
IMDb member since March 2005
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    19 years


True History of the Kelly Gang

Historians will flip their lid
I'm glad I watched this before looking at reviews about it, I liked it for what it was. I've read several books that proclaim to tell the 'true story' and they vary dramatically, particularly around the Stringybark Creek incident. I have a feeling this film might be not only taking artistic liberties but acknowledging that there's many 'truths' out there already, so hey, let's really mix things up.

Some confusing scenes could have been left out or more perspective added but other than that, a pretty good film.

Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

Shows you how internet heros amount to ziltch in real life.
Loved it. Has a good blend of commentary from the actual people doing the investigation and from the outsiders who can conjure up anything to suit a narrative.

The Jesus Rolls

Forgetting that Jesus now looks way too old to pull this off and that his accent could only rarely be found, this is clunking, aimless, and pointless. No story, no laughs, nobody should have done this with the Jesus.

The Big Lebowski

A Masterpiece
There are films and then there is The Big Lebowski, the yardstick by which all other films can be measured against. The only movie I would rate 10 out of 10. Enough said.

It Comes at Night

Make Up Your Own Mind
This is a very difficult film to rate, it's very well made and shot, the acting is more than adequate, and there is 'something' going on in the background. Parts of this reminded me of The Walking Dead, in the sense that you're with an isolated group that needs to defend itself from the rest of the world because it's been taken over by a 'something'. But there are questions, big questions that need answering and I for one don't like to take it upon myself to answer things the film makers don't. Tell ME the story, please.

Happy Death Day

Just See It!
There's enough reviews on here to give you the idea so I'll only add that this film is a must see. As a harsh judge of films I very nearly turned this off after 10 minutes because the characters you're introduced to in that time are awful, particularly the main one of Tree. However, it's all part of the set-up and they do this very well, you think you know but you don't. There's little surprises all the way through and it all becomes a lot of fun without cringing over cheesy jokes or serious plot holes. It has the bare minimum of slash, a good dose of humour and even throws in a wacky romance which all add up to a bundle of fun. Highly recommended.

Bomb City

Deserved better
This film comes together in the end, trouble is, nothing has happened for the previous 70 minutes. Lots of yelling obscenities and underwhelming scenes that do nothing to connect the viewer with any of the characters, which is a shame. If there had been more effort into establishing the character of at least one of the main players then this could have been a little masterpiece, as all the ingredients are there for it. You could probably watch the first 10 minutes, skip an hour, and watch the remaining 20 and it'd be the same as watching the whole thing. That's where this film lets itself down and that hour of film literally could have told any story it wanted, rather than the hodgepodge of comparisons between the local punk kids and the local football team that leave the viewer wondering what there is to fuss over.

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