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Loki: Science/Fiction
Episode 5, Season 2

Best episode of the season
This episode captured all what Loki the TV series stands for - redemption arc, friendship, time and its relationship with and impact on us, and finally, the inherent complexities of existing and wanting a purpose.

Tom Hiddleston was on another level in this episode, and deserves some acting nominations.

The stage for the finale is set beautifully. Can't wait for the next week on how they tie all the plot lines together. This also sets up the next phase of Marvel films wonderfully. I, for one, am super excited to see if and how Loki returns to the movie.

10/10 episode. Hyped for next week, let's go!

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

Web of Wonders
I was fortune enough to attend the premiere here in Singapore. A non-spoiler review follows:

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse does more than just swing into action; it weaves a narrative tapestry with passion, dedication, and love. The creators of this epic journey have clearly poured their heart and soul into every frame, and the result is nothing short of spectacular.

The animation is a tour de force, seamlessly blending diverse art styles that bring the Spider-Verse to life in a way that feels vibrant and fresh. Each scene is a feast for the eyes, painting the screen with a burst of colors and imaginative designs that will leave you breathless.

Equally commendable is the strength of the narrative that effortlessly connects with the audience. The story doesn't just unfold; it entangles you in its web, ensuring that you are invested in every dramatic interaction, every thrilling fight sequence, and every emotional climax.

Character development is another highlight of the film. The growth our beloved characters undergo adds layers of depth to the story, making their journeys all the more engaging. Their interactions, whether action-packed or heartwarming, are captivating and contribute greatly to the film's overall quality.

The score and soundtrack are also nothing short of fire, underscoring every moment with tunes that not only set the mood but also elevate the story to new heights.

However, if I absolutely have to nitpick, there are a few moments when it seems to pull on the heartstrings a tad excessively. This slight overindulgence in sentimentality is a small nitpick in an otherwise excellent film.

The way the Spider-Verse is portrayed, introduced, and expanded feels effortless and organic. You get a sense of a larger universe out there, waiting to be explored, which adds to the anticipation for the next part in this thrilling saga.

In conclusion, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is a visually stunning and an emotionally gripping adventure. I, for one, can't wait to see where this journey takes us next.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

This is a really well done movie
Just had the pleasure of watching one of the premier shows in Singapore today, and the hype and excitement, let me tell you that it more than lives up to it. Cool story, great drama, proper character growth, palpable narrative obstacles to overcome, and amazing action. Well done Marvel and Sony! 👏👏

Okay that's all I can give you without spoilers, so go and watch it already! 👍

Loki: Journey Into Mystery
Episode 5, Season 1

This one could have been so much better
Don't get me wrong. I loved the multiple multidimensional Lokis. I mean, who didn't! But overall, the episode felt like either it was just going through the motions or was very predictable/convenient. For example,

1. How is Sylvie an expert all of a sudden near the end of the episode on how to defeat Alioth (whatever the spelling) after just experiencing/encountering it for the first time ever.

2. The other Lokis laughing at our Loki's motivational speech was very predictable and cringe-worthy.

3. The scene between Renslayer and Hunter B-15 was very cliche and gave B-movie vibes.

4. So too was the scene where Loki and Sylvie share an intimate moment. Also, it was a bit of a drag.

5. It took Sylvie a lifetime to master enchantment and, what, our Loki was able to do it after a mere "We are stronger than we think" realization? Agreed, their life was on the line but still, it felt too convenient.

6. Why prune Mobius but "only" imprison Hunter B-15?

On the whole, the episode was a bit of a letdown. It was fun filled and action heavy, but the direction was messy, editing choppy, screenplay filled with clichés, and Alioth was a huge disappointment (at least so far).

Supernatural: Back and to the Future
Episode 1, Season 15

A bit disappointed
I'll start by saying that the expectations were really high going into the episode. The cliffhanger from the last season had laid down a great setup. This season premiere, though, was very short on delivering on that premise. A lot of the tension got subdued by limiting the impact, while the characters do some stuff that is so off with their personalities. The utter disregard for the loss of a certain individual so soon after he's gone is jarring to say the least. Also, it's really surprising for a totally newcomer to command the trust of the main characters in, like, a couple of minutes.

The nostalgic factor gave all the right feels. It's really emotional that we are coming towards the end of this spectacular series. Let's hope the last mile delivery to this epic journey is a bit smoother going forward. Cause the Winchesters deserve it.

Stranger Things: Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly
Episode 3, Season 1

One of the strongest episodes of 2016
Damnnn! And I said the previous cliffhanger was good!

Without doubt, "Holly, Jolly" is one of the most impactful episodes of this year. The range of emotions you feel from beginning to end leave you exhausted yet yearning to learn more about this small town fable.

As this is a spoiler free review, I'll leave the details for you to experience firsthand, and will focus on the individual elements that help make this such an addictive and rock solid episode.

Basically, it's down to the two females: Winona Ryder (Joyce) and Millie Brown (Eleven) (though Cara Buono gets a special mention for that motherly scene with Natalia Dyer). There's this ancient Urdu proverb that says that even mothers who go mad and fail to recognize no one, recognize their sons. Winona Ryder, in this episode, is the personification of this proverb. Keep a tissue box next to you, people. You'll be needing one.

Mille Brown on the other hand... Oh mann!! She says with no words what many notable actors fail to say with the help of dialogues. Near the end, the interaction between her and Finn Wolfhard (Mike) seems so authentic and real, it hurts.

I say, leave whatever you are doing and go watch this episode. Verdict: 10/10

Stranger Things: Chapter Four: The Body
Episode 4, Season 1

Plot becomes relatively complex but the show remains just as entertaining
Okayy. So there were many influential scenes in "The Body", an episode filled with narrative intricacies, if though, a little light on suspense.

The major reveal of course is kind of partial, as the show had led us to believe that there was something else, more sinister going on and it couldn't be as simple or linear as it appeared. This isn't to say that it wasn't any less effective; in fact, the execution is close to perfect.

Winona Ryder continued her exceptional run as Joyce, and the kids gave their all as well. The storyline meanwhile, expands a bit, taking on a more metaphysical direction. More detail and explanation would no doubt be provided in the subsequent chapters. What matters though is whether the direction the story takes is interesting or not.. And I can assure you that it's interesting, and then some.

Taken separately, "The Body" doesn't offer as much of depth or emotional impact as "Holly, Jolly" did, but that's not the issue. Because, like mentioned previously, this miniseries is designed to be regarded as an extended movie, and not a weekly drama. Thus, the bits and pieces it places in the middle of the story to make it more beefy and comprehensive form a very important process, especially now that it has to shape the factors and form an ending.

There's a school scene involving bullies and underdogs near the second half of the episode and it's the highlight. I think it's safe to declare at this moment that Stranger Things has succeeded in creating multiple characters so wholesome and so 4- D that you can't help but root for them.

Verdict: 9/10. A necessary if a bit of a slow-burn chapter that forwards the story while maintaining the level of entertainment we've come to expect of this show now.

Stranger Things: Chapter Two: The Weirdo on Maple Street
Episode 2, Season 1

A notch down relative to pilot, though still very good
The spoiler free review follows...

In the second episode of Stranger Things, the added 10 minutes over the pilot run are efficiently utilized, resulting in a little more back story on our characters, while our kid protagonists make an important discovery in the woods. However, not everything is okay, as a scene near the end involving a camera and a house party becomes excruciatingly awkward to watch.

Winona Ryder steals the spotlight, while Natalia Dyer (Nancy), Shannon Purser (Barbara) and David Harbour (Jim Hopper) give assured and confident performances. The score and cinematography remain awesome, resulting in another grossing chapter, albeit down a notch from the pilot.

I think I can safely say that miniseries like these benefit a lot from singular directorial work throughout, as it helps the series evolve more naturally and coherently, making it feel as if you are watching an extended movie rather than separate episodes. (Also, of course, the concurrent availability of following chapters helped the case substantially.)

The scenes involving the children are the most engrossing, with a natural chemistry between all of them. Winona Ryder as the mother in mourning absolutely excels, as mentioned above, and her scenes with Charlie Heaton (Jonathan) are raw and tear-jerking.

Verdict: 8/10 with the camera scene undermining the rest of the positive work a bit. The episode ends with one hell of a cliffhanger, though, and you'll be streaming episode 3 in a heartbeat.

Stranger Things: Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers
Episode 1, Season 1

An exciting start
So this is where it all starts. I'll be giving a spoiler free review of every episode, covering stuff as briefly as I can.

Okay, so Netflix outs another series with lofty expectations to match. This time, it's the 80s and a small town, Hawkins, gets to be the centre of suspense and drama. We see the world from the eyes of four junior school kids, who are the best of friends with curious minds. One of them gets involved in an intricated plot and the rest have to up their courage and suspend their disbelief to help him survive.

The first thing that you all will notice (and instantly love) is the score. It can be sensed that they put in a lot of effort to capture the 80s horror circuit synth track feel and drama hooks. The cinematography meanwhile, knocks it out of the park with brilliant camera-work and angle photography. I must say that the Duffer brothers (the makers of the show and directors of the entire season) deserve all the praise they get for igniting the perfect mix of nostalgia and entertainment.

All the child actors are phenomenal (you have to see it to believe it), and among adults, Winona Ryder and Cara Buono give very dedicated and convincing performances. The highlight overall though, is the youngling Millie Brown. Her act requires more work with facial expressions and body gestures than dialogues, and throughout, she nails this difficult task with bravado and flawlessness.

Overall, I'd say that the pilot episode definitely succeeds in its task of getting the audiences hooked. Verdict: 9/10.

Supernatural: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
Episode 1, Season 11

Exceptional return to the glory of the old.
Now that's what you call an outstanding return! Supernatural, I am so glad I kept on believing in you and supporting you, and more often than not, you repay that with flawless entertainment and gripping story. This season's premiere is, well, a "premier" evidence of good returns.. Oh boy! This is some serious screenplay achievement, I would say. Eleven years in and still coming up with ways to hook the audiences in and inspire them.

Okay, so now let's delve into some details.

-Darkness. There was a general fear among the fans that it would be another example of "good concept, awful presentation" (looking at you, Leviathans!).. But guys, it's not. It's so not like that. In fact, the gloomy atmosphere, black vein zombies, pitch black smoke and an enigmatic portrayal by that woman.. They were all well executed. My only concern is that last bit where the darkness is implied to be "possessing" the baby. This is because, a) the woman in the smoke was very good and b) it reminded me of Lilith and season 4 finale and I frankly don't think that that child possession can be topped. Here's hoping it's just a temporary "stay" for the darkness as she plans to go on and do better, evil things.

-Crowley's storyline was funny and addicting and I enjoyed it thoroughly. And man, that Michael/Lucifer cage reference... I just can't wait!! Yayy!

-Castiel's storyline was arguably the least effective in terms of providing satisfying drama and seriously, this "evil angel on for revenge" stuff is antiquated by now. Take notice, writers!

-Whoa.. Talking about writers, Supernatural tonight showed how fan feedback can be implemented in the story without it being feeling forced or cheesy. We've all been saying how the brothers don't find a cure or remedy anymore and how they go on simply killing demons and the humans along with them. Well, it was great that Sam argued about it with Dean and I have a feeling we'll be seeing the long awaited return of the exorcisms and victim protection programs throughout the season.

-Sam got infected! Well, this would change things for sure. I have a feeling that it's Sam's turn this year to take the central stage after Dean had it for the previous season, and this black vein stuff might hold a key about further information on darkness and her history/nature/plan etc.

-Magic Mike reference delivery was spot on! Jensen is an outstanding actor in any situation, no doubt, but when comedy takes the stage, it genuinely feels like he's enjoying his stuff. And that raises the synergy of the show overall.

All in all, it was an accurately grim, suitably mysterious and genuinely engaging piece of television and here's hoping Supernatural stays like this always and forever.


Haunting Drama with Outstanding Cast and Unbiased Views.. You'll be Hooked!
Okay so I will not lie. I was a bit hesitant at first to watch Narcos because I thought it would be either too generic or too ostentatious. But Netflix brand power and the ensemble cast won me over and I binged it the other day.

Guys, Narcos is definitely one of the best new shows to come out this year, hands down! And there are many reasons for that, some of which I try to cover below.

ACTING: 10/10. The works of Wagner Moura as Pablo Escobar and Pedro Pascal as Javier Peña are exceptional while the rest of the cast also does commendable work throughout. From portraying anger to excitement to lust to revenge, you'll not find anyone lacking in this regard, I assure you.

Direction: 9/10. There is this sense of urgency (and claustrophobia in later episodes) and it is directed so beautifully that you really get 100% invested in the story and it haunts you till the end. No cheesy angles, no shaky camera stuff. Just good, focused portrayal that keeps you on the edge of your seat. There's one chasing scene that is simply unforgettable!

Cinematography: 10/10. The locations are both breathtakingly beautiful and irresistibly welcoming and the lens work done (especially for the dark scenes)is creditworthy and authentic as a result.

Unbiased portrayal of the US Embassy and Colombian authorities.. Yes, you heard it right. There is no "Always America to the rescue" and "Colombian authorities are eternally incompetent" kind of stuff here and I am clarifying this because many viewers have this issue (and rightfully so, in some scenarios) that American institutions are mostly presented as the incorruptible hegemons while other nations' organizations are just "docks" from which the former carry out missions and pursue objectives. So, GOOD NEWS people, this is so not the case here. This is a balanced retelling and everyone deserving praise and credit gets so. 10/10 here as well.

All in all, this is a MUST-WATCH! A word of caution though.. you'll be hooked like anything, lol, so plan accordingly. =P

Thank you for reading my review and I hope you enjoy the series as much as my friends and I did.

Cheers! =)

The Originals

Impeccable... Here's why..
The Originals is beyond doubt one the best supernatural shows on air right now. And it's all due to the following five reasons.

1. THE ACTING. Woww. Just wow. Joseph Morgan is phenomenal as Klaus and portrays his guilt, desperation and the need for love flawlessly. Daniel Gillies, well, need I say more? The charm he brings as Elijah is so good that it's almost palpable. You know, all the cast is spectacular and if I start mentioning them all, the word limit might end but the qualities won't. Although, two actors need a special mention. First one is Maisie Richardson. When Claire Holt left, we were all worried what would happen to the character of Rebecca because she seemed irreplaceable. Well, in comes Maisie Richardson, and all our worries vanished. She is impersonating Holt so good that I almost forget that the change did take place. And that's saying something! The other actor I want to mention is Daniel Sharman, who, with his brilliant work made us (finally) reach out to Kol and empathize with him a bit. I'm hurt they killed him recently (although, this is supernatural drama and he can always come back. Here's to wishful thinking!)

2. THE PACE. The story moves forward in an admirable way and not even once you feel that they are stretching something out just for the sake of it. No filler episodes of of yet either. This trait was executed outstandingly in the first few seasons of The Vampire Diaries and that is where I'm guessing The Originals inherited it from too.

3. THE SCORE. Well, be it drama, action, sadness, desperation, you name it... the sound engineers and editors are at your service to polish the scene with the perfect background track and make it ten times more emotionally powerful. Trust me, I found some very exciting artists by Shazaming these background tracks. You'll not be disappointed.

4. THE CINEMATOGRAPHY. I have to admit. The scene selection and decoration wise, this series ranks amongst the best. Right from the pilot episode, you get to know it's a different kind of beast than The Vampire Diaries. We are talking about a darker, richer, aesthetically pleasing approach that really makes you "live in the moment". Werewolf attacks, decapitations, taking out of hearts, period scenes of the 1900s and, hell, even the wedding.. Everything just perfect.

5. THE LESSONS. Well, the best thing is the messages that this show teaches us. For example, that power and authority are two different things and the former never ever guarantees the latter ("The Battle of New Orleans"); that even the most deadly of all have a softer side that they rarely ever show to everyone but it's there and it's up-to the close ones to understand how to trigger that part and lead the strayed to the right path ("Always and Forever"); that family really is power ("I Love You, Goodbye") but that when they betray you, it hurts the most ("Farewell to Storyville"), etc etc. Not everyday you find a horror/supernatural show with this much depth.

All in all, kudos to the writers. A perfect 10/10 for me. Seriously guys, don't miss out on this one. You'll be amazed by how much of an improvement this is compared to The Vampire Diaries.

The Originals: The Battle of New Orleans
Episode 21, Season 1

One of the best penultimate episodes!!
Without doubt, this HAS to be one of the best penultimate episodes of a season in recent past. I mean, right from the start where Marcel takes hold of the two wolves, till the end where Hayley, in a miserable state, gets surrounded by witches, this episode drops bomb after bomb (well, literally too, courtesy Merceleus). The acting was top notch here, as it most often is in this series. But hats off to Francesca, I mean, she delivers just the right amount of rage and threat (and later on, the big bad twist) to make us understand that she can't be taken lightly.. At all costs.

I was never fond of the way Klaus treated Genevieve, toying with her and playing with her feelings, so it was nice to see her getting a satisfying revenge.

And boy, Francesca turning out to be a surviving Guerrero werewolf? Wow, just wow. She was leading the human faction without ever being a human! Talk about deceiving your counterparts!

Marcel's attack on the house was always going to be a treat to watch, considering Elijah were to take the spotlight. But it would have been predictable nonetheless. So what do the writers do? They throw in an unexpected, awesome-ly horrifying wolf attack in the middle, thanks to a little hidden pact between Genevieve and Francesca.

Let's not forget that, between all this, Mikael is getting closer and closer to returning in actuality. I just wish he gets a longer period to say.

And what about that last scene where Klaus is limping and screaming helplessly? It was an agonizing yet thought provoking situation. Power and Authority are two different things, perhaps this was the best portrayal?

With the baby about to come, three of the cast members bitten, and the threat of Mikael looming, the wait for the finale is outstandingly torturous.

All in all, a job well done, writers!!

True Detective

A Classic, no doubt!
Quite possibly the best drama series, True Detective's eerie sequences and irresistible cinematic appeal draws you into its mystifying world which questions the temporal logic and makes you witness utterly unspeakable horrors courtesy of a villain who, in my opinion, joins the ranks with the likes of Hannibal Lecter. The fact that two (hands down) exceptional actors, McConaughey and Harrelson, take the lead roles doesn't hurt either.

Rust Cohle, with his enigmatic past and fancy dialogue, quickly turns into a character very difficult to dislike. In fact, his lines are so good that IGN did a "Best of.." article on them.

Marty Hart, meanwhile, is flawed and reactive, but we still see that he has a good heart. His family issues, relationship troubles, humorous responses to Cohle's theories... these all attributes make him an interesting character to follow.

Cary Fukunaga, director of all the eight episodes, does a hell of a job. The past-present-past loop sequences prove entertaining and thoroughly gripping, all the time making us question the "True" side of "True Detective" in an intellectual fashion. Though every episodes is spectacular, for me, Episode 4 (Who Goes There) and Episode 5 (The Secret Phase of All Life) are the stand outs.

All in all, this is the show that you just can't ignore. Go watch it if you haven't already, and witness TV at its finest.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Just what everybody was hoping for! =)
The moment Catching Fire got released, I rushed into the cinema to watch it. I was waiting anxiously and as a die hard fan of the books, my expectations were very high.

From the very first scene, I was hooked! Jennifer's acting (as usual) was superb while other characters got extended roles too. I especially liked Haymitch and Plutarch Heavensbee the most (RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman)=(

The direction was outstanding, with even the seemingly most plain scenes carrying an irresistible vibe. In my opinion, the games were better portrayed here than in the first installment, and the climax was filmed so beautifully that I'm 125% sure those who have not read the book would never be able to guess what's in the store! (okay, so now I'm jealous =P)

And that last scene with Katniss turning all angry and vengeful, well, I don't have the words to describe it; Jennifer Lawrence is definitely THE best young actress around at the moment.

All in all, a very very good film, well worth watching multiple times. I conclude by highly recommending this to everyone. A bit of a request though, start with watching the first part.. You'll easily get the story then =)

Ah man, I just CAN'T wait for the next parts!!! =D

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