
IMDb member since January 2014
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One Piece: Romance Dawn
Episode 1, Season 1

Wouldn't recommend this to anyone
This was terrible. Terrible acting. Terrible casting. Especially Luffy, Alvida and Shanks were badly chosen. Alvida used to be a terrifying, HUGE, horrible woman. Here's she's just a random gal. Shanks looks like a homeless Ryan Reynolds. And worst of all - Luffy. He is NOTHING like the cheerful but serious young boy from the manga and anime. Here he looks like some 30 year old, and sounds like any random cliché American dude. Can't take him serious or love him at all. Other than that, Gold Roger's speech fell completely flat. Cheap looking costumes. Bad special effects. Soundtrack like a knockoff Pirates of the Caribbean. No depth to the characters. This lacks all of the heart and soul that the original manga and anime had.

A Cure for Wellness

Shutter Island with eels and incest
This movie seemed to me like someone really wanted to make a copy of Shutter Island, but they couldn't for copyright reasons, so to spice it up and avoid charges they threw in some conspiracy theories about how Big Pharma are the ones who REALLY make you sick, then the movie makers added some eels and then some incest to top it all off. The only good thing about this movie was its looks. (It does look really good, but it doesn't make up for how bad everything else about the movie is). Would never recommend this to anyone, if you want an actual good movie with a similar base plot - just watch Shutter Island.

First Kill

Worse than Twilight
Stiff and unnatural acting, special effects looking like something out of the early 2000s, music that didn't match the scenes whatsoever... When I heard "Romeo and Juliet but with vampires", I didn't expect high quality, but I also didn't expect.. Whatever this mess was. Not coming back for season two, I'd rather just re-watch Buffy. If you're going to watch First Kill, expect something like "Twilight meets Sharknado" and you'll be all set.

Kärlek & anarki

Swedish Middle Class in a nutshell
Everyone is anxious and creating problems out of nothing. The characters are so self-centered and privileged that it makes me cringe. Don't bother watching this nonsense.

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