
IMDb member since January 2014
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    IMDb Member
    10 years



Fun for fans of the other series in the universe
7/10, teen drama with a supernatural twist which you will probably like if you liked the Vampire Diaries/the Originals.


It's a first episode, so of course a lot of exposition, but they dive into the action quite quickly. They have 8 seasons of the Vampire Diaries and (so far) 4 seasons of the Originals worth of back-story, but they try to explain things in a natural way, which they do just fine most of the time. There are still references to the other series scattered throughout which can make it pretty confusing for a newcomer.

The new main character is a Hope, a pretty girl and the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson, who had a child with an alpha werewolf in the Originals, which makes Hope a werewolf, vampire and witch all in one. Her acting is not bad at all and after the first episode she feels quite likable.

That being said, if you are already a fan, this will probably pique your interest as it is set in the same universe and the same town as the Vampire Diaries. There is vampires, werewolves and witches again, now in a supernatural school. Perfect breeding ground for teenage drama and there's plenty of that in the first episode.

It does feel like this spin-off is meant for a younger audience than the Originals.

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