
IMDb member since April 2005
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I love this very much but i have one request WARNING: May contain spoilers.
Can you PLEASE stop letting the little troll Russel come back?! i mean really there's people out there that need the money and hes just a back stabbing son of know. Yeah, i know other people stab each other in the back but COME ON!! do you really need to let a parasite back almost every freaking season?! PLEASE next time PLEASEE pick somebody else and not Russel ( the fat troll ) he DOES NOT deserve to be there, he doesn't need the money, he doesn't need anything but a swift kick in the rear. BUT other then the little black hearted troll, i LOVE this show especially the challenges and the scenery, I'm not going to be watching Redemption island, sorry i know it looks like a good season ( Personally i'm rooting for Boston rob ) next time please don't EVER let the troll come back, how about letting people on the show that have a lot of debt or need the money to get by their bills?. Yes there must be a villain, Naonka proved that last season, but in every season there's a villain that steps up ( unfortunately ) Russell's had his turn why does he get to have second chances when other people need this more? YES i know this like a duel between Boston rob and Russel.

The Perils of Pauline

The Perils of Pauline w/ Pat Boone
I LOVED this movie as a child and it's wonderful! AS mentioned before, You NEVER see it on TV, not even TCM! I do wish Someone would either release this or TCM show it sometime. I'm 44 and ONCE in 44 years! Come on! This is a great movie for the whole family, it's got everything, romance, comedy, mystery, drama, etc. Terry Thomas is great as he usually was in practically anything he starred in during his career. And Pat Boone when he sang his song about Pauline, I felt it was SO heartwarming and touching! It's a shame that when a good family movie can not get released to the public OR did somebody buy the rights to this movie and for some reason do not want to distribute it?

Bill Cosby: Himself

Bill Cosby, Himself
A hilarious movie that STILL has me laughing as hard as the first time! Anyone who has kids or even got drunk will sit back in approval having similar experienced. My kids have watched this and found it Hilarious! I'm so glad that they enjoyed watching it! Appropriate for children to view (he only uses mild profanity three times). I also hope to obtain a copy of this as well. A Must See!!! A Classic Comedy to watch time and time again! Bill Cosby at his best! It's like fine wine, it gets better with age. If you have never seen this hilarious movie, then what are you waiting for? Rent it! Borrow it from your local library! Or borrow it from a friend who does own it. GET IT AND WATCH IT TODAY, NOW!!!

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Goodbye, Mr.Chips
I saw this movie today (7-26-05) for the very first time. I saw it at the library and was compelled to view this movie, whose title I am familiar with being a "Movie Lover" as well as a movie trivia buff. At first I found it a bit Long and slightly boring. However, I was patient to view this "Classic" movie and found it to be a wonderful story that was amusing at times as well as sad. But most of all I personally found it quite touching. If you enjoy old black & white movies and classic's as well, (I've known some people who would not dare watch anything in black & white) and can sit through 115 minutes, it will be a cherished favorite that you will want to see again and again. I hope to own a copy of "Goodbye, Mr.Chips" someday.

50 First Dates

50 First Dates
Both me and my two young daughters throughly enjoyed this movie! Being Huge fans of Adam Sandler as well as Drew Barrymore. Personally I found the movie hilarious as well as very touching! And the scenery was extremely breath-taking. Great selection of music. My favorite is the Hawaiian version of "Over The Rainbow. Very Touching! For a female I'm not that into "Chick Flicks", very rarely though. However, I do enjoy a good romantic comedy and Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore are the Perfect team for such movies! Last but not least Rob Schneider and Sean Astin's characters were HILARIOUS and practically stole the show! Great job on both Blake Clark and Dan Aykroyd as well. My Favorite (extra)character. The Old man at the diner! This definitely a movie to have in your collection!!!

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