
IMDb member since March 2014
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A great slow burn literally. With terrific acting by Brad Pitt
I liked this movie very much. Brad Pitts acting gets better and better with age. When he plays himself as a soft spoken real person, he is so much more effective, especially in a role like this. Although stoicism presides, his character reaches down into the deepest part of his emotions. I think many of us can connect in some way with the loss of our fathers whether it be spiritually, emotionally or physically. Brad Pitt does a great job In showing us that with great responsibility can coincide with sacrifice and loss.

Tommy Lee Jones played the role very well although we don't see much of him, but we do see him as a man wrott with remorse by guided by purpose.

He just could not let of his dream to find extra terrestrial life, no matter what the cost. In the end even after telling his son that he didn't care about him or his mother in the past, you know that he loved his son as much as he could, physically and emotionally capable of guilt but ultimately he could not let go of his obsession...And in the end he remained where he felt peace and tranquillity, selfish by letting his son down but giving his son the satisfaction in knowing that he was alive all that time. By not fighting his son to disarm the bomb. In the end excepting his faith and choosing his fate, drifting off into Oblivion. I really like this movie it's another slow burn that really makes you connect emotionally! It wrapped it's self around me and didn't let go. Brad Pitts acting was very well done like I state, he's come a long way with toning down his overreacting and I believe he is going to start winning Oscars as he changes over In age. Pitts a different actor, and man with a persona that I've been waiting for and waiting to see since Thelma and Louis. The cinematography of this movie was absolutely beautiful and it left me with a feeling of peace and tranquillity and a satisfaction in the end that Brad Pitt makes it back to earth and back to real life and can reflect on his mission and know where his priorities lay, in life and in the future. I wish he would've got up to embrace Liv Tyler in the end, but then again we have to leave something for the imagination. Overall I really liked it! I'd like to give it a nine but I'll stick with the high eight since I can't do that I'll give it a eight out of 10 but it was a great movie. I'm looking forward to more of Brad Pitt acting more like Brad Pitt. He did a great job and should be awarded. Thank you for reading my review


I'm a white boy Canadian in this movie was dope
Awesome black gangster movie. It's been along time since the good ones come out. Prince is a wicked lead Every character is good in the movie ghost face set it off too. I'm a white boy Canadian in this movie was great

Rocky V

My Rocky Review
I had a really hard time last night where my life fell apart just like Rocky's, I watched this movie again for probably the 15th time but i hadn't seen it in about 8 years...today is a new day and watching this movie made the tears well up in my eyes...The story of a guy on top losing everything only to get back what's most important...his self worth and dignity and of course his honor...Great movie!! Great acting, remember folks this a Rocky movie, a boxing movie, an American Classic!! Thanks Sylvester Stallone your a true hero!! I could watch all his movies over and over, anytime. The cast members are all great actors and will always be remembered in the hearts of millions of fans around the world. I can't wait to see Creed as it looks to really rekindle the fire from previous installments of the series. I highly recommend these movies to anyone looking to be entertained.


Awesome Movie!!
I actually really liked this movie! It was frantic and exciting with strong character performances. I have never seen the original movies but threw this on late at night at my home in Vancouver and was instantly drawn in by the great story and cool plot line and dope music! The one thing i didn't like was the end but at the time of watching it i didn't realize that it was part 1. the lead actor was good, I read someone say he was kind of a dweeb, but i personally think he was great and his character was supposed to be like that. I think he was still a strong person not a geek or dweeb. i myself was in the drug trade for many years and this movie and his frantic performance rings true....Glad I got out when I did but i looks like for him things are just getting started!! Awesome music to keep the movie flowing as well!! I personally cant wait to see the next movie!! #Bravo I'm also a big fan of N.W.R love his movies

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