
IMDb member since April 2005
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    19 years


Lake Michigan Monster

Great Film
Great Film, great cast, writing, acting, creative. Campy! Loved this film so much fun!


Great fun for the whole family, unique, but hard to find.
Very unique filming style, well written and directed. Fun family movie, kept me involved. Filmed in a play like style and with a fun and interesting cast. Girl in background with dark hair was beautiful. Hard to find, just by chance was able to see. Hope it comes to DVD, fun to own, kids loved it want to see it again. Rick Ramage is a serious director that will become a rising star, his writing is already well received and imaginative. He has a keen eye for talent, and know a keen eye for direction. Released as a school field trip all over the country to allow elementary kids to see his magic first hand, would do well on the Hallmark series. Hope to see more of RR and his future projects.

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