
IMDb member since March 2005
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    19 years


Captain Video and His Video Rangers

My first larger-than-life hero
Captain Video, flying fearlessly from planet to planet, protecting the universe from evil, introducing a little child to space ships, exotic peoples and worlds, robots, science, and science fiction. What a legacy to the world! Captain Video is the pioneer who made possible Star Trek and Star Wars and countless other flights of the imagination.

The stories were hokey, the special effects were nonexistent, even the Polaris and the Galaxy were obviously little plastic models with sparks coming out their exhausts, but none of that was important. The courage and the excitement of traveling to strange places and meeting exotic people and bravely defending the weak and the helpless were the things that mattered, the things that lasted through the years, the things that inspired the future.

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