
IMDb member since February 2014
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Peace in the Valley

This is the worst movie I ever saw
And I see about 500 movies a year. The director is not even capable to handle his extras. They are moving to slow or fast. The dialogues are so nightmarish bad, pointless, leading to nowhere and repetitive. Just as the ridiculous scenario, story and pace.

Oh OK this movies goes about grieve. A woman mourns about her husband shot dead after being a hero in a supermarket. I know everybody handles the loss of a loved one different. But Kubler Ross who wrote a respected book on this issue would be devestated when she saw this movie. All her theories would fall apart. Anyway I verified the genre of this movie. It's not a comedy, satire or parody. Even the title is incomprehensible. I think this movie was made under the influence and peace of some happy cigarettes.

Insidious: The Red Door

At the writing room I think ...
... everybody there was aiming to get rid of these franchise. Or they were just totally incapable to perform anything due to a low budget. Or they were thinking starting a strike already. It must be sure one of this reasons . Whatever it was, the result is unseen before. Extreme silly and boring story. Ridiculous dialogues, make-up and acting. My only jump scare was when my partner wake me up. Because I fell asleep trying to watch such an easy way of trying to collect some money out of what was built-up in the first two episodes. Without any shame. I think afterwards they left by the red door. So if they had however a little shame nobody would really noticed it on their faces.

From: Silhouettes
Episode 5, Season 1

This kid is squird?
Please get this kid (ethan I think) out of the show. Not only him! But he is far the most ennoying actor. Sure his parents are proud about him. But... I hope he is really not like that in real life.

The way he looks in the camera seems he is squird without being squird. I have really no problem with that . But give him then a role tjat suits him like that. Or train him at least as an actor being not squird. Or is it a kind of early method acting?

Anyway except from this , he is besides from the character Boyd the second best actor of this show. So keep trying. He can't help it also the writers gave him stupid dialogues .


You want to escape? Turn your TV out!
From when it started until now (I stopped watching in the beginning of episode 2 season 2 ) it all went so lost. Yes, already at such an early time. The series they tried to copy waited to went wrong somewhere in season 4. But from the beginning of season 2 this show goes already to the absolute bottom.

In the first season I stayed hooked for a while. The set was well done, I had some nostalgia feelings for the 70's and the mystery in the show was quite well dosed. You had to cope with some primary school level dialogues and B-movie acting but you didn't want to escape right away. Ethan that kid however at who they probably all the time had to show at which point he had to look at the camera while acting is really someone you never want to see appear at another casting bureau.

But then from the beginning of season 2 the writers completely lost control. Probably because the producers smelled an upcoming season 3 (with seems to be confirmed). So they try to make the story lines unnecessary stretched, irrelevant, boring, stupid and dumb cliché.

I could escape by just turning the TV out.

A Wake

I couldn't find anything good
Sometimes I wonder how people manage to bring out a movie without anyone saying to them that they have made an awful bad movie. Really everything in this movie is wrong: the directing, the pace, the composition, the sound recording, the script, the dialogues, the 'special' effects, the acting, the timing, the focus on the themes, even the choise of music and the make up And the voice of character Molly sounds so irritating that even my dog went nervous from it.

What a waste of time, probably talent and money.

They should use this movie as a case for students who are learning the art of making a movie to show them them all the possible mistakes they never should make.


Brucelabrucelabrucelabruce he is the narcist
I look about 250 so called Indie movies a year. I am 60 years old . I finally found the most bad movie ever seen. I even have no power to tell why everone should avoid this movie. Is it for the total lack of inspiration in the story telling, the pace of the movie that even a child at primary school can improve, the irritating repeat of a flash forward in the first 20 minutes, the extreme boring camera angles , the fact that you shall cringe your fingers and toes about the script and meaningless dialogues? I don't know. I pay 10 times the price back for what I for paid to see this 'movie' To anyone who can get my money back from where I bought it.

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