
IMDb member since January 2014
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Patient Seven


Movie is a waste of your time. If you're 12, you will be scared- but who is 12 watching this?

This movie is a prime example of how writers who CANNOT write an entire story long enough to make a film, instead can have their 10 minute stories all lopped in with other people's stories and hey, lets just say these stories belong to mental patients and reveal the stories through flashbacks.

This is the same lazy film making that was produced for VHS.

Cant write a real story? Just write a 10 minute one, we will find 15 more 10 minute stories and just pretend they all belong together.

Lazy Lazy



SPOILERS below so.... be warned
OK, my BIGGEST hang up with this film, is Joe King displays a clear homophobia in this movie.

Why have a gay character who is only gay if "satan" makes him come out of the closet?

Why then, after displaying that this character is gay, do you THEN murder him in the most messed up visual way? Don't gay people deserve happiness?

What is the point other than to display that you don't like homosexuals?

It was a point in the film that did NOT progress the story along- there was NO reason to do that. But hey- the DRUG ADDICTED brother gets to live right- cause cocaine and pills galore is just peachy right? THAT behavior is somehow worth promoting eh?

Senseless portrayal of gay people. I don't recommend this film and the ending is ridiculous. There is NO Explanation for the film, NO Wrap up- nothing it is just over...

Im sure 12 years old love this film.

Edit: Pretty important to note... When the gay character is killed off- well its as if he never existed cause NO ONE of the other characters even cares.


:( just.............. :(
SPOILER.get over it....

This movie upset me, because it is manipulative. It will keep your attention, because you keep WANTING to see finality. there is no closure, there is no END.... this movie simply stops as the lead subject of concern, Maggie, jumps off the roof of the house to her apparent death...

THAT is not a proper ending--- um, Jesus....I feel abused by the directors.

What happened to the others who are infected? Is it cured...too many questions. Arnold... you owe a ton of money for having messed up with your marriage, but come on, stop becoming C.Thomas Howell and doing every direct to video looking script that you come across...

This movie is bad....

Project Almanac

:( disappointing

Time travel...........does NOT work this way.

Let be completely honest about the hypothetical ability to travel through time OK?

They never ONCE, at all, ever, ran into their prior selves.

Not once.

Despite the idiot who keeps going back to his classroom....

yet never running into the versions of himself that OUGHT to be occupying that time/space in that very classroom. There would be MULTIPLE versions of himself in that time period.

14 year old kids with no comprehension of how things work, will love this film....

Odyssey 5

Doomed from the start
The major flaw was trying to force a 5 year run out of a series that no one heard of....

Plus it was a bit "Voyager" as in Star Trek: Voyager in the "Caretaker" mysterious being called the "Seeker"...

Sent back 5 years in time...that HIGHLY implies they expect a 5 season run-

Thats way too "ballsy" to attempt for something that has no real following....

That and the acting of Weller is always way too overboard for a main character.

Best left to bit parts and "character" acting....

How to Get Away with Murder

Oh My Goodness
Let me just say, Spoiler OK, SPOILER!

This latest episode rocked my mind- OK I nearly got up out of my seat and leaped into the TV screen.....

When Viola's character (Im so excited I cant think) Is at the end of the episode, and she is sitting in front of her mirror she takes off a wig.

Im like, oh---- OK....She wars a wig, whatever- People do that.

Then she starts taking off her eye lashes and Im like wait a sec....

Does she have cancer?

then she starts to remove her makeup- and there is a LOT of black showing up on the wash cloth- And Im thinking as I rise up from my chair- IS SHE WHITE?????? What????!!!

Then oh my lord- I think...Wait..........is SHE A MAN??!?!?!? IS SHE A MAN>>???

Oh my lord- This episode made me so crazy it was amazing!!!!!!

Z Nation

spoiler- this is cheap on all levels
Seriously. So yeah, spoiler... the "Z's" is a snore fest...

The "z's" is a terrible name to keep throwing around in this show when there's a zombie to be mentioned.

Amateur direction, acting, predictable, bad delivery, bad lines. I don't know where to begin or end. If this were 1980, cool, but this level of overall acting and presentation is to be frowned upon. (wow that lock broke so easily on that cage)NO questions of who put you in that cage lady? Virus...but no concerns about blood splattering all over your face?

Love how these experienced killers have to unload all over his body, legs included, in the baby scene....after waiting like FOREVER to even open fire while the baby feast is occurring...

Oh, walkie talkies, ya know they're not cell phones- other people nearby can hear whats being said from the caller on the other end...The guy says "I need to speak to whoevers in charge" Yet standing right next to her...as she is using the walkie talkie, she feels compelled to say to mrs wannna-be commando "They wanna know whose in charge". Yeah- everyone around you can hear that, thanks...

Oh, love how they smash the walkie down on the road...because the battery died...nice. Ya know, you might be able to locate a battery somewhere a long the way- the frequency in that walkie...what was it exactly? Do you know???

Whats with the whole...um...Im having a wig out putting on my sunglasses and being some radio announcer of zombie NPR. Where did that 1950's looking microphone come from, is that US Gov. issued?

Im sad at this rushed attempt to be a walking dead rip off. Its hard to do a bad zombie movie or series- I mean come on, its dead people coming after you- how can you mess that up? Z Nation does a very good job of being a very bad zombie story. Sy Fy should stick to wrestling and ghost hunting shark filled tornadoes since thats apparently the mindset it creates to amuse.


I like zombie stuff- this was ridiculous.

The Double

lets be clear. I like Jesse Eisenberg. Great actor- no doubt.

This movie did not deserve his talent.

It was VERY interestingly filmed, setup visually, you want to //know// what this universe is, whats going on- but you will be sadly disappointed at the end. Its just.....its pure babble. The entire movie- is like watching what is must be like for a director/writer to be schizophrenic and how such a suffering mind must view the world. Its pretty, in a //very// weird, weird...way.

I really cannot comment on this film in a sane manner because it was not presented with any logic- no logic will be found in this film.

If you think you will be piecing clues together and thinking this through to a logical conclusion- you will waste your time- if you feel you might be entertained by "something" in this film, you are wasting your time.

There is nothing..."nothing" to figure out- it does NOT make sense, and let me be clear on this. I have what is considered to be a high IQ. I scored "very superior" on the WAIS. I cannot find logic in this film, it has no worthwhile viewing interest that I can imagine, for anyone outside of a mental health institution where the insane don't need logic to begin with.

You will be disappointed if you watch this movie and again, it does //not// deserve the acting talent of Jesse Eisenberg. He is better than this movie deserves,

Flight 7500

12 year olds will like this film
Thats the best comment I can leave, is the title Summery I listed.

Its PLAIN //awful//, OK? Misdirection from the get go- and to top it off...the way they chose to end the film is //unnecessary//and designed only to amuse 12 year olds.

spoiler? OK.....

Heres a spoiler. This movie starts off interestingly, you think oh, OK, this is like snakes on a plane, only not as ridiculous as a snake popping into your head through your eyeball and back out the other eyeball socket in 1 sec flat.... but it might as well be... Lots of character development for no reason, because everyone is dead anyhow so why bother? Its all a distraction to keep you thinking, oh, something might happen in the film to make this worth watching....no- they're all dead already like 10 minutes into the film, they just don't know it for the whole movie until the last 5 minutes- silliness that usually is accomplished in a Twilight zone episode and not a film...but a Twilight zone episode would have been better written, acted and presented.

You never......find out what the deal is with the creepy dude who rips his own tooth out- you never...find out why he has collections of peoples hair in his bag, you //expect//the creepy doll to somehow run around the plane and murder--- it doesn't, I thin k if it did it might have saved the film...but still been a film for 12 year olds to watch.

Im sorry- there are not many movies that I feel compelled to say, don't watch this, you cant get your wasted time back- but this movie will waste your time and you will absolutely feel that sensation by the time its over with- waste of time....

Do not watch this unless you are some 12 year old....

After the Dark

This is a really good movie to see EXCEPT at the end.....
This is a wonderful movie- very thought provoking


However. when one of the characters with a perfect memory states what the exit code is, this is unrealistic and illogical. She could not realistically retain that information from the prior thought experiments cause in those PRIOR thought experiments, that person, and all others, "died". If you "died", then your character could not retain the info they learned from the prior moment- its a really poor part of an overall awesome film.

I would recommend it to anyone- but the ending is really...not logical

Hello Herman

completely misleading propaganda film
I'm terribly disappointed with this film. If you think this is a spoiler then stop reading...

It paints a sincerely false belief that video games are the sole reason this kid did violence. "That" is what is shoved down your throat in the foreground of this film, all throughout it. While in the background, pale examples of this kids abusers and a lack of anyone to turn to are the real reasons behind his violent outburst.

Stop trying so hard to convince people that violent video games encourage people to be violent when in reality, people being violent to another person while teachers do "nothing" about it, and with no one at all for this kid to talk to about his problems and without being provided with ANY realistic solutions to his problem, is why he became violent.

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