Reviews (1)

  • It's hard to tell what Cross was going for with this series. He's always been a pessimistic anarchist with a dark sense of humor, but the genius behind Mr. Show is just lacking in this show. I feel bad because he nearly went broke trying to get this show made. The show is in the same spirit of Meet the Parents, where the protagonist just can't catch a break and gets sh@t on throughout the story. The difference is that I feel bad and can sympathize with Gaylord Focker, but I feel nothing for Todd Margaret besides annoyance. That being's very well paced. The first two seasons are never boring and it has a weird cartoony vibe that makes it watchable. Also Arnett is at his most coke'd out, and it's incredible. If anything can be said about this show it's that Arnett is acting his balls off. One more thing...season 3 is garbage. It's the opposite of inspired and brilliant. The overall story arc is one of the laziest I've seen on TV. Anyways...6/10. I love you David Cross, and you're welcome to judge my poorly worded reviews.