobody gets a good deal....


choose your own adventure
I gave this more stars than Criminal Activity. I could finish Criminal Activity and be upset. Here, the tempo and action and prospect of learning something ends up with: THATS ENOUGH!

To tell the truth, I was shocked. It came out of nowhere like a film released in El Paso recently starring TIM ROTH. Here we get a 48 hours kind of feel to a movie that introduces us to ERIC ROBERTS again.Our star looks like Joe Lawrence and Ricky Martin.His new girlfriend is weird.and this all leads up to funny interactions with other the David Chappele newsanchor dude,and others.I looked at my watch, and even though its pretty noticeable that Omar the actor smokes cigarettes a bunch, like at least three or four within the first forty five minutes,when they get into a hotel with the fat boys' hidden treasure and he is in awe of the womans body behind the desk..i left.

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