
IMDb member since February 2014
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Here for the references
Overall... this is a fun show to get into.

The characters scheming behind each other's backs in the bathroom scenes are dumb and there are a lot of things that happen that are not realistic.

However, there are some cute love stories in here and you really develop feelings for the characters.

What really made me stay was the funny references to pop culture, the makeup, the music and the representation of diversity. Yes to the Clue the Movie scene and the stereotypes of people in an office setting.

I think the supporting characters stole the show on this one, but ultimately I liked it. Plus seeing all the dolls was great too.

Lizzo's Watch Out for the Big Grrrls

This DANCE show has it all! Amazing stories of real life people who have a passion for dance. I found this show very inspiring and fun. Also talked about mental health and the ways we can improve our own lives. LOVED IT! Hope there is another season!

The Photograph

Hella slow
The acting was great, music was a choice and filming was artistic but it was so slow. Parts could be cut out and some just took way too long. Also, I felt some of the costuming for the scenes in the 80s did not fit the era.

Lovecraft Country

A weirdo's science fantasy mixed with Black History
Interestingly unique show that is a mix of an evil dark Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Kill Bill and real life history of Black Americans. This show gives you a look into how Black Americans have been treated over the years; their fears, wants and uses famous quotes to express themes throughout the episodes. (I haven't read the book it's based on and really liked it).

Last Christmas

It's get weird
If you are looking for a wholesome Christmas film this ain't it. It's like a cross between In Her Shoes and the Sixth Sense and it just gets really unbelievable and weird. If people felt this way after a surgery I feel like we would have known about it it by now. Acting was good and the ideas were good but not my favourite.

Penny Dreadful

Masterful web of dreadful stories
It's a cross between Blade, Underworld and every sacred Halloween story (penny dreadful) that has passed down through the ages. This show webs together the lives of the cursed ones of folklore and the constant battle with the evil within & around us. The visual effects are done VERY WELL and the acting is AMAZING. Eva Green is MAGNIFICENT. I'm not a huge horror movie fan, but it was the perfect amount of guts and blood for me.

Love Wedding Repeat

Good and then it turns into clue
The actors and premise of the movie were pretty funny but it eventually turns stupid. Who tries to spike someone's beverage by just putting it into an empty glass?! Rookie mistake. However, the scenes of Italy were beautiful and the storyline was believable as most people have one random ex of someone else at their wedding. Plus I kind of loved how it turned into clue with multiple endings.

Katy Keene

Love the fashion, hate the songs
Okay I love a musical but if you aren't ready to listen to a full chorus line every show.... it's just too much. BUT THE FASHION I love and the acting is good. The story lines are alright, love the drag element and the shots of NYC are great. I just think if they cut a couple of the songs it would be better.

Taxi Driver

The music and acting are great
Throughly enjoyed the music to this film as well as the acting. However, I felt the movie was slow at times and the plot never really connected completely. I felt a lot of the angst that built up throughout the film was never resolved. The filming was interesting and dark and moody like the film. You could really full the mundane life that Travis had in the way it was shot.


Quentin Tarantino style Whodunnit
Artistically filmed, great actors and with multiple bad guys that you love to hate this show has me hooked. I love the music, the bold choice in frames and how you are meant to trust one. Very quirky and I'm excited to see where it leads.

Dear White People

Better than people said
Being a white woman from Canada, I thought this show posed a lot of great questions about race that need to be asked and how they are different sides to each story. Also, I really loved the way in which it was shot with vivid colours, good music and smart story lines. Plus, there were some funny plot lines along the way. I would definitely recommend this to friends. Try 3 episodes and tell me you didn't get hooked.

Average Gypsy - Get Some Money

Femme Fatale indeed!
This awesome music video has interesting special effects and a killer plot line. Love the added visuals for the lighting in the club. Maybe could have a used a clearer ending to give me some more closure but definitely a feast for the eyes.

A Wrinkle in Time

Stellar Graphics & Costumes, BAD MOVIE
Honestly, give me a movie whose graphics and stellar costumes/makeup stimulate my mind any day of the week and I am happy. I loved the cinematic portrayal of the wrinkle, the Misses unique outfits and the chatty flowers were beautiful. Was the acting great? No. Were there giant holes in the plot? Yes. Did they do the book justice? Hell no. Was it pretty and shiny and caught my eye? YES. Do yourself a favour and only watch it for that reason if you go to watch it.

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