
IMDb member since January 2014
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Van Helsing

shades of Charlton Heston
I haven't done an extensive survey of everyone's whining about how bad the show is, but personally I found it entertaining, Most surprising is that no one seems to note how it is almost a remake of the original I Am Legend, the Omega Man, with a smidge of Soylent Green and a hint of Vincent Price cheesiness, If there was nudity, more innovative booby traps (sorry, couldn't resist) and maybe more of a guitar heavy Escape From New York vibe, it would be a further improvement - but then I might be suitably engaged to look up from housecleaning and pay attention. Picture quality on blu ray is decent, especially for a SyFy production, and since the sets and make-up are typical post apocalypse skank, the low budget isn't so obvious - if only they had put it to scriptwriters and licensing music. And boobies

The 100

Lord of the Flies with no science
There are only so many premises that Hollywood seems capable of adapting, so if we look to using a rating that is additive without ever dividing for a weighted average, I would say science as a ZERO, medical and physical reality as a ZERO, and the plot devices of "wow, would people of any age when faced with questions of common sense, morality, and ethics actually behave in such a fashion?" as an EIGHT. then you still get an overall score of EIGHT. Just being skillful enough to make me tune in repeatedly, to and if not to particularly care about the characters, but to actually cringe at the situations in which they are placed, that is enough for my good rating.

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

had to write something to get Richard Head's negative review off the top
I am of the opinion that if Peter Jackson and a quarter billion dollars couldn't satisfy a viewer, you are probably insatiable. Rather like complaining about living in the best country on the planet, during the greatest age of mankind, and doing nothing to improve it. Guess what? asking for the insurmountable and vindicating your self fulfilling prophecies went out with the millennium. The one where they had to start counting digits. This movie made contrived source material and undeveloped technology as close to modern mythology as one can. Fairy tales are not famed for character development. The nature of fine story telling is working with what you have at hand to pay for your dinner, and being asked back instead of driven out.


Baffled. Is this lucid dreaming?
Years ago I thought vagaries of the weighting algorithm caused this movie to appear with such a high rating. As it remained almost static in top fifty lists around the internet, I had to go back and watch it a third time. It is as if a secret Franz Kafka Philip Dick Thomas Pynchon alternate reality quest eludes me and I am failing to hear the post-horn. I remain baffled.


A little disappointed.
Would have thought reviews would show a greater disparity with the C@@@ S@@@@@@ voting negative. A great program, reminds me of stories my grandfather either told or lived, depending on who was around to edit and dispute his versions. Needless to say, as soon as anyone who disputed his versions left the room that person was labeled a C@@@ S@@@@@.


Another sejas
Another one. On the principle of must know to have an opinion, made myself watch all of two seasons. By episode three it was all Could Give A S@@@. Better editing common sense and special effects would have made an absolutely essential suspension of disbelief at least briefly colloidal. Levitation was what was really needed. At a certain point I was watching like it was a Siegfred and Roy special, and only thinking of the tiger made me smile.

Test Group

you know how some indie movies suddenly wrap up
as if they ran out of P & M's good will and money? Test Group will make you wish that happened; for a budget of $35K stretching out the movie over two and a half hours is itself award worthy. Inspirational as well, as I was motivated to turn up the volume and go about apartment cleaning. The production quality overloaded the compensation/upscaling circuitry on a 4K TV, which did its best to bring it up to VCR quality. With less self indulgent editing there is a good movie in here. Boobies would have been appreciated as well.

Zombie Army

had to wait an hour
for the nudity;

if only the rest of the cast and set was as well developed as the actress maybe something more positive could be said for what might have been video taped at a good haunted house;

a movie this bad shouldn't be known as independent, since that involves the ability to stand;

obviously there is a reason the film isn't even listed on Amazon, but I guess it will have less chance to spread


let's not pretend it goes beyond pretensions
having recently started rereading EC comics, Eerie, and Creepy, I can't help feeling this is the equivalent of taking an amalgamation of the better black and white carnival stories, doing them in color on glossy*

paper, and flogging them off to today's masses who think when you call something a graphic novel it is literature, and that you should have a suitably erudite opinion with lots of run on sentences and no editing. Nope, this is just a damn fine stroke book. Minimum review is ten lines of text,

*the spellcheck does not recognize the proper tense of calendar in terms of finishing paper, sentence breaks made to emphasize a phrase are condensed back to a no format base, and yet it is acceptable to violate grammar tense and agreement like holes on a sex doll. How did Doom Head keep an unprotected cigar whole in his back pocket?

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