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Alone Together

Tired, dreary and terrible
Aside from the almost-50 Ms. Holmes trying (and failing) to act 30, this movie fails on so many levels that it almost makes it an art form. The acting is clunky, the sets make very little sense and there is no romance OR comedy anywhere in this 'romantic comedy'. In fact, I don't remember cracking a smile, even a pity smile, for as long as I could stomach watching it.

The pandemic was a real thing that we still haven't quite gotten a handle on, that's about as close to a truth as this movie ever divulged...everything else is just garbage.

Oh, there was one interesting thing about this movie - the car that the male actor drives. Where on earth did they find an early '80s Mustang 2 that wasn't riddled with rust and still runs?? Now that's impressive!

The One That Got Away

Shallow, self involved nonsense
What can one say about the show that is obviously created just a philosophy created just to fill a slot in the in the millennial bracket?. The contestants on this show are all shallow, self involved, self-promoting people of a very distinct demogeaphic rqnge - upwardly mobile, confident, pretty Millenials.

Of course they have the token gay man and Asian woman, but they both qualify for the same bracket. These people aren't really looking for love because they all seem to lack the mental maturity for any real connection, they are just looking to fill a slot in their mental picture.( Pretty, upwardly mobile spouse to contribute to our life goals - check!!) For almost all of us real love comes when you aren't ooking, aren't expecting it and open your heart to it, not when you are just looking for a business partner. These relationships are doomed to fail before they start, maybe not in the space of this show but within 5 years, tops. But hey, at least the setting and people are pretty.

Want to run a real show like this? Pick people of all walks of life, with a ton more diversity and age range. I'd love to see this show for 30-60 year-olds, with most in their mid-to late 40s. These are people that have actually lived, have regrets and wish for a do-over (but I know those people are out of the 'prime spenders' category *sigh*).

Red Notice

Not good, not bad, not worth remembering.
Final verdict: a good film to watch when you are bored out of your mind and there is absolutely nothing to do, but you won't remember it 3 days after viewing.

From my viewpoint the movie itself is uninspired and unoriginal, mass-produced in a new skin. I actually think this movie would have been a lot better WITHOUT the star power of both actors, as all they simply did a 'by-the-book' repeat of architypes they have already played more than once.

If they could have done with more dramatic undertones and less of traits we've already seen, perhaps it would have been more watchable. I would love to see both of these actors expand their repetoir!

Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

The HWB takes a beating
The 1st one in this series was I thought incredibly funny, new and original. Ryan Reynolds and Samuel Jackson seem to just jell as a comedic team, and Salma Hayak adds a perfect cherry on top.

But the second fails in so many different ways. The jokes feel recycled and unoriginal. The characters don't grow or mature, stuck as tropes of the past...and in many cases get worse.

In the first Reynolds was a bodyguard trying to solve problems in an unteneble situation but doing a great job in the finale, proving that he IS actually a great bodyguard. In this one, he's just a useless head case who never does get it together. In fact, the whole ending is a nonsensical jumble we end up being thankful for, just to get it over with.

I expected much better from this great cast. 😢

The English Game

Netflix Sports is an obvious oxymoron
Only Netflix could produce a series about football where not a single moment was played.

Much praise has been lauded at Netflix for creating the 'Downton Abbey for men'. But it must be true, because this woman finds it very disappointing that its so big on bro power and so light on facts and play of the actual sport it supposedly chronicles.

And if there ever is a Season 2, have the actor playing the keeper at least dive TOWARD the ball(even if he misses)? Please?


This isn't bad acting...
..this is worse than that. This cast can't act at ALL. Heck, Nimway can't even run, and looks to be in terrible shape. The 'action' scenes are like early testing runs done at half speed with no contact, and the protagonist looks confused and ..lost(?) most of the time. The mother's death scene is particularly bad, as not a single person in that scene looks even remotely competent( though the mom looks vaguely familiar, like an Ashley Judd lookalike?

Overall, I have no idea why this was ever even made...what niche was this supposed to fill?

365 dni

The ending was like a different movie...
I liked this movie, honestly. If my kids were young when this came out on Netflix, however, I probably would have had a very different reaction, as with 3 girls the conversation could have been ..problematic just trying to get a word in edgewise, as they commented, compared notes and egged each other on.

I don't know how this got on Netflix. It's soft-core porn. Most of the movie isn't about plot at all, and we don't get to know the deep motivations of the characters beyond skin-deep. (Even though they both have very nice skin. 😍) Heck, I'm a woman over 30 (& 40). I'm totally unashamed at looking and maybe even fantasizing about.😈

*** PLEASE NOTE: MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW!! *** You have been warned.

The ending was ...shocking, unsatisfying and left me feeling totally rotten. We FINALLY get to the point wherewe know more about the characters, and I empathized with how Laura was feeling. Yes, most of us have a bit of Laura inside us that wants to be taken care of. Massimo isn't such a bad guy, and loves us completely. We just got engaged, found out we were getting married ..and suddenly she's/we're dead? Wtf?

Suddenly this movie is about anger and revenge, not sexy happiness, and it twists inside, making me really not like where we ended up.

The only thing I can take from it is the hope that she isn't actually dead. We don't actually see a burning wreck or a corpse maybe this is setting up for a sequel? I can see where that could go, all the mistaken signals could make a good flick, and how I would write it (because I'm actually screenwriter, just not this genre). Perhaps cops they found a burned-out wreck, but no bodies. Massimo gets directions but it doesn't say who. His right-hand man is playing both sides of the fence, and REALLY wants her dead, because when she isn't around Mass is colder, deadlier, but with her he gets weak. So they play a cat & mouse game, and by the time he gets her back, both have changed and their personalities somewhat reversed - she's become an ice-cold killer and he's found his emotional side.

...but that's just fantasy because the current ending left such a bad taste. I have no idea why they did such a discordant, disfunctional twist at the very end.

My score reflects this, because otherwise it would have been much higher.

Gods of Egypt

It's hard to get more hapless and stupid than this
Obviously some American decided that he would take it into his head to rewrite stories over 2 millenia old, from that unique perspective.

But it was too complex... so he ditched the narrative, ditched the story (though he kept the names - catchy!) and wrote a new one, probably on the back of a Hard Rock Nevada napkin during a weeklong bender in Las Vegas.

Then he hired a drinking buddy to do casting, and he banged it out over the week (who cares if there's no Egyptian - or almost anyone with middle-Eastern blood anywhere in the cast? Americans won't notice and we can always get a couple of pretty mixed-heritage girls for cheap - yay gender inequity!) before getting Gerard really drunk, forging his signature on a contract and leaving it beside his passed-out head so he thought he agreed to it. And hey, lets keep them doing LA accents because those foreign accents are just too hard to understand!

(Author's note: yes, this tongue-in-cheek sarcasm isn't the real story... I think. This movie is just such garbage I couldn't give it a real review)

Station 19: Get Up, Stand Up
Episode 12, Season 4

A very powerful episode.
I have been highly critical of this season. However, I will totally break that mold for this episode, which I found both timely and insightful.

There is something going on in North American society right now that is so big that it's hard to wrap our brains around it. At its cancerous root are so many issues that don't have a quick fix or easy solution, that need a lot of self-examination and personal growth.

As a 50 year-old Caucasian, I didn't understand or even see a problem until things started to heat up in my area regarding aboriginal issues in North America (around 6 years ago, I think?). Before that, I had no idea about aboriginal culture, languages or the massive relocation and deliberate genocide/slaughter of their peoples. That wasn't what I learned in society or taught in school at that time. It took that long for the house of cards to come crashing down, for the lies on lies our government force-fed us to burn a hole in our gut.

And ever since then the hits have just kept coming. Every new relevation just makes me feel worse, because the fantasy country I was so proud of, in whose military I spent a decade, was a farce, a mask hiding the decay eating away at our bones. I can no longer look at the police, health care or government in anywher near the same way. Individual first responders can and are true heroes every day... but the system is rotten at its core.

I totally empathized with the feelings in this episode, especially feeling powerless or even understanding how to help, the hostility directed at my race - you have definite cause. But feeling angry doesn't change anything, all it does is entrench bad behaviours.

Finally, I feel sad for those people that rated the episode a 1. In most cases, that same system is holding them in it's thrall without them even realizing it. I can understand that urge to stick our fingers in our ears and loudly babble nonsense, because it's so much easier to do that, ignore the truth and finger point at ANYONE else rather than hear hard truths about the biases and the systemic racial biases in our own behaviour. So they don't, instead making up non-sensical arguments just to avoid actually confronting the widespread problems('It's so boring', 'I don't want politics', 'Left wing conspiracies' (guess the truth is a left-wing conspiracy?) or my personal favourite, 'Real cops and firefighters don't act this way'. So they aren't real people, with the good and the bad, dealing with their own challenges and triumphs just like everyone else?).

As always, I wish everyone health, hope and love. You are awesome!

Station 19: Make No Mistake, He's Mine
Episode 8, Season 4

An episode of errors
Season 1 of this show was great, S2 was good, S3 was ok...but this was the first that I've seem obvious technical errors. There were several, but I'll only cover the one that was like a running joke for 5 min:

At around 31:50 running time it looked like the captain and ex-capt were headed for another confrontation as he tries to mansplain to her why she's wrong when he jumps up, grabs a sheet and says "Trust me!"(and if you could find a woman who hasn't heard THAT before) before the scene fades.

The ep jumps to the B story, where the paramedic pats the unconscious guy ineffectually, yelling in his ear "Can you hear me!?" He doesn't respond, which is not a surprise, but it's the fact that this is ALL that he's doing seems very un-paramedic to me?(I've worked with more than a few, and the moment someone goes unconscious they go into overdrive, not stop to ask inane questions. Especially as they don't know how long he was unconscious before they even arrived on the scene? They should be checking breathing and blood pressure, checking for other injuries, moving dangerous paraphanelia out of the way, so many other things.

But then again they must have read ahead and realized in the next scene he wakes up from just smelling salts (after a drug overdose? Since when does THAT work?)

Anyway, back to the A story, which just ENTIRELY SKIPPED OVER that coming conflict? Obviously she lost whateveritwas.

Then the end of the ep there was more mansplaining why she needs to do things more his way, because she's young and female and therefore less able. And I don't think they ever did call the police on the twits that shot the arrow in their friend's head?

No One Lives

My new 'Worst Film Ever.'
I don't know how this movie got a rating of 6 on IMDB, but that is some serious vote-padding. A 3 is too high.

It is beyond awful. The plot, the acting, the sets... nothing about this movie makes sense. It's like someone broke into a prop warehouse for one of the old Frday the 13th movies and just started haphazardly deciding scenes of mayhem, Saturday Night Live-style (improptu). There's no continuity, the equipment just appears and disappears at random, they just make shuff up on the fly ..and the whole time everyone chats it up like they're at the gym, even while they're dying. Why? Nobody asks why. The protagonist apparently slaughters 14 members at a college party, and kidnaps the 15th because... they wanted to save her for a later snack? Retirement planning? Want to turn her into a Manchurian Candidate to assassinate her father?

Maybe they make up some lame explanation at the end, but I couldn't handle more than half of it.

Utter trash.

Safe House

Could have been good...
It had all the right elements, and was done in the style of the Bourne movies which Matt Damon made famous.

Pros: The two lead actors still did an excellent job with a movie that lost it's way.

Cons: This movie's copycat videography, a confused plot liberally salted with holes and sometime laughable dialogue (near the beginning when Agents are going to waterboard Denzel' character, Ryan's says "Is that legal?" This character is supposed to be an agent of the CIA? That's ok, he obviously gets over it because later he shoots a policeman for no apparent reason.)

Also, is Reynold's character a CIA analyst or an agent, because he acts like an analyst but fights like a seasoned assassin?

The Rookie: True Crime
Episode 7, Season 3

Episode title should be 'Lost & Confused'
I'm a huge fan of this series and Nathan Fillion, but this episode was completely bizarre.

It hops back and forth, as if trying to pretend to be a bad episode of 'Cops' with random outtakes with officers afterwards. Unfortunately, the sometimes abysmal acting and poor lighting done by police, crews and suspects in 'Cops' can be excused because neither are actually actors... an excuse not available here, because we know these people CAN act... most of the time?

The timelines presented didn't seem to make sense, skipping forward without showing when or why it was being done. These seemingly random jumps are exasterbated by 'new current' scenes with the actors, while not even attempting to fill in the gaps in logic created by the actors-turned-cops-turned-actors. Speaking of which, even the actors approached this episode haphazardly, as if they either didn't know what they were doing or didn't care, which again I thought was unusual for this show?

In conclusion, I have no idea why this confusing and unnecessary episode was even made, let alone made it past producers to my screen. Other than killing could have better utilized by doing pretty much anything else, this completely unnecessary and forgettable episode had no point and did not appear to advance any story arcs. So again I come back to the root question. ...Why? Did they run out of time to cut something better? Was this slapped together by art school students for a project? Was the showrunner kidnapped by aliens with a perverse love of bad tv? Why?...

On a more serious note, I hope we quickly get back to the show I've liked so much in the short time its been on. I hope we never see another like this?

With love to all. (Because we all need it in times like these.)

Good Girls Revolt

The time is now (wish it had been then)
This was so well done, showing those women as being different facets of frustration all boiling over.

I have no idea why this was cancelled in 2016, whether it was subvertive misogyny by the Old White Boy's Network (I doubt this, but anything is possible where the Network is concerned?) or some bean-counter saying it didn't hit the right 'magic number', it was a great series with a message that resonates in our time.

It's timely to get this back in the Prime rotation right now because it fits so well with #MeToo and #BLM movements. The sad thing is that for all the strides those women made, by the time the 80s came around we had run into another brick wall. In some areas, it actually went in reverse, with women losing the rights we had fought so hard for. I was born two years after these events (1971), and in the 80s we believed our future was limitless, heady with 'girl power'.

Sadly, within 10 years most of us knew better.

But it's coming around again, and my children (in their mid-late 20s now) and those just behind them will hopefully do better at making the field ACTUALLY better than we ever did.

I would have loved seeing at least one more season of this show. More than that, I would love to see a 'GGR: The Fight Continues' series around equality battles that are still persist (there's a lot).

Because we won't stop. We can't. For both ourselves and our own children. Until all people everywhere are viewed as equal and valuable, every single person is at risk.

Even the OWB Network.

Because if they can't realize that we're all connected, then they will be too blind to see it, too arrogant to accept it and too slow to stop it when the Revolt brings their world to a sudden, jarring stop.

The Beaverton

Canadian SNL
This show reminds me of the OLD SNL (Saturday Night Live back when the likes of Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy were stalwarts there.

It's a show that makes subtle light of recent events. And yes, sometimes the joke misses. Some times it even ticks me off! But sometimes Eddie said things that were racist, vulgar and completely insensitive.

THESE ARE COMEDIANS. This show is not (and was never meant) to be taken seriously! We as a nation tend to be and appreciate subtle sarcasm. And if you've ever gone to see stand-up comedians in clubs, there are always jokes that are hit and miss, but good comedians just blow through the duds and more on, it's part of life on that circle.

I appreciate this sort of layered, intelligent sarcasm. But I'm also Canadian, so I can say that if some people don't like it, that's ok too! We still love and care about you, whomever you are. Have a great day!

The Darkest Minds

The latest blockbuster trilogy
Although this was a different subject matter, this obviously fits the studios idea of an 'Original Premise'. It's not, but it does fit the studio's mold and they do like to just pump out blockbusters (the same but different). Plot holes and questions include:

  • Was there some magic cut off of year that they became 'more'?
  • Where are children born in the intervening years, or is it saying that everyone just stops having children and blithely hands over their current ones? (As a mother of 4, I will fight to my last breath for any of mine or my grandchildren. And I am not alone. Almost all mothers feel the same way.)
  • If life hasn't stopped, what the heck is going on? Did everyone stop working to just go golfing? (granted, this world would be depressing as all heck.)

Anyway, more in that vein. Instead of any original thought, Hollywood falls back on the same tired tropes, pulp fiction over and over.

An Interview with God

Interesting angle
Definitely Judeo-Christian centric (completely ignores all other faiths), but it brings up several interesting questions that occur to many people of faith.

Questions like 'Do you exist?' and 'How can you prove it?' are peppered throughout, though some questions are just ignored and 'God' does seem to lie in at least one area (The direct insinuation that he is going to die very very soon - though maybe the insinuation was that he would have died that day without His direct intervention on that day?)

Although I personnally tend to disbelieve in organized religion for the sake of religion, but I am spiritual and found this brought up some interesting theological arguments, whether or not you agreed with the movie's answers. Not a total waste of time, I thought.

The Bygone

Could have been so much better
There was almost a lot to like about this movie. Decent main story, some good twists, I thought some of the acting was very good (very impressed by Ms. Starsong!).

On the other hand, some was subcalibre (Kip was only believable as that kid you ignored in high school. Poor casting choice there!) and the minor plots were yawn-worthy.

I can overlook some things just by assuming they had a limited budget. But the (ridiculously overused) action device of running out of bullets? Do they not know how to load the guns, or did they only have 10 blanks for the whole movie? In the final scene, Kip fires 3 shots and is out of bullets for 2 (6 shot) revolvers, one of which he didn't cock before he fired (Given that we are told ahead of time that they are single action, pulling that trigger without cocking should have done nothing NOT fired the weapon.) WTF?

Anyway, that's where this movie falls apart. I'm guessing a producer hacked it up post-production.

The Letter for the King

This could have been decent, but the result is garbage.
I'm not sure where the blame lies - writers, directors or producers. But somewhere along the way this went from being a decent PG series to watch with the kids to just a logic-less slapfest of scenes just pasted together to form something resembling garbage.

I'll give just one 5-minute example of this, taken after my 11 year-old started pointing things out to me (I'm a screenwriter and am used to this, but he's ...well, 11. )

(Backstory - end of ep. 1) NIGHT Tiuri charges off cliff on horseback, falling into deep river. Loses consciousness, still underwater.

(ep. 2)

DAY Tiuri is deep in river mud. (( Way too deep, and a long way from the river. How did he get here?? )) Woken by Horse. (( Which apparently found him in the dark from a fast-flowing river - some horse! )) Spits out water and sits up. (( Was apparently in suspended animation for 8 hours or so - How else do you explain the lack of oxygen for all that time? )) Hears pursuers coming. (( Because they have GPS )) Jumps on Horse, races away - and yelling at Horse the whole time that he is going too fast. (( telegraphing - a great way to ruin any surprise )) Falls off. (( No, really? )) Clambers around, trying to reacquire scroll. Hears pursuit again, and ... Is suddenly at least 12 feet up tree, hanging over the pursuers as they clop under. (( Tiuri is apparently both a world-class tree climber and a danger junkie, as he could have hidden in a bush, or stealthed away in a different direction (since he knew what direction they were coming from. )) Climbs down. (( Much harder than climbing up, as boys, girls and cats everywhere can attest. )) Is suddenly in front of his castle (( apparently was just around the corner, as he (a) no longer had Horse (which, strangely, didn't stop after losing its rider, like 99% of all horses out there) and (b) presumably doesn't know where he is (He did jump from a cliff into a river onto a path he fell off of...) Don't worry, I'm sure Horse will appear like magic again soon...))

And that was just 5 minutes to start episode 2.

My son and I left Netflix and went to play a game.


Smoking and drinking lobby
Whoever got paid for this cr@p sold their artistic soul to the tobacco and liquor lobbies.

This is the future of Hollywood unless something serious happens. Seriously, smoking and drinking (alcohol will not (and should not) happen in a spacecraft. It's totally illogical, and an astronaut would never do it (especially on a 10 year mission??)

Hollywood glitz sold for crack. My new lowest movie of all time. (It beat Warriors of the Wasteland, the previous titleholder for junk, and WotW was men wrapped in tinfoil!) A new low.

Darkest Hour

Gary Oldman's darkest hour
This film is an exercise in Hollywood story making (not storytelling, as I believe it should be for historical dramas). As many others have already stated, the historical inaccuracies are significant, but I would concentrate more on Oldman's Churchill. In this version he's an old, addled cigar-brandishing drunk, unlike the wily, ingenious strategist history actually recognises him as. Very disappointing overall.

9-1-1: Lone Star

Very, very poorly done
As a big fan of 9-1-1, I was intrigued by this show, just one season after the original debuted. But this is poorly written, poorly executed and just plain bad, with none of the excellently written plots and acting of the original. This is a cash cow following a formula, nothing else.

As many others have noted, the plots are threadbare but the diversity is WAY over the top, especially considering that this is supposed to be Texas. Not a open-carry redneck or truck with a gun rack to be found, but there is a fire truck with more LGBTQ++ than the entire rest of the city?


I suspect this could have been a good, even great movie if only...
...if it had come to a different director and producer.

I can totally see the unrealized potential in this terrible, disjointed mess of a film. Why on Earth Nicolas Cage decided to add his face to this mess is beyond me, but lately he has made so many bizarre choices it doesn't really surprise me.


Train wreck...
The secondary plotline (the one about the growing relationship of Kort and Daniel) is sweet, funny, poignant and endearing, even if very Aryan nation.

The primary, that of the weird, nasty, unfunny trainwreck played by Ms Luccardi, isn't worth spending 5 minutes on. This is the type of 'friend' who will use you, drain you dry, screw up your life and then move on to destroy others.

However, just to make a bad movie worse, in the finale she does a Jeckyl switch, apologizes for everything and instantly becomes 'perfect in every way.'



After school special
Although I am much older than the characters in the book, I actually really enjoyed it (I borrowed it from one of my daughter's bookshelves while she is off at university, to be honest.). It's good and light escapist literature. This was on Amazon Prime, so I thought I would give it a try.

I was quite disappointed. It is poorly directed, poorly produced, not very well acted and the pacing is atrocious. Seriously, they have sex at about the same pacing as they study in the library, to even the same tempo of music? It lasts about 15 seconds, (which is about right for boys that age, from what I remember.😎), but I thought this was an important point in the story, when she finally commits completely to Hardin - in the movie, more of the same.

The movie seems short, but I think that's because the movie never switches gears. Same rhythm, same pacing, we're just killing time until our parents get home.

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