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Criminal Minds

Completely disappointed
I've read through a lot of the reviews and its amazing regarding comments on "affirmative action" attempt with the show. I've watched since episode 1. The show has gone down because of affirmative action... REALLY!? When there were 6 white actors and 1 black there wasn't an issue. Now with 3 non-whites and 4 whites it's all about hiring "affirmative action" actors. What is happening to people? It's always about race. People can't look at another person without it always being about that. Now let me say I'm a African American female so let's put that to rest. I'm not ignorant to the issues in our society but why can't we not like a person because they're a jerk or butt hole and not because they're black or white? Okay I'm off my soapbox. Now to the show...

Completely disappointed in the show. Sometimes change to a shows actors is an adjustment. I gave it a chance after Shemar then again after Hotchner. I don't have a problem with Prentiss because I've always liked her role but would like her to be a little stronger.

The writing is horrible. Putting Reid in prison is completely crazy. Someone mentioned they didn't like his character but you have to realize that all law enforcement persons aren't tough you have to have the analytical type that can look at issues from all angles. So his character is needed. But him in prison, just STOP.

I've never liked Aisha as actress and when they put her on the show I LAUGHED. As for the new monotone guy, I agree his tone is a turn off. i think his tone is trying to emit concern and compassion but he comes across passive. Now the new Hispanic guy is okay but trying to build a relationship between him and Garcia like Derek and Garcia had, again...STOP!

So CBS and Criminal Minds if you want another season, change writers or reign them in. I don't get excited to watch the show anymore. It was my #1 show now it's around 7 or 8. I leave it on my DVR until I have nothing else to watch.

There are a lot of good shows out there. Bring back the show that your fan base has come to love. It's painstakingly hard to watch Criminal Minds anymore. As for CM: Beyond the Borders, I really haven't bitten given it a chance because I'm almost done with the franchise.

The Voice

Next Season Judges
Okay, I may upset some people but the fact that Christina Aguilera is coming back as a judge on The Voice is a horrible. I and several people have been turned off by her unapproachable, smug, snobby, looking like she'd rather be somewhere else attitude. Bring her back is like bringing Cee Lo Green (an all those pets) back. The current coaches work well together and the chemistry is there. And I'm not referring to Blake & Gwen. The atmosphere is more carefree and professional with Adam, Gwen, Pharrell & Blake. Bringing Christina back...well. I didn't watch as much when she's a judge.

They don't bring back all of the winners to perform but some of those contestants that "some" people think sound good.

Hawaii Five-0

Live HF-O
I love Hawaii Five-O. Can't wait for the new season. I hate to admit but I wasn't happy too see Catherine return. There is something about her character that is dry and unassuming. For some reason Catherine and Steve's relationship is stale and corny. I'd like to see someone with him that's challenging. Steve's accent is very apparent most of the time.

I love Adam and Kono together and glad their relationship worked out. Can't wait to see where their marriage and relationship heads. Jerry, Kamekono and Max characters are hilarious. Glad Jerry become a reoccurring character on the show. Would like to see the personal lives of Chin (sexy) and Lou some more.

Not sure why you have to have 10 lines of text to submit a review.

The Carmichael Show

Enjoyed the first 2 episodes...will DVR
I enjoyed the show more than I thought.

I've never seen Jerrod Carmichael in anything and his humor is pretty good. Can be a little dry on the delivery but maybe that's his humor. Only thing is I wished the female main actress (girlfriend) will relax more. She doesn't seem to know how to not show she's waiting on the next line. I did like the brother and his "ex" wife.

I honestly have never been a David Grier fan but I can say I really like him in this show. David and Loretta Devine (who I LOVEEEEEE) are great together.

Gave it an 8 because it can only get better. I'll be watching!!

NCIS: New Orleans

Bad acting
As a NCIS fan, (my favorite is Los Angeles) I was excited about this spin-off. I'm trying to give it a chance but the acting is so bad. The accents are horrible. There is no connection between the characters. It all seems forced and stiff delivery. Zoe McLellan (Brody) is the worst. Her delivery of her lines are bad, Bad, BAD!!!! The flow between the characters is amateur at best. The fighting is fake. I like CCH Pounder and Rob Kerkovich (Sebastian)

The best part of the series so far has been the appearance of Di Nizzo and Gibbs. I can't believe CBS move NCIS: Los Angeles to another night for this.

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